How about free tuition for illegal immigrants?

27 November 2002
Bills offer immigrant privileges

Gov. Gray Davis is poised to decide on two controversial measures that could give illegal residents more rights.
By Jim Sanders -- Bee Capitol Bureau
Published 2:15 a.m. PDT Monday, September 22, 2003

After granting illegal immigrants the right to obtain driver's licenses in California, Gov. Gray Davis now must decide whether to sign bills qualifying them for free community college tuition and requiring local governments to honor identification cards issued by the Mexican government.

Think I'll become an illegal...

Just think - the triple car taxes that you'll be paying for your NSX will go towards my tuition!!
Nothing against immigrants, it wouldnt be their fault. But its just piss poor to offer free tuition when you have to be over the age of 25 in this country to be considered "independent" and get a break on tuition. This is even if you have been living by yourself since the age of 17.

I didnt go back to school until I was 23, but I was still sour about it because I hadnt lived at home for a few years....
"After granting illegal immigrants the right to obtain driver's licenses in California,...."

What does the word "ILLEGAL" mean again? So now we have degrees of illegality?

Maybe this is another manifestation of PC-ness. I'm not Mexican-American, Italian-American, etc... I'm an Illegal Immigrant-American! Geez....
Illegal immigrants are usually those who came to this country legally but overstayed their visas. A very small percentage are those who sneak across the border from Mexico (or Canada).

One of the problems is that if all the illegals were actually kicked out, there would be lots of jobs that nobody else would want to do. In the case of California, they are usually Mexicans who work for less than minimum wage. Here in the NYC suburbs, these are the guys who mow my lawn. People forget that when they say "close the borders".

In fact, here is a statistic for you. Of the 140,000 troops stationed in Iraq, 45,000 are NOT United States citizens. That's right.....they are immigrants here on Visas. Of course, they are legal, but what makes one person legal and another illegal is just a bunch of quotas that decide how many people can come from each country. "Illegals" are not illegal because they are criminals or actually did something wrong.

That said, I do not think social services should be offered to illegal immigrants. But I have no problem with giving them a drivers license if they can pass a drivers test.
>>"Illegals" are not illegal because they <snip> did something wrong.

Yes they are. If you drive with expired plates or driving license you are driving illegally. If you stay in this country after your visa has expired you are here illegally. What's the difference?

>>I do not think social services should be offered to illegal immigrants. But I have no problem with giving them a drivers license ....

Please explain the difference between the priviledge of driving in this country and the priviledge of having health care or any other social service.
Soichiro said:
If you drive with expired plates or driving license you are driving illegally. If you stay in this country after your visa has expired you are here illegally. What's the difference?

The difference is that you can renew your car registration or drivers license. If you are unable to renew your drivers license, it is because you committed some crime like DWI and the government has revoked your right to have a drivers license.

Most illegal immigrants cannot renew their visas, not because of something they did wrong, but because they happened to be born in the wrong country. Some countries have immigration quotas and some do not.

In my opinion, people should be allowed to travel or live wherever in the world they wish with no quotas or limitations, as long as they are law-abiding citizens.

Soichiro said:
Please explain the difference between the priviledge of driving in this country and the priviledge of having health care or any other social service.

The "priviledge" of driving is not costing the taxpayers anything. You pay this cost in the form of a fee when you get your drivers license. Social services are paid for by the taxpayers.
Eric5273 said:
...Most illegal immigrants cannot renew their visas, not because of something they did wrong, but because they happened to be born in the wrong country. Some countries have immigration quotas and some do not.

In my opinion, people should be allowed to travel or live wherever in the world they wish with no quotas or limitations, as long as they are law-abiding citizens.

I'll buy that opinion.

However, we do have an immigration process that facilitates those who wish to move to the US and live here. Some of the reasons for having our immigration process is to ensure that no known terrorists come to live here.

Those who pervert the immigration process are breaking the law, and should at the very minimum not receive free tuition or even be issued a license to drive.

I welcome all those who want to move here. But please follow the law to get here.
But please follow the law to get here.

I suppose that could apply to how the first colonists obeyed and respected the Indian's laws.

Although I don't advocate breaking the law, it seems historically each immigrating group to America broke some laws in order to live here. So in all fairness, how do you start applying a rule that was not established from the start?
They are ILLEGAL. Bottom line.

Thats one of the biggest flaws with our government: the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. Illegal immigrants are exactly that: illegal. Do they cost money to drive on our roads? Look up and see statisically how many immigrant drivers, with these "below minimum wage jobs" can afford insurance. I bet you its somewhere near 70%...So therefore, when I get hit by the "muchacho" behind me that has no regard for our laws (otherwise he wouldn't be here), and MY insurance company eats the bill, thus affecting my premium, hell ya that affects me.

When I'm at the DMV to get a copy of my license and I see someone taking a verbal test in their native language because they cannot speak, read or understand ENGLISH, hell yes thats a problem. How will the comprehend "Road work: 500ft" or "Speeding fines doubled when workers present" or "STOP"? It is absolutely ridiculous.

And now to give them free eduction is even worse! I have a very dear friend of mine who is working her butt off as a waitress at a crummy bar in order to save up for community college because she lives with her poor aunt, but cannot claim financial aid because her aunt is not the primary care giver and her parents don't qualify. Why does the local 'run for the border' get financial aid while my american friend doesn't??

Am I "racist" against immigrants? DEFINETLY. I live in South Florida and I am sick and tired of people assuming I speak spanish. This is AMERICA: Speak our language or get the hell out! And its the younger generations of immigrants that annoy because, I, being 19, have learned fluent spanish, yet they will not learn fluent english because they expect North Cuba (aka Miami) to conform to THEM!

Many people here will not share my view, but the people who live in the corners of the US will understand (SoCal, SoFla, NYC, SoTexas) and most will agree with me.

And one of the biggest things that pisses me off: Their undying loyalty to their mother country while mooching off of American generosity and thus stealing out of the hands, minds and mouths of american's who are born, raised and legal. When Elian Gonzalez was forced home, they literally rioted in several locations in Miami flying Cuban flags and burning American. I'm sure its happened many other times. If you're going to burn our flag and raise yours, get the F*CK out!

</end rant>
Brian2by2 said:
They are ILLEGAL. Bottom line.

As a LEGAL immigrant, it makes me sick to my stomach to see how some people are getting a free pass just because some politicians are more interested in the number of votes they will get during the next elections, rather than caring about their country and the people of this country who elected them in office. I had to eat (you know what) from both my originating country and the USofA (although the US bureaucracy was lesser of a pain) in order for me to have everything in order and be able to live my share of the American Dream. Why is it so easier for some other immigrants ? And WHY is the laxist attitude of the State Governments just adding oil to this burning problem by publicizing the fact that IF you make it here (even ILLEGALLY), we'll still LEGALIZE you no matter what AND give you tuitions.

Brian2by2 said:
When I'm at the DMV to get a copy of my license and I see someone taking a verbal test in their native language because they cannot speak, read or understand ENGLISH, hell yes thats a problem. How will the comprehend "Road work: 500ft" or "Speeding fines doubled when workers present" or "STOP"? It is absolutely ridiculous.

I'm paying taxes as just anybody else here, but have no right to voice my concerns by means of voting. I'm painfully accepting this as it was part of the "deal" I knew before I came, just as I did with a ton of other things you guys do here, that we don't do where I come from. I was ready to accept the American Way of Life and embraced it wholeheartedly. Some other immigrants however do not even feel the need to learn the language for Christ's sake ! But it's not their fault, you know...

Brian2by2 said:
Am I "racist" against immigrants? DEFINETLY. I live in South Florida and I am sick and tired of people assuming I speak spanish. This is AMERICA: Speak our language or get the hell out! And its the younger generations of immigrants that annoy because, I, being 19, have learned fluent spanish, yet they will not learn fluent english because they expect North Cuba (aka Miami) to conform to THEM!'s not their fault because they do not feel integrated in this culture because from the moment they came into this land, everything was made to help them out. Paperwork in their language, translators, even the ATMs and phone menus speak their languages nowadays. Why would they have ANY reason to learn English or share the American Way of Life when businesses will bent forward AND backwards to attract their business by selling them their products from home, their TV programs or even how to call for cheaper than calling within the US ?!
NSX_Dreamer said:
I welcome all those who want to move here. But please follow the law to get here.

Yes, but sometimes there is no way to legally come here. There are immigration quotas for some countries that are so low that there are waiting lists over 10 years long.

As far as Cuba, there are no quotas for Cuba. Anyone can come here and claim "political refuge" status and be allowed to stay. However, in Mexico, a country where the people are far poorer and oppressed than in Cuba, there are strict quotas. There seems to be no reason or logic in the quota system other than partisan politics.
Eric5273 said:
Yes, but sometimes there is no way to legally come here. There are immigration quotas for some countries that are so low that there are waiting lists over 10 years long.

Then they should go to a country which is legal to emigrate. What you are saying is no excuse for coming into ANY country ILLEGALLY. I'm going to oversimplify this discussion but it's kind of telling the officer who pulled you over doing 150 mph, "But you don't understand Officer, there is no other way for me to drive that fast on this road." Guess what the officer would tell you: "Go to a place where you can LEGALLY go 150mph. It's called a TRACK".
when I get hit by the "muchacho" behind me that has no regard for our laws (otherwise he wouldn't be here), and MY insurance company eats the bill, thus affecting my premium, hell ya that affects me.

If you get in any accident, insured or not, your premium will be affected.

When I'm at the DMV to get a copy of my license and I see someone taking a verbal test in their native language because they cannot speak, read or understand ENGLISH, hell yes thats a problem. How will the comprehend "Road work: 500ft" or "Speeding fines doubled when workers present" or "STOP"? It is absolutely ridiculous.

Because someone takes an exam in their first language does not necessarily mean they cannot read English. If they can only take the test in their language, then thats when you should be worried.

I have a very dear friend of mine who is working her butt off as a waitress at a crummy bar in order to save up for community college because she lives with her poor aunt, but cannot claim financial aid because her aunt is not the primary care giver and her parents don't qualify.

Well if her parents don't qualify, that in itself means her family's income should be sufficient to pay for her college. If her parents won't pay for it, thats not an issue the government should be responsible for. Its up to the parents.

Am I "racist" against immigrants? DEFINETLY.

This statement clearly shows your lack of maturity or knowledge of history. Remember, Americans also immigrated to this land.
So by your standards, your against Americans. Think about that!

but the people who live in the corners of the US will understand (SoCal,

I live in Southern California and I do not understand.

And one of the biggest things that pisses me off: Their undying loyalty to their mother country while mooching off of American generosity and thus stealing out of the hands, minds and mouths of american's who are born, raised and legal.

I feel sorry for you because you feel pissed some people have loyalty to their mother country. People can and do have loyoalties to more than one country.

Brian, your post is offensive, ignorant, and not very well thought out. Before you post again, think a little bit longer before typing on your keyboard.
Ennesssex said:
If you get in any accident, insured or not, your premium will be affected.

No, if you are declared at fault, your premium is affected. If there is no fault on your part, your premium is not in any way affected. Notice I said "If I get hit by the 'muchacho' BEHIND me" thus placing the fault on him.

Because someone takes an exam in their first language does not necessarily mean they cannot read English. If they can only take the test in their language, then thats when you should be worried.

In order to become a citizen of our country, you are (or were at least) required to take an exam. It was mandated that this exam was (and is?) in English. The fact that this person needed a translator shows me they are incapable of speaking the language, however, it goes further. This particular person could not understand the ENGLISH being spoken by the DMV employee. Now, if you can't comprehend English when spoken or on a computer screen in which case you have several seconds to analyze the meaning of a word, how will you read these words in a split instant on the road without causing a delay and possible hazard because you must spend more than the allowed time to read a particular sign? That is a SERIOUS problem!

Well if her parents don't qualify, that in itself means her family's income should be sufficient to pay for her college. If her parents won't pay for it, thats not an issue the government should be responsible for. Its up to the parents.

There are personal reasons her parents will not pay. And how does that justify paying for an illegal immigrant to be educated over an American citizen, even if I CAN afford it? Remember: the illegal immigrant has no business still being here, but we'll educate him for free! :rolleyes:

This statement clearly shows your lack of maturity or knowledge of history. Remember, Americans also immigrated to this land.
So by your standards, your against Americans. Think about that!

Does it? I'm an Italian-American. My family migrated from Rome, Naples, and Sicily, with exception to my grandmother who came from Norway. EVERY SINGLE ONE of my family members were FORCED into a room to learn ENGLISH! My grandmother remembers learning English as being the hardest thing she's ever had to do, but she DID IT! And she deserves her citizenship just as every one that did it with her. The gov't has a much more lax stand on immigration today exactly for the reasons mentioned previously: THEY WANT VOTES!

I live in Southern California and I do not understand.

You drive an're obviously priveleged. If only you had to spend every extra penny you had from the two jobs you worked to send your child to school because the gov't said that you make too much to qualify for Finacial Aid, yet, the boy down the street who isn't even supposed to be here gets a full ride on Uncle Sam...and you!

I feel sorry for you because you feel pissed some people have loyalty to their mother country. People can and do have loyoalties to more than one country.

I'm sorry but in your next quote, you call me ignorant and offensive? I am a very loyal Italian. I don't fly my flag on my car, or tattoo it on my body, or even salute it when I see it. I respect it and I do admire it. You obviously chose not to properly read my post. The offensive part that PISSES me off is when they BURN AMERICAN flags. I have family members who have DIED for that flag and they BURN it because we won't bend the laws in their favor??

Brian, your post is offensive, ignorant, and not very well thought out. Before you post again, think a little bit longer before typing on your keyboard.

I'm terribly sorry you feel my post is offensive and ignorant. Well thought out? Read it again. Think longer? No, thats ok. I'd rather not. I said what I wanted to say and I will stand by it. I guess it's not ok to be biased and, yes, racist, against LAWBREAKERS who are sucking the funds of our local, state and federal government...

There is no logical argument that can be made from the statement that they are illegal and do not belong here. If you break the law, you've broken the law. By staying here, they've broken the law and should not be rewarded or allowed any priveleges that an otherwise legal citizen is entitled to.

I think you need to rethink your post. The points you've tried to make are weak at best.
No, if you are declared at fault, your premium is affected. If there is no fault on your part, your premium is not in any way affected. Notice I said "If I get hit by the 'muchacho' BEHIND me" thus placing the fault on him.

If you are involved in a car accident, whether you are at fault or not, you are considered by the auto insurance to be a higher risk driver. Higher risk means higher premiums.

That is a SERIOUS problem!

The serious problem is your making these huge over-generalizations without evidence to support your claims.

For example, this
And one of the biggest things that pisses me off: Their undying loyalty to their mother country while mooching off of American generosity and thus stealing out of the hands, minds and mouths of american's who are born, raised and legal.

And when your friends parents won't pay for her tuition, its not the governments fault. Nor does the government have to justify paying for an immigrant to go to school rather than her. These regulations are brought by the politicians who you voted for, so to blame the immigrants for taking whats legally given is pointless.

My family migrated from Rome, Naples, and Sicily, with exception to my grandmother who came from Norway.

Another example of immigrants. From your previous post, your are a racist against immigrants. Drum roll are racist against your own family. Figure it out, its easy as 1 + 1.

You drive an're obviously priveleged.

Another over generalization that is not true. Depending on how you define privileged, everyone who owns one may or may not be.

yes, racist, against LAWBREAKERS
Am I "racist" against immigrants? DEFINETLY.

Brian, these two statements have two very different meanings. If you are inclined to believe these two mean the same, I do not wish to argue with you futher, since there would be no point.

The points you've tried to make are weak at best.

This is an opinion from someone who thinks the two statements above are the same.

I guess we could argue this forever, but I rather not. I was merely annoyed by certain statements that were over generalized and contradictory.
Excuse me...edit the word Illegal into the the above statements. That's my fault for excluding that and maybe therefore you wouldn't react so harshly...I am racist towards ILLEGAL immigrants. Once again, I apologize.

The issue at hand is controversy over illegal immigrants, not legalized citizens. My family has served their time, endured grueling periods of harrassment and hours upon hours of being forced to learn a language in order to conform to the country they wished so badly to become a part of. Why should we all the sudden stop these processes? Why should people no longer be forced to conform not to our culture, but rather to us! Why should we be "punished" for speaking our native language when we travel to an area heavily populated by a culture that refuses to accept our traditions but most importantly our own language!?

And Illegal immigrants (herein known as "immigrants") are just that: illegal. They have NO rights WHAT-SO-EVER as they are in this country unjustly. That is the bottom line. And should something who is knowingly breaking the law by staying here be entitled and possibly even pushed into our education system at OUR expense? Hell no.
You should respect those spanish-speaking immigrants a bit more:

US attacked over green card soldiers

"Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens.

Many of the troops on duty in Iraq do not count English as their first language and would prefer to take orders in their native tongue ... usually Spanish.


The statistics, buried by White House spin doctors, reveal that a significant minority of troops fighting under the US banner are not in fact US citizens but residents hoping to speed up their citizenship."
Well, they're fighting with the belief that they're citizenship status will be hurried up. Is that wrong? To an extent it could raise the argument that in the circumstances of war, their alterior motives may impede their ability to serve properly. Another words, they're not there to fight a war or serve the country, but rather to serve themselves.

Please, in NO way interpret this as me saying I disrespect them! They're giving their life for ours and I respect that and love them for that with all my heart, however, those motives I speak of could end up affecting the soldiers they fight beside in a combat situation.

And once again, we're talking about illegal immigrants...I believe the military immigrants still obtain valid visas, and if they do happen to expire while serving, they are forgiven because they're in the service. And also, servicemen are obviously taking that extra step towards not only showing loyalty for their soon-to-be new american heritage, but also taking steps towards becoming legal citizens of the USA.

When we refer to illegal immigrants, I would say its safe to assume the majority, not all, but the majority (>50%) are the guys previously mentioned as cutting our lawns, washing our cars, cleaning toilets, etc. for below minimum wage.
Brian2by2 said:
Well, they're fighting with the belief that they're citizenship status will be hurried up.

Their belief would be correct. I saw a piece on MSNBC a few months ago that was discussing how Bush had signed an executive order last year which promised automatic citizenship to any immigrants who enlisted. I think they are granted their citizenship upon being discharged.