I don't like them because they look like add-ons. If they were integrated into the stock bumper, parking lights, etc., it would be much mre factory looking and better. But these days you go down the street and every civic and 10 year old corolla has LEDs stuffed in some nook and cranny. New accord has them and I guarantee the next generation civic will too. Now everyone has to have them, they are like the new start button.
These aren't terrible, and I don't mean to give the impression that I hate them. They are OK... but IMO, and that is my opinion and everyone has one, it takes a little away from cars that are otherwise truly well done. That's why I said half a point and not 5 points. LOL
These aren't terrible, and I don't mean to give the impression that I hate them. They are OK... but IMO, and that is my opinion and everyone has one, it takes a little away from cars that are otherwise truly well done. That's why I said half a point and not 5 points. LOL