On 3.5ltrnsx's pics Surprised nobody has noticed the gauge cluster yet!:wink:
Yes, It is real.
Yes, It is real.
On 3.5ltrnsx's pics Surprised nobody has noticed the gauge cluster yet!:wink:
Yes, It is real.
I did :biggrin:
I had to go back and double check and make sure this was a US LHD car
I apologize not having any shots of his car earlier, the 1 single picture I posted initially was all that was in the Nominations thread.
I even went as far as searching for his screen name both on prime and google/images to find more shots of his car. Very very impressive.
Thank you everyone for leaving positive feed back on my car.
I have enjoy every moment of driving my nsx. Thank you Brian at Souce1 for taking care of my car from the time i bought the car till now.
Btw Chris will u able to upload or adjust my recent photo to the first post so people wont miss seeing it?
Thank you very much
WOW!! im flattered that i made it on here...thanx
I voted for Oscar cuz he's my boy![]()
His car is incredible. Being lucky enough to work on it here and have some seat time delivering it to him. There is no cost spared. Seriously amazing in the drivers seat. Sounds like a V8 at idle and a F1 car under boost. Soooo much torque! Driving ambitions did a great job on the engine.
couple quick photo shot of my recent car
Although personally I'd almost give you a point for popups, and take away a half point from 3.5 for the add on front LED's. Penalty!!!
Oscar has LED's as well :biggrin:
Although personally I'd almost give you a point for popups, and take away a half point from 3.5 for the add on front LED's. Penalty!!!