Hot Mechanic

Osiris_x11 said:
1.5-ton low-profile chrome floor-jack... $35.99 [Advance Auto Parts]
I don't see it on the AAP website. :confused:

Check the minimum lift height for any jack you're considering. It needs to be no more than 4 3/4" for an NSX with stock ride height, and even less if the car is lowered. The minimum on the HF jack is 3 inches even.
in-store, perhaps...

nsxtasy said:
I don't see it on the AAP website. :confused:

I can't recall if I've seen it on the web-site in the past or not! But they do carry it in the stores, and if not in the stores... they get one drop-shipped (24-48hr delivery). When I got mine from AAP a few years ago, it was in-store. But the jack I went in to get was from online (2-ton chrome floor jack w/ (2) pair chrome/chain-adj jack stands & wheel-chucks). But AAP didn't have that jack-set and couldn't find it on their computers either. So I got the low-profile floor jack. Odd, innit!?!

PRO-LIFT 2 Ton Low Profile Jack



"The low-pro jack I saw at Advance Auto Parts was 3.5" minimum height..."

Currently I have the HF aluminum racing jack, but I saw the low-profile jack at AAP as recently as early 2006...

Interesting read:

"Floor Jack Shootout": Larin, Sam's, Lincoln, Norco, AC Hydraulics, U.S. General, Matco, Central Hydraulics
1 YEAR Anniversary......hhmmmmm
There seems to be some debate on this thread concerning if it is advisable to get under a car using a scissor jack and blocks.
For the record many people have been crushed and even killed doing what the pictures show you doing.
Scissor jacks are very suspect in terms of stability and should only be used to change a flat if there is nothing else available.
Blocks also tend to give way once the car falls off the jack.
The fact that the engine is in the back should mean that you will only get crushed a bit if the car does fall on you and hopefully there will be someone there to help you get out or call 911.
It can be quite nasty to be stuck under a car for days on end, starving and bleeding to death.
It’s a very stupid thing to do. Don’t do it again.
Please get the correct tools for the job.
I commend you for working on your own car but do it safely.



i agree.... and don't forget, if you've ever been underneath the nsx, you can appreciate how low it really is..... if it falls, you don't have much of a chance. i'm always uncomfy for the first 10 min i'm underneath a car.... even if it's properly supported.... i'm paranoid, but i'd rather be that than not have it jacked properly. it's probably also a good idea to listen and look too. the nsx chassis is friggen stiff..... one time i jacked it up, and it was being supported by only 3 of 4 of the jackstands........ that being said, make sure you're on very level ground with this car
yes, jack stands are sturdy (as long as you put the car on them properly, on a flat surface), and they are probably the best way to go to put the car in the air (short of a lift)...
just NEVER use a hydraulic jack by itself.... the valve can start leaking, causing the car to come down slowly.... use them for lifting ONLY- get some jackstands under the car right away

i know somebody whose father died because a car fell on him.
take the proper precautions.... and make your way to the rear of the car - it's more fun :cool:
Sorry you got you panties all wadded up, its Sat night, go have a drink and calm down.:biggrin:
Thank goodness I have a drawer full :tongue: It's Saturday night but I'm in Virginia with family (my grandparent's 60th anniversary)! and I don't drink but I'm quite calm. Lol.... you think I could put the Marga Hills kit on with that jack ?? ;) [/QUOTE]

My how times change!!!.........I remember someoneone on the "favorite drink thread" saying theirs was a Bacardi and Diet Coke. I myself was going off about how I (!) didn't drink, and now I'm pissed because my favorite beer (Sapporo)also happens to be the most expensive. BTW, don't get so ticked Mermaid, at least the title includes the word "hot".