Great point. However, it's my understanding that GT's are usually not bought for performance purposes. There are for "touring". So what's the big deal with ring times and numbers? You don't see Masaerti and Ferrari posting ring times for the GT and 599. They know that their buyers aren't interested in that.
And at $100+ who's going to purchase this car? The Jay Leno's of the world that already have a gazillion other cars in their stock and just pick up the next new thing?
I mean honestly, for "regular" people like myself that have a DD and a toy, who would choose THIS as their "other" car? I'd take a 911 Turbo over this car anyday, or the R8, or a used 360 or a V8 Vantage or a Masareti GT or even a used Bentley GT.
You guys were right. Honda should have made an "exotic" low slung, futuristic looking, engine behind the seats, 2 seater sports car to compete with the R8. It didn't have to perform as well as the GT-R, but maybe like the S2000, just be a great all around car.
If they priced that around $65,000 then maybe it will sell.