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Hillary in 2008

Hopefully Guiliani will run and if not I'm going for McCain

I cannot vote for a Democrat as I already pay more than my fair share of taxes.
DocL said:
So you think that Manuel Noriega could have done better?? Good answer my friend. :rolleyes:

The worst president in American history vs a drug trafficer. Man... Thats a tuff one....
jond said:
The worst president in American history vs a drug trafficer. Man... Thats a tuff one....

Funny, one rapidly increases dept, the other rapidly eliminates it...
both have a third grade grammar level:rolleyes:
|Adeel said:
Why can't you vote?

British citizen, permanent US resident...US citizenship is on my to do list.

However I travel a lot for my job and fun and travelling on a british passport can be a lot easier than US. Not that I won't get my US citizenship, just that its been helpful to be British over the past several years at my job.
personal interests...

All politicians are the same, I dunno why people can't get a clue?!? :confused:

Only individuals to benefit directly are the ones who are alligned w/ one side or another on the proverbial which side-of-the-fence are you on. You really gotta see how the political-machine works, whether on the local/state/federal level. It all comes down to $$$. I look back upon my decisions in terms of education, training, career... if the ultimate goal was high-quality of life, benefits, comfort, and potential to even 'break-out', some beauracratic/gov't service sector or contracting would've been the ticket.

Again, remember... political affiliations are like sides of a coin, merely two different facets to the same object.

On topic, Hillary Clinton's views/platform is not of my preference in terms of social issues. Quite a shame really, otherwise her presence and abilities seem on par w/ the challenges of the executive office.
clr1024 said:
British citizen, permanent US resident...US citizenship is on my to do list.

However I travel a lot for my job and fun and travelling on a british passport can be a lot easier than US. Not that I won't get my US citizenship, just that its been helpful to be British over the past several years at my job.

Ah... I understand :)
nchopp said:
Gee, I didn't realize the President was the only one involved in our government. How strange.


What really strikes me is the naivety that people have when it comes to politics. Making a statement that "anyone" can do better than a President is a perfect example.
clr1024 said:
I'd pick her over bush...if I could vote:frown:

I would pick her bush over bush's bush.:smile:

Anyway you look at it all politicians are all about self interest. There is no good choice. That being said I would never want to be president, Most people who have been look as if they aged 20 years in just 4 years. It has to be a very hard job I am sure.
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DocL said:

What really strikes me is the naivety that people have when it comes to politics. Making a statement that "anyone" can do better than a President is a perfect example.

It depresses me, the complete lack of civics that are taught in our schools now. Do kids know the difference between Congress and Senate? Judicial, legislative, and executive branches? I doubt it.
rickysals said:
Gee, defending Bush. How clever and unique.

the country is in shambles - who else should we blame?

"Shambles" huh?....I think our older folks who lived during the Great depression and WWII would disagree with you...I will cut you some slack because you are just a college kid who has been "educated" by Hippies and socialists in the public school system now you are taking classes with more whacko college professors that are doing their best to paint your world the way they see it.

Humans are flawed..Bush is no exception..But blaming him and him alone for problems in the world is just plain naive and stupid.

In the 90s everybody's favorite party boy, Clinton, decided to pull out of Bosnia because things were getting bloody there....days afterward Bin Laudin publicly said "We now see that the US is just a paper tiger and they are weak"

in the next few months 9/11 plans were started.

late in the 70s US citizens were taken hostage my Muslim militants...this is nothing new..

maybe you should take a broader look at the world and not just through the colored glasses your college professors are showing you the world through.