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Hillary in 2008

rickysals said:
Gee, defending Bush. How clever and unique.

the country is in shambles - who else should we blame?
Absolutely! Bush is also responsible for all natural disasters in this country too. When my first NSX broke the snap-ring, Bush should have given me a disaster relief fund to fix that f@#$ing tranny but that bastard would not even take my call!!!
zahntech said:
"Shambles" huh?....I think our older folks who lived during the Great depression and WWII would disagree with you...I will cut you some slack because you are just a college kid who has been "educated" by Hippies and socialists in the public school system now you are taking classes with more whacko college professors that are doing their best to paint your world the way they see it.

Humans are flawed..Bush is no exception..But blaming him and him alone for problems in the world is just plain naive and stupid.

In the 90s everybody's favorite party boy, Clinton, decided to pull out of Bosnia because things were getting bloody there....days afterward Bin Laudin publicly said "We now see that the US is just a paper tiger and they are weak"

in the next few months 9/11 plans were started.

late in the 70s US citizens were taken hostage my Muslim militants...this is nothing new..

maybe you should take a broader look at the world and not just through the colored glasses your college professors are showing you the world through.

Well said. Let's look at another Clinton debacle.

Anyone see Black Hawk Down? It's based on the true story, as written by Mark Bowden - a journalist embedded with the Rangers and Delta Force in Mog.

You know how many Somalians died, in a two day period? Over FIFTEEN HUNDRED. Where was your bleeding heart for them?
DocL said:
So you think that Manuel Noriega could have done better?? Good answer my friend. :rolleyes:

Ironic that you bring him up my friend, seeing that he, and Saddam Hussein by the way, were only in power because then CIA director, George H.W. Bush put them there and supported them with our tax dollars.:rolleyes:

So, now let me clarify my previous statement, VIRTUALLY anyone would be better.:biggrin:
DocL said:

What really strikes me is the naivety that people have when it comes to politics. Making a statement that "anyone" can do better than a President is a perfect example.

When the president is not even capable of putting together a complete sentence, then I would have to again say, virtually anyone could do a better job.

Nice try at a back-handed attack on me though.
nchopp said:
Gee, I didn't realize the President was the only one involved in our government. How strange.

I'd be happy to blame the Republican controlled Congress and Judiciary too if you'd prefer.
SCS2k said:
When the president is not even capable of putting together a complete sentence, then I would have to again say, virtually anyone could do a better job.

Nice try at a back-handed attack on me though.

Gee, I must've been hallucinating all those times I've watched Bush speak and heard complete sentences.

Oh, Let's see how good you are at being perfectly verbose, clear, and concise when you are under observation 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.

SCS2k said:
I'd be happy to blame the Republican controlled Congress and Judiciary too if you'd prefer.

Glad to see you're just out to play the blame game on whomever it is that disagrees with your politics.

Enough of this. Arguing with liberals is, as they say, rather like competing in the Special Olympics. No matter who wins, you're all still retarded.
I dont have an opinion either way on Bush, but I have made an observation that seems out of place to me and maybe some of the more politically adept can explain. Why is it that almost everyone involed with Bush has either quit, been replaced or retired?? It seems like alot of people in high up positions are getting out without giving any reason?? If I had the same cushy politcal job for years then out of the blue, decieded that it just wasnt for me any more, woudnt that seem like there was more to it?? Whats that saying about rats jumping off a sinking ship?:confused:
I dont have an opinion either way on Bush, but I have made an observation that seems out of place to me and maybe some of the more politically adept can explain. Why is it that almost everyone involed with Bush has either quit, been replaced or retired?? It seems like alot of people in high up positions are getting out without giving any reason?? If I had the same cushy politcal job for years then out of the blue, decieded that it just wasnt for me any more, woudnt that seem like there was more to it?? Whats that saying about rats jumping off a sinking ship?:confused:

Not that I am more politically adept, but if you want to be a lifetime politician, would you want to be associated with a president who is receiving the some of the lowest approval ratings ever...not too good for the resume...sort of like saying you were an executive at Enron...
I dont have an opinion either way on Bush, but I have made an observation that seems out of place to me and maybe some of the more politically adept can explain. Why is it that almost everyone involed with Bush has either quit, been replaced or retired?? It seems like alot of people in high up positions are getting out without giving any reason?? If I had the same cushy politcal job for years then out of the blue, decieded that it just wasnt for me any more, woudnt that seem like there was more to it?? Whats that saying about rats jumping off a sinking ship?:confused:

It's very typical for a President to go through White House staff. My nephew was on staff at the White House. He worked 18 hours a day, seven days a week. They are also on call 24/7. I remember spending Thanksgiving with him. He was on the phone the entire day. Never had dinner with the family. It's a total burn out position, but good for the resume.:biggrin:
zahntech said:
"Shambles" huh?....I think our older folks who lived during the Great depression and WWII would disagree with you...I will cut you some slack because you are just a college kid who has been "educated" by Hippies and socialists in the public school system now you are taking classes with more whacko college professors that are doing their best to paint your world the way they see it.

Humans are flawed..Bush is no exception..But blaming him and him alone for problems in the world is just plain naive and stupid.

In the 90s everybody's favorite party boy, Clinton, decided to pull out of Bosnia because things were getting bloody there....days afterward Bin Laudin publicly said "We now see that the US is just a paper tiger and they are weak"

in the next few months 9/11 plans were started.

late in the 70s US citizens were taken hostage my Muslim militants...this is nothing new..

maybe you should take a broader look at the world and not just through the colored glasses your college professors are showing you the world through.

actually I've never talked politics with any of my educators. They have never forced an opinion on me or anyone I know, and when asked by other classmates, they dodged the question. I've formed my opinions based on what i've seen... I havent just blindly followed the opinion of the pack.

I don't have a party affiliation. I don't like the idea of having to 'label' myself and try to conform to those parties' values. Each party has positives in their policy, as each politician has positives... each has negatives as well. It's all bullshit if you ask me. I just hope they don't make this country even more of a joke than it already is.

I used to not be Anti-Bush. I used to think he was 'fine', good enough to manage the country. 9/11 wasn't his fault... but his reaction to it, attacking Iraq for suspicion of WMD's that never existed is his fault... and we shouldn't be over there. If we really are fighting this war for oil, which i dunno that we are, prices just doubled, then come out & say... our economy and livelyhood, the energy for heating out sprawled suburbs, the energy for driving our cars which most Americans need to do to survive in the world we've built, etc etc... is in trouble... and we need to secure it... Then I'm not sure I'd be so against the war. Atleast it's honest and necessary... until we can learn to sustain ourselves on alternatie fuels, etc.

I didn't vote in the last presidential election. I didn't feel as if I was educated enough to (help)make that sort of decision. I don't think many people are, but it's a right and everyone can if they want. I just didn't.

If Hilary does run, I imagine she will be destroyed. There are enough people in this country that would vote against her just to make sure a "woman" isn't president... which is a shame.
rickysals said:
actually I've never talked politics with any of my educators. They have never forced an opinion on me or anyone I know, and when asked by other classmates, they dodged the question. I've formed my opinions based on what i've seen... I havent just blindly followed the opinion of the pack.

I don't have a party affiliation. I don't like the idea of having to 'label' myself and try to conform to those parties' values. Each party has positives in their policy, as each politician has positives... each has negatives as well. It's all bullshit if you ask me. I just hope they don't make this country even more of a joke than it already is.

My thoughts as well.
Just like the cop that pulls you over to write you a speeding ticket for "your safety."
Lies, it all for money and advancement, self interest. Just once I would like to hear someone tell the truth.
Dtrigg said:
It's very typical for a President to go through White House staff. My nephew was on staff at the White House. He worked 18 hours a day, seven days a week. They are also on call 24/7. I remember spending Thanksgiving with him. He was on the phone the entire day. Never had dinner with the family. It's a total burn out position, but good for the resume.:biggrin:
I'm not talking about interns and such. I'm talking about people in positions like, head of CIA, White House press secretary, Treasury secretary, White house budget chief, White house top trade representative, Federal Reserve chairman, the list goes on forever it seems. :confused:
rickysals said:
If Hilary does run, I imagine she will be destroyed. There are enough people in this country that would vote against her just to make sure a "woman" isn't president... which is a shame.

I think it is a shame that many in US are still stuck on the fact that a woman can't run the country. I am not talking in particular about Hillary, rather that the history in other countries through the milleniums have shown that many women have succesfully been the leaders of countries. To me it one of the things that points to just how young of a civilization the US really is.
rickysals said:
There are enough people in this country that would vote against her just to make sure a "woman" isn't president... which is a shame.

btw is woman in quotes because you are not sure if Hillary really is one?:biggrin:
clr1024 said:
btw is woman in quotes because you are not sure if Hillary really is one?:biggrin:

hahaha, I'm sure Bill wouldn't marry her if she wasn't all woman. :D

I have no problem with a woman president, just saying some will.
rickysals said:
actually I've never talked politics with any of my educators. They have never forced an opinion on me or anyone I know, and when asked by other classmates, they dodged the question. I've formed my opinions based on what i've seen... I havent just blindly followed the opinion of the pack.

I don't have a party affiliation. I don't like the idea of having to 'label' myself and try to conform to those parties' values. Each party has positives in their policy, as each politician has positives... each has negatives as well. It's all bullshit if you ask me. I just hope they don't make this country even more of a joke than it already is.

I used to not be Anti-Bush. I used to think he was 'fine', good enough to manage the country. 9/11 wasn't his fault... but his reaction to it, attacking Iraq for suspicion of WMD's that never existed is his fault... and we shouldn't be over there. If we really are fighting this war for oil, which i dunno that we are, prices just doubled, then come out & say... our economy and livelyhood, the energy for heating out sprawled suburbs, the energy for driving our cars which most Americans need to do to survive in the world we've built, etc etc... is in trouble... and we need to secure it... Then I'm not sure I'd be so against the war. Atleast it's honest and necessary... until we can learn to sustain ourselves on alternatie fuels, etc.


Just because they don't "talk politics" with you does not mean they are not influencing you.

I wonder how many people would be laughing at the US "joke" if the US stopped sending billions of $ around the world in aid?

The US is in a Jihad "holy war" with Islam..they have said it many times and the koran has commanded it...we (non Muslims) are to be exterminated...it has nothing to do with oil or WMDs or anything other than religion.
zahntech said:
Just because they don't "talk politics" with you does not mean they are not influencing you.

Well in that case, everyone is influencing me, why just pick out the professors (I'm a design student, we don't have time to talk or touch on this crap, work to be done.)

I know the Muslims are fighting a 'holy war' against us. They attack us, hey, I'm cool with getting those responsible. Then get them! We go after Iraq when they are not our biggest threat. I'm only against war if it's for the wrong reasons, or aimed at the wrong people... and I think Iraq falls under this category.

For the record, everyone in my immediate and extended family are Bush voters.