While I realize his views are unpopular, it is a mistake to dismiss cmhs75's opinion.
Indeed, it is the ease by which we dismiss such opinions that has led to some of the problems created by our long occupation of Iraq.
Many of the Iraqi people welcome us with open arms, but many others welcome us with explosive devices. My friend's little brother was killed on Friday.
Until we take a hard look at US policy in the middle east and our support of brutal, oppressive regimes there and elsewhere, (the Caspian pipeline is just one example of the regimes we support where our economic interests are at stake) we will never be the force for good that we can be. It breaks my heart to see our soldiers die for their pure ideals when the reality of our mission is far more tainted.
Our soldiers are amazing people that deserve better from their government. Yet, we see veteran benefits cut, hospitals closing, and the reserves denied participation in the post-Iraq health care given to the regular troops, despite 20% of them having no health care and reserves making up 40% of the troops in Iraq. (My friend's brother was supposed to be done with his term in October 2004 and had registered for college, but was sent back under 'stop loss')
Given how different that those on either side of the US political spectrum see the Iraqi war, is it any wonder that the rest of the world sees us in a far different light?
As for the Koran desecration, the US government has confirmed that abuse of the Koran occurred. They deny that it was flushed down the toilet, but they do confirm that it was 'mishandled'.
As for the toilet story, that was confirmed by a US Govt. official (hence Newsweek printed it). That official recanted and Newsweek issued its apology. However, allegations of Koran abuse are found in the FBI documentation of exit interviews with lawyers who met with GB detainees who have since been released. (And thus presumably not members of AQ, since we don't release AQ, and thus not trained to claim Koran desecration when captured, as some have speculated).
These allegations were also confirmed at one time by a current detainee, but the Govt. has stated this person has since recanted while still in custody. We are left to wonder whether they were lying then or whether they have been pressured to change their story.
We are not in the empire business. We were supposed to be a Republic. Our action and non-action in the rest of the world belies our alleged humanitarian purpose in Iraq.
I love this country, but it is not a blind love like a child loves his mother, and mommy can do no wrong. When I see my country going down the wrong path I want to make it right, not pretend it isn't happening.
While our government tries to bring down the UN through Bolton (whose nomination would be the end of the UN, or at least US participation in the UN) and the bogus investigation of the oil for food program, we do nothing about the 8.8 Billion for Iraqi reconstruction that was stolen from the provisional government, under our watch. Our troops our dying because the Iraqi people did not get the reconstruction they were promised and nobody in this country wants to hear about the gross war profiteering that has gone on and continues to go on.
But go ahead, call me a communist for daring to raise these issues. To shout down dissent as unpatriotic has a long history in this country.