Help with the ABS light on my 97 Accord

14 February 2004
Austin, TX
The ABS light on my 97 Accord came on this morning. I've already called the dealership and made any appointment for Tuesday, I'm just wondering if you guys can suggest anything obvious to check. I've already tried disconnecting and reconnecting the battery to no avail.

Interestingly, right after the engine turns over, this rather loud buzzing sound comes from the passenger's side of the engine compartment. When the buzzing stops (about 30 seconds later), the light appears.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I had a 95 V6 so I can relate the experience, I would first check out and see if you have enough Fluid in the ABS reservoir. Mine happened exactly the same way 3 years ago and I found that ( surprise!) my fluid level is lower than the low indicator, so I had filled up the fluid back to the max. mark. I tried couple hard braking and it does not trigger the abs pump at all... I was broke at the time so I just drive around without ABS (with the light on, big deal :p ). One night in the rain, I had to brake for an idiot who almost run into me, it wasn't even a panic brake, but all the sudden ABS showed up and light had been gone since.

The more proper way is to find out how to bleed the ABS unit, and that with reseting the computer should do the trick, if you were broke, you may try my way and see if it works... My advise is Don't let your dealer touch your car, unless you don't mind getting robbed by your friendly honda dealership.