HELP! Paper for my wife...she will $PAY$

OMG... I thought I saw this on Craigslist one time... not you, but someone else asking for a paper!:biggrin:

LOL wish I had the time to help Brandon.
OMG... I thought I saw this on Craigslist one time... not you, but someone else asking for a paper!:biggrin:

LOL wish I had the time to help Brandon.

LOL:rolleyes:! No it's not me, trust me. I hate anything to do with healthcare, and I work in law enforcement so the idea of legalizing marijuana disgusts me:mad:. Now, my hippie wife on the other hand is exact opposite:cool: :rolleyes: I guess opposites really do attract:wink:
Why don't you use the money to hire a baby sitter instead and let her work on the paper? :rolleyes:
Why don't you use the money to hire a baby sitter instead and let her work on the paper? :rolleyes:

Sheesh:rolleyes:, probably because she already has enough to do, I don't know:confused:

And besides I already offered to watch Kylie (our daughter), this morning and take the day off while she go to the library. She just started to cry, so I figured if there's someone out there who has one already done from their college days maybe they could help. :redface:
There are websites that have these sort of things with subscriptions that are probably cheaper than $100. Thousands of papers available for immediate download with ratings and "school grade level". Use Google, but beware, most schools know of these sites and people have been caught before using papers from them. Not sure how they check and probably most schools don't have the resources, but it happens. Some of them are even "free", you just have to upload papers you've written and are given credits to download others.
Ok, so the wife decided she was going to take college courses after having our daughter just 4 1/2 months ago, even though I told her not to:rolleyes:

Well, here it is friday and she has a 10 page paper due on monday. She didn't tell me because she didn't want me to think she couldn't handle everything around here:frown:, so now I feel bad...

HERE'S WHAT IN IT FOR YOU; She will pay your Patron($100) or Platinum($50) Prime Membership or just pay you directly between $50 and $100 depending on how much YOU THINK your paper is worth.

It has to be 10 pages (ie; double spaced, 2,400 words at least), MLA format with a bibliography page.

Topics may vary from healthcare, stem cell research, or why marijuana should be legalized.
seems like writing 5 pages - 2,400 words - on any topic over a 3 day period of time should be a no-brainer. alternatively, as another poster mentioned, the internet is full of "for fee" papers.
Check out,, I heard from a friend that they have a lot of essays on various topics, for FREE. This friend used this website religously for 4 year and graduated from a top public undergrad with a 3.85 gpa :rolleyes:

There are plenty of essays on Marijuana legalization and the other topics you mentioned, just make sure you don't use all of the wording from one particular essay. Mix and match papers and please please please please make sure you re-word everything, then you won't get caught :wink:

Ten pages isn't that much once it's double spaced. heck, even 20. These pages will ask you to donate a free essay, just press the submit button and move on to the next page.
My wife teaches writing classes at a top 10 university and she catches at least one student a quarter. She does a search from a passage and boom - even if you reword it - the paper comes up. Google caches pages so you can see if the paper was pretty much EVER posted. Plus she can tell writing styles very easily so if your wife has been submitting her work it is going to look very different then whatever you download.

Do what you want but the risk vs reward seem pretty dicey to me and I just wanted to let you know that most professors do search and how they suspect / catch plagiarism.

Good luck!
kinda scary when todays grads(doctors, lawyers, etc) can just go online and buy their grade/diploma:rolleyes: makes you wonder:redface:
Does it really show my age when I tell you all I had in college were "Cliff Notes"? Man I had a big box of those silly yellow things. Are those still around?
LOL:rolleyes:! No it's not me, trust me. I hate anything to do with healthcare, and I work in law enforcement so the idea of legalizing marijuana disgusts me:mad:. Now, my hippie wife on the other hand is exact opposite:cool: :rolleyes: I guess opposites really do attract:wink:

But the idea of paying someone to help your wife cheat is a-okay. :rolleyes:

If time management is already a problem, will she continue to cheat for the entire course? How about letting her learn a lesson instead?
Check out,, I heard from a friend that they have a lot of essays on various topics, for FREE. This friend used this website religously for 4 year and graduated from a top public undergrad with a 3.85 gpa :rolleyes:



Appreciate the help, I gave it to her and helped her log on, we'll see what she does with it.

kinda scary when todays grads(doctors, lawyers, etc) can just go online and buy their grade/diploma:rolleyes: makes you wonder:redface:

It shouldn't make you wonder too often people have been doing it for years. I know a few of my friends who laugh about it now, but talk about their drunken frat nights before a term paper and pay someone to write it for em'.
Hell, lawyers are professioanl liars anyway:tongue:.
Then again, I bet you drive the speed limit all the time too, when police officers aren't around:cool:

Does it really show my age when I tell you all I had in college were "Cliff Notes"? Man I had a big box of those silly yellow things. Are those still around?

Yes those are still around, and YES I own an @$$load of em'. I take a few classes here and there, but don't have tiem to read the entire book, so nowthey even make cliff notes for college books. ISN'T THAT AWESOME!?

But the idea of paying someone to help your wife cheat is a-okay. :rolleyes:

If time management is already a problem, will she continue to cheat for the entire course? How about letting her learn a lesson instead?

LOL:cool: :biggrin: Well, it's not soo much paying to help her cheat, it's the fact I feel kinda' bad:frown:. She didn't even wanna' tell me about it. She wants to try an do everything like superwoman and I guess just try an make me happy. So yeah, I could let her learn a lesson, but I'd rather at least try to help her out first.
So yeah, I could let her learn a lesson, but I'd rather at least try to help her out first.
And you really think you are helping her in the best way by doing this?

How about instead of screwing around, coming up with ways to cheat, and starting silly threads on a car site, monitoring that thread, replying to comments in that thread, ensuring each of your replies has too many smilies, font sizes, colors, and so on... you help her get started with a topic, some sources, perhaps an outline, then be around to block distractions, pay the babysitter, proofread, etc.?

As others said, it's just 5 pages over 3 days. I don't see how this is a big deal at all.
And you really think you are helping her in the best way by doing this?

How about instead of screwing around, coming up with ways to cheat, and starting silly threads on a car site, monitoring that thread, replying to comments in that thread, ensuring each of your replies has too many smilies, font sizes, colors, and so on... you help her get started with a topic, some sources, perhaps an outline, then be around to block distractions, pay the babysitter, proofread, etc.?

As others said, it's just 5 pages over 3 days. I don't see how this is a big deal at all.

Wow, thanks Ojas who pissed in your cheerios this morning:eek: ? Oh, and it's 10 pages, I guess you didn't take time to read the whole thing. Now I remember why I stopped getting on prime.

Oh and in case you didn't notice it's in the off-topic section:rolleyes:
Oh, and it's 10 pages, I guess you didn't take time to read the whole thing.
10 pages double-spaced = 5 real pages

Also, a page will usually average around 500 words (standard margins, single-spaced, 12 pt font, etc.), so 2400 words is around 5 real page.
It shouldn't make you wonder too often people have been doing it for years. I know a few of my friends who laugh about it now, but talk about their drunken frat nights before a term paper and pay someone to write it for em'.
Hell, lawyers are professioanl liars anyway:tongue:.
Then again, I bet you drive the speed limit all the time too, when police officers aren't around:cool:


wtf does speeding have to do with cheating your way through college???:rolleyes:

just curious???
As someone who is currently in college... I don't see how this has reached a point where you absolutley need to obtain a paper, 5 pages is trivial, this is a paper that could be written two days from now.

There is plenty of time to legitimately complete this, providing cheating links is the last thing you should be doing, if your intent is to help her.

I completley agree with this post:

truth said:
And you really think you are helping her in the best way by doing this?

How about instead of screwing around, coming up with ways to cheat, and starting silly threads on a car site, monitoring that thread, replying to comments in that thread, ensuring each of your replies has too many smilies, font sizes, colors, and so on... you help her get started with a topic, some sources, perhaps an outline, then be around to block distractions, pay the babysitter, proofread, etc.?

As others said, it's just 5 pages over 3 days. I don't see how this is a big deal at all.
And you really think you are helping her in the best way by doing this?

How about instead of screwing around, coming up with ways to cheat, and starting silly threads on a car site, monitoring that thread, replying to comments in that thread, ensuring each of your replies has too many smilies, font sizes, colors, and so on... you help her get started with a topic, some sources, perhaps an outline, then be around to block distractions, pay the babysitter, proofread, etc.?

As others said, it's just 5 pages over 3 days. I don't see how this is a big deal at all.
^ I totally agree with this post. I don't really like to respond to "morally driven" threads, but helping your wife cheat is not helping her at all. That said, I probably cheated a couple of times during my undergrad (nothing that stands out), but you have the opportunity to take the high road here :wink:. Of course, I won't think any less of you if you do decide to cheat, you're heart is in the right place... now you just have to get your head there. :biggrin:
OK, Sorry in advance and no offense intended, but.....

Wow, I am a little upset with this thread which apparently, with a few exceptions, sees nothing wrong with cheating your way through college.

I have 4 degrees, AA, BS, MPA and JD all from real brick and mortar universities, and I worked hard for all of them; I also paid my tuition 100% myself. Despite being under the gun many times, (I worked full time the entire time I was in school) I personally did all of the work even if it meant I had to turn an assignment in late and take a hit in points. When it eventually came time, I truly appreciated all the hard work I did, and the sense of accomplishment I felt, when I EARNED the degree and the privilege of the graduate walk (all 4 times) even though I was an adult.

I guess equally disturbing is the original poster may (apparently) work in Law Enforcement.....hopefully not as an officer if he sees no problem helping his wife cheat and personally soliciting others to accomplish that.

It is things like this, which some might not consider a big deal, which IMO ultimately contribute to the overall downward spiral in morals and character. I see officers take the stand all of the time, take the oath to tell the truth, and provide testimony which ultimately results in people being sentenced to LWOP or death. If these same officers saw no problem encouraging their wives to cheat, and in fact actively solicit others to help them cheat, how much of a leap is it to think they may not be 100% honest when testifying in a case in which they do not know the party on trial and whom they may perceive as scum? Would that raise Reasonable Doubt in your mind?

Just some food for thought. Sorry to all but I am presently involved in a case with a law enforcement officer (and I use that term to be professional) who is a straight up liar. He has been caught lying in the past, actually had to take the 5th on the stand in another case, has been caught lying by the DA in other cases, and has officers from his own department who will testify he is a liar, and yet the DA fully intends to put him on the stand to try to put someone away for a whole lot of years. I wonder where his "slide" began.....

OH, yeah I know.....flame suit on :)