HELP! Paper for my wife...she will $PAY$

OK, Sorry in advance and no offense intended, but.....

Wow, I am a little upset with this thread which apparently, with a few exceptions, sees nothing wrong with cheating your way through college.

I have 4 degrees, AA, BS, MPA and JD all from real brick and mortar universities, and I worked hard for all of them;

Holy cow, do you really need 4 degrees. Let me buy one from you. I can make you NSXPrime hero!:wink: :biggrin:

to be clear, i'll speak up and say i didn't lean on the op about the cheating issue because it seemed any well made points or rants were likely to go unheeded - the op apparently sees nothing wrong in his post.


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Wow, thanks Ojas who pissed in your cheerios this morning:eek: ? Oh, and it's 10 pages, I guess you didn't take time to read the whole thing. Now I remember why I stopped getting on prime.

Oh and in case you didn't notice it's in the off-topic section:rolleyes:

No one pissed in Ojas' cheerios this morning. He is just showing you some basic ethics and common decency.
Your public solicitation of cheating for your wife and shameless declaration of being in "law enforcement" is simply disgraceful. This certainly does not meet any codes of conduct in police or military. Off topic or not, this just hit all time low in Prime. Really, does it take any pride or common sense to realize how lame this is?:rolleyes:
No one pissed in Ojas' cheerios this morning. He is just showing you some basic ethics and common decency.
Your public solicitation of cheating for your wife and shameless declaration of being in "law enforcement" is simply disgraceful. This certainly does not meet any codes of conduct in police or military. Off topic or not, this just hit all time low in Prime. Really, does it take any pride or common sense to realize how lame this is?:rolleyes:

Agreed. I didn't expect anyone to do my papers for me in college.
I think anyone who actually has the ability to write a college worthy essay that's going to require searching the internet for adequate sources, regardless of morals, probably wouldn't think spending 7-10 hours MIN. for 10$ an hour is too good of a value.

The topics you listed are pretty easy.. if she had to write an essay on the United States government's treatment of Southeast Asian immigrants from the mid 1800's to mid 1900's and how they were able to adjust while incorporating/explaining the effects of the heavily gendered mindsets on both sides of the water... then I could at least understand your reasoning. [me last week, except I had to write 9 pages by hand in an hour and 30 mins]

I think your wife and you, "with your powers combined", could put together a decent essay on any of those topics in 3-5 hours a day for a couple days.

10 pages is nothing! You could wait till the night before and do the entire thing while the kids were asleep and still have time for a nice nap before class haha.

Regardless, why not have her do a 10pg paper on the importance of maintaining dignity in a society that finds it easier to justify an immoral action than to hold to its values...

Better yet, why not have her do a paper on the struggles of continuing education with the responsibility of childrearing...

either way, its better that she get a F for not doing the paper than to feel like a F for cheating...
Ok, now I remember why I quit coming to prime for soo long. I get it guys, I'm a low down dispicable disgusting cheater...fine. Sorry, maybe I wasn't thinking rational when I saw my wife crying the other day. My idea I guess was wrong, but my heart was in the right place...I think.

I just felt horrible when she wouldn't even tell me because she thought I would be disappointed in here.

I have a time or two done things for people I feel for. YES, even as a law enforcement official (we have feelings too); for instance the wife who's husband beats her and tells her if she presses charges when we get there, he will do more to her then he has already done. He occasionally falls on the ground or "trips" hitting his head on the patrol car while being halled away. Or the mom with 3 kids in the back seat speeding to get them to daycare to go to her 12 hour waffle house shift because the father ran out on them accidentally dropping a $20 bill in the window of the car and driving away before she realizes it.

FINE, call me what you want...I guess it was wrong of me to start this thread and I jumped to take action before thinking. I apologize to all.

10 pages is nothing! You could wait till the night before and do the entire thing while the kids were asleep and still have time for a nice nap before class haha.

Regardless, why not have her do a 10pg paper on the importance of maintaining dignity in a society that finds it easier to justify an immoral action than to hold to its values...

Better yet, why not have her do a paper on the struggles of continuing education with the responsibility of childrearing...

either way, its better that she get a F for not doing the paper than to feel like a F for cheating...

This is very well put and true..
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FINE, call me what you want...I guess it was wrong of me to start this thread and I jumped to take action before thinking. I apologize to all.

you haven't done anything yet so it most certainly isn't too late to sort it all out and do the right thing... her crying or not you wouldn't be helping her much now compared to how she would feel later... if she is going to cry about this now help her but this isn't the way to do it...
Ok, now I remember why I quit coming to prime for soo long. I get it guys, I'm a low down dispicable disgusting cheater...fine. Sorry, maybe I wasn't thinking rational when I saw my wife crying the other day. My idea I guess was wrong, but my heart was in the right place...I think.

I just felt horrible when she wouldn't even tell me because she thought I would be disappointed in here.

I have a time or two done things for people I feel for. YES, even as a law enforcement official (we have feelings too); for instance the wife who's husband beats her and tells her if she presses charges when we get there, he will do more to her then he has already done. He occasionally falls on the ground or "trips" hitting his head on the patrol car while being halled away. Or the mom with 3 kids in the back seat speeding to get them to daycare to go to her 12 hour waffle house shift because the father ran out on them accidentally dropping a $20 bill in the window of the car and driving away before she realizes it.

FINE, call me what you want...I guess it was wrong of me to start this thread and I jumped to take action before thinking. I apologize to all.

OK, no one is saying cops are not human- but here is yet another example of at least one officer taking the law into his own hands....exactly what he is paid not to do and swears not to do, yet apparently does. So let me take a shot at this- when the suspect files a complaint that the officer tripped him on purpose or slammed his head into the roof/door edge when getting into the back seat, and Internal Affairs hopefully investigates (as required by law) and interviews the officer in question, how many believe he is going to be honest and admit what he did? Again, when you take an oath to be a cop, you set yourself above the herd so to speak. A lie is a lie, the truth is the truth. If they lie in this situation, why should one believe when they testify about anything, let alone a case where they may despise the defendant.

And we call all relate to not wanting to see you wife in crisis with a paper due. But how owuld she really feel after knowing you know she cheated to earn that grade? I say support her, help her come up with a topic and outline, keep the kids away from her to give her some time, but allow her to do the paper and be proud when she completes it, even if it is not an A.
Ok, now I remember why I quit coming to prime for soo long. I get it guys, I'm a low down dispicable disgusting cheater...fine. Sorry, maybe I wasn't thinking rational when I saw my wife crying the other day. My idea I guess was wrong, but my heart was in the right place...I think.

I just felt horrible when she wouldn't even tell me because she thought I would be disappointed in here.

I have a time or two done things for people I feel for. YES, even as a law enforcement official (we have feelings too); for instance the wife who's husband beats her and tells her if she presses charges when we get there, he will do more to her then he has already done. He occasionally falls on the ground or "trips" hitting his head on the patrol car while being halled away. Or the mom with 3 kids in the back seat speeding to get them to daycare to go to her 12 hour waffle house shift because the father ran out on them accidentally dropping a $20 bill in the window of the car and driving away before she realizes it.

FINE, call me what you want...I guess it was wrong of me to start this thread and I jumped to take action before thinking. I apologize to all.

A lie is a lie, a cheat is a cheat, do you promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or only part time, when it suits you, and what you feel is just.
Yes, I break the law, I go over the speed limit on occasion, if I get caught I will pay (and have done so in the past) the consequences. We're not here to judge you or your wife, that's usually reserved for a higher authority, but you put yourself out don't cry when we tell you what we think.
PS- Not looking for an apology. Just want to raise the level of consciousness to avoid people being/becoming hypocrits. Kind of like when I was 16 and smoked marijuana for about 3 months on weekends and then decided to become a cop- that was then end of marijuana because I realized, at that age, that I could not arrest/cite people for dope if I was using it at home. Never have touched anything like that ever since.

Happy Easter to all.
Off topic...

I don't know much at all about drugs and have always wondered how police officers handle drugs when found at a crime scene. Isn't there a chance that the drugs can be seep in through the skin? It seems some of the drugs in powder form could enter the blood stream through the skin. I watched a show on HBO or TLC about a drug that was made with ammonia and lantern fuel and all kinds of other crap that is extremely bad to inhale. The officer is breaking down the door on a drug house and walks right in without any breathing protection. :eek: How do you protect yourself from inhaling all that crap?
Way back when....we used to wear gloves to handle anything to protect yourself as well as not contaminating the evidence with your prints. If we smelled anything we would have a fire department hazmat crew check it out first and brief them not to touch anything without speaking with us first. Or in the alternative go in with some fire department breathing equipment on.
Yeah, I was never crazy about going into illegal labs. The worst were the ones with some freak cooking and his little baby being in the room with him/her and the baby would be so high it would be crazy. Some people are just plain stupid and deserve to go to prison for a long, long time.