Hi all, I need help. I recently took my gauge cluster out to install the SOS CF bezel. All went well and everything worked perfect once I reinstalled the gauges- for about 2 days. Last night as I was driving, the cluster light started flickering along w/ the amber lighting around the two climate control knobs- I did not realize that lighting for the cluster & the climate control were dependent on one another The first thing that came to mind was that the left-side wire harness behind the plastic garnish that goes over the cluster, which operates the headlight up/down and the gauge light dimmer buttons was not properly seated. But the odd thing is that the lights would go out completely when I came to a complete stop, but would start flickering again when the car was moving. If it was a loose connection, I would think that the opposite would happen, i.e. lights would come on when both car & connection was stagnant & would go out w/ all the bumpiness shaking the connector loose. Also, what doesn't make sense is that the problem seems to have temporarily fixed itself overnight! Before I go thru the hassle of removing the cluster again, does anyone have thoughts? Could it be a loose fuse? If so, which one is it? BTW, no other lights were affected, headlights were fine. Thanks guys!