EndlessNA1 said:Its the radiator heat creeping through the cracks between the blower assembly and then traveling through the AC vents and then into the cabin. I made a LARGE heat sheild that pushes the air through the radiator and then is directed down to the ground and ends right before the battery.
newby said:Good reference ak
I noticed this on my 1997. I found that hitting the recirculate button stops the problem. What happens is the default option is the "outside air button", which comes on automatically even if the climate control system is off. So as you are driving, it's sucking air through the system (which is hot because the car is running) By hitting the recirculate button.... it grabs air from inside the cabin which is the ambient temp.
Larry Bastanza said:I have noticed something for a while, but cannot confirm ANY documentation about it. IF my climate control is turned off. The left knob seems to control the temp of fresh air. I know this does not make much sense, but when I turn the knob to the blue side, my "fresh air" is cool. If I leave the knob at let's say 11:00 o'clock the "fresh air" is warm.
I was on a trip last weekend and repeatedly could get the "fresh air to change temp by adjusting the left knob with the climate control off. I do not know why.
So if my theory holds any water (not sure it does) try turning your CC temp know to the blue side all the way and see if the warm air stops. It worked for me. BTW, typically I would have it set at 70-72, sowhen it the CC is off, I fell warn air, until I turn the knob to 60.
SaberX said:Turns out it was my heater valve adjustment. Even on "Cold" it was still about 50% open, I readjusted the cable and now I have cold and hot air. No more hot air all the time! Thank god.