I know the number seems low, probably closer to 50 million that are, smoking crack, gaming the system, living off other people, not being productive (ie. using more than they are contributing)...
BTW, if you feel compelled you can always donate money. I know someone who needs it. They have no health insurance, well none that they pay for. The poor lady is 29 years old. She has NINE kids to take care of on her own, well she has a guy living with her but she doesn't tell her case worker that because they would take his income into consideration and she wouldn't get ~6k a month in free money from welfare and they would cut off the free medical assistance she gets. If that happened they wouldn't have any money left for 50" plasmas and 10 dollar coffee's.I'll let her know you're sending a check.
that exactly why the bill forces her to buy the insurance- do you think that people like that don't piss me off?