Health Reform Bill.........

Who wants to join me to rob a bank in Austria? It is a win and win situation. If we get caught, we'll live in 5 stars hotel and don't have to worry paying the mortgage. If we don't, we will split it evenly.

Post #666 for you. LOL

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Holy Moly! That prison is better than most peoples houses.....:eek:

Oceans 14 anyone? :biggrin:
I'm surprised at the civility here.

I'm ticked.

I'm gonna watch my taxes fly through the roof.

I'm going to watch my insurance premiums go through the roof.

I'm going to have to put up with a myriad of new government agencies, including more intrusion from the IRS.

We've all just lost a ton of freedom.

I sell health plans so any bill that forces people would buy will be boon to me but I'm against it anyway since it will just force costs up not down. It is badly written and has nothing in it to contain costs. There needs to be some healthcare reform but this bill stinks. Like all politics the lobbyists wrote it that back the winning party.
Not saying to do this...or that it would ever happened, but what if 90% of the country said no we aren't paying taxes for the new healthcare reform...what would happen? Anyway its done now, I would like to see the states win the suit, but I don't think they will, besides our goverment doesn't really care what we want, I mean hell they don't even know what they are voting on half the time Pelosi(sp) " we need to pass this bill so we can see whats in it!!!" hmmm something wrong there.
This quote sums up the current situation poetically:

"The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years for a nation to progress to a sequence from bondage to spiritual faith, spiritual faith to great courage, great courage to liberty, liberty to abundance, abundance to selfishness, selfishness to complacency, complacency to apathy, apathy to dependence. And from dependence back again into bond age.

A democracy can not exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until voters discover that they can vote for them selves largess of the public treasury with a result that democracy always fails under loose fiscal policy and is generally followed by dictatorship."
I'm surprised at the civility here.

I'm ticked.

I'm gonna watch my taxes fly through the roof.

I'm going to watch my insurance premiums go through the roof.

I'm going to have to put up with a myriad of new government agencies, including more intrusion from the IRS.

We've all just lost a ton of freedom.


Maybe because Prime screens and delete any thing that is opposed to the Dem's agenda? I probably have five or more posts since deleted.
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EXACTLY...Let's hope the Republicans can thwart this new legislation. Or the the group of Attorney Generals from all the states that filed suit.

I'm surprised at the civility here.

I'm ticked.

I'm gonna watch my taxes fly through the roof.

I'm going to watch my insurance premiums go through the roof.

I'm going to have to put up with a myriad of new government agencies, including more intrusion from the IRS.

We've all just lost a ton of freedom.

I wasn't aware of that.

So we can "tread lightly" on long as they coincide with the powers at be's political agenda? :confused:
We haven't talk about the quality of care and the wait time to see the doctor...hmmmmmmm

Oh I know...don't get me started.

But guys, start buddying up with your Doc.

Lest you have to wait in line in 2014.
Dude guys, it's so simple! All you have to do is make sure you, and your loved ones, never get sick or hurt and live forever. Sheesh, making such a big deal over nothing. :rolleyes:
Or did you ever think that maybe just maybe after a few years of you sitting next to other patients with the "government mandated" plan in your doctors office you start to wonder why you are paying 2x what they are paying and getting the same and many others might want that plan too.....hmm maybe getting 30 million people hooked on crack could get the other 200 million hooked too.....Who knows if enough doctors refuse the new plan the government might create a new law forcing the issue...:mad:
I wasn't aware of that.

So we can "tread lightly" on long as they coincide with the powers at be's political agenda? :confused:

Some people just get upset when their rants get deleted, be they political or the 10th time somebody wants to repost the same issue with a vendor, etc. Then they feel they are being picked on. Then they decide that since their view was deleted that must mean the "powers that be" hold an opposing view and are moderating based on opposing political views (or in the case of vendors, that the "powers that be" must be "protecting" a vendor instead of simply enforcing clearly stated rules).

I challenge anyone to go through old threads and show where one side has been consistently allowed more leeway to push their political agenda than the other. For example, on the topic of health care, I'd like to see the links to any threads where people were allowed to aggressively promote the health care reform package while opposing viewpoints were suppressed.

The message forums have been running for over a decade now with both parties in control of everything at some point. Aggressive political agenda pushing of any flavor has never been welcome here, and it never will be as long as I run the site.
The bill "fixes" dropped the penalty to about $650, I believe, for not having insurance.

Seems to me that it's a lot cheaper to not have insurance at this point. Just pay the fine once a year and get free medical care.

$650 is less than two months worth of premiums for me and doesn't take into account any co-pays or my 20% of any costs above and beyond standard care.
Or did you ever think that maybe just maybe after a few years of you sitting next to other patients with the "government mandated" plan in your doctors office you start to wonder why you are paying 2x what they are paying and getting the same and many others might want that plan too.....hmm maybe getting 30 million people hooked on crack could get the other 200 million hooked too.....Who knows if enough doctors refuse the new plan the government might create a new law forcing the issue...:mad:

Oh don't worry about that... I'm sure they'll make it law that we have to accept the new plan soon enough... just like it's going to be mandatory to HAVE health insurance now. They'll be more than happy to throw doc's in jail.

Awesome! :rolleyes:
no matter how you look at it, something needed to be done.
both republicans and democrats share the blame- the first side for not doing anything for the past 10 years and getting paid for it (and now throwing a hissy fit) and the second side for railroading the law through with half-assed solutions.
the only real fix is to take the insurance PROFIT out of healthcare- if that leads to the unfortunate 'government control' then so be it. you simply cannot have a healthcare system for 'some' that then gets burdened with having to accomodate those who cannot afford it- you end up paying for it anyway, no matter what- higher premiums or higher taxes- pick one.
i am all for 'free market' but thats the one area that needs to be exempt from rampant profiteering.
lastly, those folks that will scream 'socialism' etc- what do you think Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are?
time to grow up and try to join the rest of 'developed countries'.
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The fix is easy, You use, you pay. You can't pay you don't use. And yes everyone can pay they just choose not to.

The problem is not the cost of treatment the problem is 70+% of people never intend on paying or don't pay which places 100% of the full cost on the 30% who do pay. That has already been confirmed here by a few posters who are doctors.

As for the posting of opinions I see it like this, if opinions against what is reality are deleted then the deleter of said opinions is in acceptance or agreement with reality.

It would be nice to have a open forum section where all opinions could be posted on both sides of the argument. Unfortunately many people carry the chip on their shoulder into other parts of the site. I guess I am the odd man out as I could not care less what someone says and most crap rolls off my back. I feel everyone has a right to express their opinion even if I don't agree with it and in most cases it's how I learn about the other side of an issue.
no matter how you look at it, something needed to be done.
both republicans and democrats share the blame- the first side for not doing anything for the past 10 years and getting paid for it (and now throwing a hissy fit) and the second side for railroading the law through with half-assed solutions.
the only real fix is to take the insurance PROFIT out of healthcare- if that leads to the unfortunate 'government control' then so be it. you simply cannot have a healthcare system for 'some' that then gets burdened with having to accomodate those who cannot afford it- you end up paying for it anyway, no matter what- higher premiums or higher taxes- pick one.
i am all for 'free market' but thats the one area that needs to be exempt from rampant profiteering.
lastly, those folks that will scream 'socialism' etc- what do you think Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are?
time to grow up and try to join the rest of 'developed countries'.

I'll hold back opinions but have no problem providing facts. There are those in the political arena that have been diligent in slowly constructing and reinforcing the fallacy of insurance or other "profits" being the problem.

Their thesis consists of the idea that if one were to remove the profits from insurance companies and use those funds for health care, instead of say paying a dividend to share holders, it would alleviate the problem to some extent.

Time to get real and enter the real world-all insurance company profits total to 0.4% of total health care expenditures in the United States. Less than one half of one percent. What are the other "profits"? Hospitals? Doctors? Nurses? They all have to be paid based on their productivity and in the case of those with extraordinary education, their time and $ investment in the form of how much it costs to replace those individuals. The government cannot and will not lower these costs without increasing competition (forcing med schools to output more doctors etc.) or degrading the quality of health care proportionally to the degree costs are reduced. No fairy tales will correct this.

Enter the Eurozone.. these people have much less discretionary income than those in the United States of the proportional income level. Funneling funds into the government to be redistributed cannot equate to a net gain for a society and in fact will undeniably result in a net loss due to unnecessary administration costs, lack of a profit motive, political influence, and the extraction of valuable excess capital from the private sector that could be used for productive means.

If the majority in a democracy want socialized medicine (apparently these days a very strict majority if you get my drift), then the nature of a democracy (or republic more accurately) will dictate that it is implemented. But a massively over leveraged government with grossly over leveraged citizens must know when they are and are not in the position to implement such measures. The real discussion should be about is it worth removing 20% of your discretionary income for 5-10% of it essentially disappearing and roughly 10% of it going to socialized medicine ran by bureaucrats that will inevitably result in lower quality care. I haven't heard many politicians ask me that, not that they care.
The fix is easy, You use, you pay. You can't pay you don't use. And yes everyone can pay they just choose not to.

The problem is not the cost of treatment the problem is 70+% of people never intend on paying or don't pay which places 100% of the full cost on the 30% who do pay. That has already been confirmed here by a few posters who are doctors.

As for the posting of opinions I see it like this, if opinions against what is reality are deleted then the deleter of said opinions is in acceptance or agreement with reality.

It would be nice to have a open forum section where all opinions could be posted on both sides of the argument. Unfortunately many people carry the chip on their shoulder into other parts of the site. I guess I am the odd man out as I could not care less what someone says and most crap rolls off my back. I feel everyone has a right to express their opinion even if I don't agree with it and in most cases it's how I learn about the other side of an issue.

That's a "Bingo" too!
Dude guys, it's so simple! All you have to do is make sure you, and your loved ones, never get sick or hurt and live forever. Sheesh, making such a big deal over nothing. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, you cannot plan your total health future as you can your investments, other than a rainy day fund.
Dude guys, it's so simple! All you have to do is make sure you, and your loved ones, never get sick or hurt and live forever. Sheesh, making such a big deal over nothing. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, you cannot plan your total health future as you can your investments, other than a rainy day fund.

I seriously hope that you picked up on the absurdity of my statement to belay the sarcastic nature in which it was said.
I seriously hope that you picked up on the absurdity of my statement to belay the sarcastic nature in which it was said.
Realized the sarcastic boldness from the font expression and had to chuckle, however, I used yours when I needed a quote about planning health to make my point. We are along the same lines. :smile:

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