Have you seen the light?

Funny thing about my light. I've seen it work once. On the maiden voyage home to Sacramento, from Tampa, after buying the car from Shawn. I haven't seen it work since. This despite several fill-ups where I apparently was able to pump 17 gallons of gas. I don't recall the most miles I've driven on a single tank but I do remember distinctly on my drive from Tampa there was one stretch where I got 29 mpg.
The needle must drop below "E" before the light comes on. When it does, you have 2 gallons of gas left, or roughly 50 miles of highway driving left.
Well that is why I don't trust the gas gauge and go off of mileage because mine comes on when I have used 15.5 gallons.
We have a 18 gallon tank, so your 15.5 is pretty close. My car takes almost exactly 16 gallons after the light comes on.
I don't recall ever seeing the light during my ownership. I usually filled up near a quarter tank.
In fact I didn't think there was a low fuel light!
Today, Not a station in sight. When I filled up, It took $60.00 for 15.35 gallons. -DREW-
wow and a green arrow pops up to alert you to look over there....honda thought of everything:biggrin: