Haters, and how much they suck (pics included)

12 May 2007
Wichita, KS
So I finally got nailed by a hater. :mad: So she's getting painted soon, probably gonna just have the entire car repainted instead of having the fender fixed.



They should be caught and stoned to death.

Lol, Theres currently a lynch mob hunting for the guy. I knew the owner of the place it happend at and she caught it on video. Can't really make out the guys face, but she's sure she knows who did it. He hasent been back since the night it happened either.

this really sucks. i would put up a picture and some reward $$$ for info on who did it. once caught, carve the same thing on their forehead.
Sorry to see that happened to your NSX.:mad: Hope the vandal will be caught soon. I just don't understand people like that. Will insurance cover some of your repainting cost?
Sorry to see that happened to your NSX.:mad: Hope the vandal will be caught soon. I just don't understand people like that. Will insurance cover some of your repainting cost?

Yeah, kind of. My insurance company uses Rusty Eck ford for their insurance work in wichita. When I took it down there the first thing they said was "Is that a prelude with a kit?" Then quoted they code fix it for 700$. They say "its just a honda". So I'm not gonna use my insurance cause i dont want a half assed ford paint job. A friend of mine that used to work on base opened his own shop here in town, from what I've been told his work is phenominal so I'm going to take it to him and have him do all the paint work on it. Might end up with a change in color. Been tempted to source out a targa for a conversion while i'm at it.

Anyone wanting to convert their targa to a coupe? We could swap tops :)
Sometimes I refuse to drive my NSX in the city and park for the fear of something like this. I hope that guy gets whats coming to him and that's getting the crap beat out of him!

I've been feeling that way since it happened, but you know i've decided screw it. I worked hard for a long time to get where I am, and I'll be damned if a bunch of childish disrespectful haters are gonna ruin something that I enjoy. I just need to be more careful next time I take it out somewhere that i'm going to be stopping at. At the least never leave it parked in a public place at night anymore.
dang, i'm so sorry that $hit had to happen. All I have to say is he/she will get theirs....again, this totally sucks...for any cars, not just an NSx.
Don't you wish that you could have an alarm like James Bond so that when someone screwed with your car, it would just blow up. :biggrin:
Ouch! That hurts just looking at it.
Sorry to hear it happened. Hopefully,
the fix will be quick and she'll be all new soon.
if ur local i would swap top with you. :biggrin:
and yes its sucks to have your car vandalized my s2000 was broken into and whole bunch of interior parts stolen a month and half ago. and my insurance are terrible :frown: taking forever to fix my car.

believe me, i know how that feels...it's a pain. everything will be fine after the repair...and you can enjoy your beautifull NSX fully again :wink:

all the best,

So I finally got nailed by a hater. :mad: So she's getting painted soon, probably gonna just have the entire car repainted instead of having the fender fixed.

Yeah, kind of. My insurance company uses Rusty Eck ford for their insurance work in wichita. When I took it down there the first thing they said was "Is that a prelude with a kit?" Then quoted they code fix it for 700$. They say "its just a honda". So I'm not gonna use my insurance cause i dont want a half assed ford paint job. A friend of mine that used to work on base opened his own shop here in town, from what I've been told his work is phenominal so I'm going to take it to him and have him do all the paint work on it. Might end up with a change in color. Been tempted to source out a targa for a conversion while i'm at it.

Anyone wanting to convert their targa to a coupe? We could swap tops :)

Are insurance laws different out there? I know here in california insurance cant force you to use their shop.
Wow...that guy needs his ass beat! What is wrong with people? No respect whatsoever! :mad::mad::mad:

Sorry to see your baby get damaged :frown:
Whoa...holy crap. What kind of concealed carry laws do they have up there in Kansas?

Did you have any history with that giant twat waffle or was it just a random act of douchebaggery?
One morning after getting ready for work I walk to my car and noticed broken glass and a empty slot where my radio use to be...:frown:

Had the passenger side window replaced and went with a inexpensive radio...:confused:

The next following week my car was broken into and again same scenario, broken glass and missing deck...:mad:

Had the passenger side window replaced but this time went with no radio. At this point I decided to leave a note in the car that reads " No radio, Move on"...:rolleyes:

The next day I noticed broken glass AGAIN and this time the burglar left me a note that reads "Just Checking":eek:
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It's happened to me too on my T.T.Z. a few years ago. Bastards scratched almost every panel except the roof, hood trunk. Insurance just ended up paying for the entire car paint job. Still wasn't happy about it.
It's happened to me too on my T.T.Z. a few years ago. My X scratched almost every panel except the roof, hood trunk. Insurance just ended up paying for the entire car paint job. Still wasn't happy about it.