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Has Dali Racing (Mark Johnson) ripped you off

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Here's my .02:

I have never bought anything from Dali/Mark Johnson. When I first bought my NSX and joined Prime, I trolled around to see what types of vendors others were using for certain products. What I found was an alarming number of complaints about Mark Johnson on a lot of different threads. What did this lead me to think? Well, since I had no direct experience with him, I can only go off of word of mouth, and that led me to take my business elsewhere, simply because I would feel like a fool if I got ripped off after reading of so many others having problems.

I have purchased items from SoS (based on strong positive postings) and avoided Mark Johnson. Does this mean I am smart, or maybe that I am missing out on some wonderful business transaction? Who knows? I do know that after visiting his website, I think he presents himself pretty unprofessionally, and I choose to take my dollars elsewhere, fully understanding that many others have had no problems at all.

The point is, if you read through other posts and are uncomfortable with the way his business is conducted, don't buy anything from him. If you are uncomfortable, but decide that you absolutely must give him your money or your NSX will never forgive you, and you end up getting ripped off, don't whine about it. You've had ample warning, and you shouldn't be surprised. Personally, I want ZERO surprises when I fork over my cash for a product, so I stay with vendors who have proven themselves to be trustworthy 100% of the time, not just when it's convenient to them.

Again, just my .02.
When I finally make it to an NSXPO Mark will give me my parts that he refuses to send.....

What makes you so sure that the parts you ordered, he will have with him?
[What makes you so sure that the parts you ordered, he will have with him?

I guess it will be up to Mark to negotiate a settlement if he does not have the parts I ordered. I am sure he will have something with him I will accept in lieu of the parts.
I find it so funny how some people on nsxprime will defend M.J. no matter how many people he rips off. Just because they received their parts. I think its a joke!
People that are planning to order parts for their cars should know that they are taking their chances when ordering from mark.I dont see m.j. fans willing to send out refunds for him!
I used dali a while ago before all these accusations of ripoffs came out and if I would have known I would have never ordered from him. Now if I need or want parts I would rather pay double than use him

ok people - i had a count up of how many people fall into which camps in this thread:

people who have had bad experiences and/or feel Mark is bad to deal with = 13

people who have had good experiences and/or recommend Mark and/or will deal with him again = 51
PAUL M said:
I find it so funny how some people on nsxprime will defend M.J. no matter how many people he rips off. Just because they received their parts.
While remaining totally neutral here because I have never ordered anything, i'll just say this. Of course people who have had good experiences with someone are going to defend the company. Why would they not if they aren't having the same experiences that some people are having? Do you really expect someone who received parts in good faith to bash the guy? I dont know if you realize it, but when you put up a thread asking people to step up if they got screwed by a particular vendor, regardless of what you think, people are going to come to his defense, and thats that. Rather than bashing people for defending him even though they are cool with him, how about just focus on the topic, which is to help everyone who hasnt had a great experience with him, get what they deserve. I wish everyone luck thats involved. I hate seeing internet deals go south because it lowers the amount of trust people have with EVERYONE, not just one particular dealer. Good luck with this guys.
I can only go off of word of mouth, and that led me to take my business elsewhere, simply because I would feel like a fool if I got ripped off after reading of so many others having problems.

Unfortunately because of this information i'm not comfortable in dealing with Dali racing due to the fear of being in another country and getting ripped off which would leave me stranded (legally)

Is there any reason why the company owner/manager does not visit this thread to clear up any misinformation because it is certainly doing his reputation harm. I would think considering a fair amount of NSX owners are on this board he would like to have this cleared up.

I only mention this as the science of speed guys are on here reguarly and this has partly contributed in my comfort with dealing with them. (thanks again Chris and Seth):)
Dali--What a Great Museum

If you are ever in St. Petersburg, FL you must visit the Dali Museum! It has exquisite priceless works of art from the famous artist.

Ha Ha - Cool name Mark-But if you ever get in trouble with the "persistance of ...NSX" infringement on your site, let me know I know Elenor personally. (She owns the Museum's content!)

Anywho, I have never placed an order with Dali, but being a business owner myself, sometime I must rely on other vendors or manufacturers to supply me with product so I can resell to my customers. This day and age, stocking every part and waiting for the phone to ring is just bad business. Us NSXers should know it takes time to get those special parts for our babies, so don't bash others. I believe MJ has alot of risk involved in being a distributor of performance parts for our exotics. Hell, just staying in business is tough enough and his reputation is on the line with his products and service. But if he has done something unethical, it will only be a matter of time before it catches up with him.

Now I will get off my Soap Box!
Thanks for listening and as you leave, please drop something in the collection plate.
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I've had only positive experiences in dealing with Mark, both business and personal. I certainly can't gripe about his business practices; he's always been very proactive and the products I've purchased have been received quickly and without any problem at all.

no problem here either with any of the 6 or 7 orders ive placed with him. my wife has placed a few too (gifts for me), and he even handled returns/swaps without a problem. perhaps there's twins - evil-mark and a good-mark. i've only dealt with the good one, and as someone else mentioned, the good one on several occasions has shipped me out parts before i've even paid for them.
When I first joined NSXPrime I did my due dilligence in researching the vendors listed here. I had read a few negative things about Dali and decided that if I did order anything from Mark Johnson that they would be low dollar items that wouldn't really matter if I recieved them or not. I had ordered parts from Gunn Acura, RM, and SOS, so giving Dali a try was a curiosity. Needless to say, I ordered the brake air deflectors and recieved them without any hassle. Yes they were back ordered for a few weeks, but Mark did communicate with me each and every time I sent him an e-mail. I guess not being antagonistic is vital in dealing with Mark.

I have sypmathy for those of you who have been ripped off by Mark. The fact that his tactics still take place is somewhat upsetting, but the free market will dictate wether or not his business stays successful. It is unacceptable for him to take money and not deliver a product and his staying silent during this and other threads is not helping him.

Just my $.02

BTW, if anyone needs aftermarket accesoires for HPDE's or racing applications check out http://www.race-sport.net
Re: Dali--What a Great Museum

2NRWerks.com said:
being a business owner myself, sometime I must rely on other vendors or manufacturers to supply me with product so I can resell to my customers. This day and age, stocking every part and waiting for the phone to ring is just bad business. Us NSXers should know it takes time to get those special parts for our babies, so don't bash others.

True and completely understandable....and if there was a delay or breakdown I'm sure you would communicate that with your customer(s). After 6+ requests/emails I have yet to receive a response. (I've even used nsxprime's PM but to no avail.) There is ABSOLUTLY no possible excuse why he has not returned my email or PM requests other than avoidance.
Yes, you are right ub2slw. If I did not communicate with my customers, I would not have them as customers, and my business would suffer. I am in a manufacturing industry (Printing and Book Publication) and I am the low guy on the todem pole. Customers drop off disk and expect me to perform a miracle. I do my best to meet their requirements, but things don't always go as they plan. Communication is KEY in business. Not just to customers, but employees and vendors as well.

I hope something positive comes out of this for both you and Mark.
Yes-I believe he should explain this publicly on this forum and you guys should kiss and make up. Ha Ha, this thing needs to be put to rest!

Good Luck to both!
I have lost almost $500 with mark johnson. Its been over a year and im still waiting on the completion of my custom muffler set-up.

Maybe everyone should get together that has been ripped off, and take leagle action against him. I know I am!

Funny thing is that if you call dali, they will tell you he is just another person that comes in and makes orders from them.

I dont know about you guys, but im not just going to take this as a loss and forget about it.

Im going to get my money back, one way or the other.
Wait a minute! Aren't you someone that had been the biggest Dali supporter that was chanting "Mark Johnson is the best?"
So he ripped you off too, huh? I bet you still think he is such a swell guy. Don't worry and keep your faith. I am sure you will EVENTUALLY get your muffler. Mark is probably having problem with that everlasting hotmail account, that's all. :D
Re: You Guys Are Slow

AndyVecsey said:
There are sixteen posts (not counting mine) to this thread on this day so far.

Prior to that, the last post was April 2003 by hardtopguy.

What, somebody wakes up some day and decides to jump on the bandwagon? :confused:
No, Andy.
Just one of the NSXGOD's worshippers woke up one day recently and realized his pocket book was not balanced by a weight of a muffler. His faith is probably a little shaken, that's all. I am sure NSXGOD will be kind enough to grant POG's wishes one day.
Well, I guess you can add me to the list of unsatisfied customers.

On April 3 I ordered a CF rear valance from Dali. Almost immediately I recieved a thankyou email for my order. The next day I recieved another email stating the part would ship out on Monday morning. Monday came and sure enough Mark was still very quick with responding to my email requests, assuring me the part was on the way. That was until I asked for a tracking #, I never got the part and I havent heard from Mark since.

I have bought several parts from Dali. Mark always gives good advice and I have never been disappointed in the direction he has lead me.

I cant imagine him ripping people off. He is a smaller operation but look at the prices. If you want to pay full price go somewhere else. If you want quality namebrand stuff thats cheaper than full retail just type in www.daliracing.com

I would reccomend buying from Dali. I never had a problem.

Re: MJ

GlowNSX said:
I cant imagine him ripping people off. He is a smaller operation but look at the prices. If you want to pay full price go somewhere else. If you want quality namebrand stuff thats cheaper than full retail just type in www.daliracing.com

i too operate a small business with great prices so surely i will not rip you off. i am offering, for a limited time, comptech superchargers for $1099 shipped to your door. please make paypal payment to [email protected]
GlowNSX that is an awesome price for a supercharger, you should buy two maybe three. Just send the money, the rest will take care of itself.

I am glad Mark can thief from some of us to support his low prices for people like you. Just think, the first time he rips you off all that money you saved from his low prices will be pissed away. Ah...but you will have memories of low prices and cheap products.
Re: Re: MJ

nicholas421 said:
i too operate a small business with great prices so surely i will not rip you off. i am offering, for a limited time, comptech superchargers for $1099 shipped to your door. please make paypal payment to [email protected]
Comptech supercharger kits for an NSX or a whipple charger with no other components?
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