And I forgot to add the fire suit panties and socks, the must have ventilated Kevlar/Hans combo, the ventilated cool suit, the Halon .......... :tongue:
BRUTAL !!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: You must have started the weekend early and put some Bailey's in your coffee. But I'm sure by Monday nite, you will be patrolling your neighborhood with a helmet, steel-toed shoes, nomex and fire bottle.
Is that code for T-Hill? If not, you better call Doug and tell him he's screwed up because he's telling everyone it's T-Hill tomorrow.
But no, I'm not going. Gonna risk my neck with those 800 HP Trans-Ams in ARC next weekend. :redface: Talk about risk aversion..........holy shit, the rocks and klag coming off those slicks are like asteroids. My helmet's paint job is looking pretty shabby.
If I had any sense, I'd get me the afore-mentioned "800 HP project car with 30 year old 3 point belts". :biggrin:
In case there is still some question lingering about what is permissable and what is optimum for attaching the sub-belts, here are a couple of pics of how the FM is designed. As you can see, I don't have the thread type sub belts, but have them attached directly to the cam-lock; it's just a little quicker buckling up since I do it myself and have a long checklist to get all my stuff on and connected.
The point here is that the sub belts are anchored very close to the lap belts. I have read (somewhere, don't recall) that the subs could also be attached to the same hardpoints as the lap belts. I believe the rationale for that is that the subs take some of the load off the laps and the load on the hardpoint remains the same. (Make sense to me anyway, but I only play an engineer on forums like this. :wink
The pic on the right just shows how it comes thru the lower leg-support portion of the seat.
Now back to our regularly scheduled off topic banter. :tongue:
OK, I'm the one who's not paying attention. I half considered instructing for him at Infineon tomorrow, but dismissed it rather quickly and then just glanced at the title of his T-Hill Email today. So ya gotta admit, that amounts to half a lame excuse.
And no, I'm not ready to drive the 800 HP project car yet. I need to be a little older, a little blinder and snider. Yeah, all 3.
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