I don't want to digress too afar field from the original topic, but as we have said at nausea before, it all boils down to risk management if not risk tolerance.
Using previous posts here is some humor:
1) The brakes are the most important thing since that will stop your car. Don't cheap out by compromising. But wait, why stop with pads when you can get BBK. Ah, the BBK, which has more torque? Well is torque more important or balanced brake bias? Can I have both at bargain basemen mt price? Why can't someone m,make one for the NSX community like ........
2) And since brakes are important, don't cheap out by not changing your brake fluid regularly, ie the "I change mine after each session ..... do you really want to risk and find out at the track that you boiled your fluid coming down the straight at some xxx mph?! I use brand X and I swear all racers use it too!" I have an open used bottle from last year that I am happy to sell it to you; you pay shipping and PayPal.
3) And to stop the car "man you need sticky tires." The tires are the most important thing for they give you traction and what keeps you on the road are the tires right?! Don't cheap out by compromising; "I read the tests results on Tire Brack and Road and Brack and they said this X brand is the best performer." But wait, didn't Billy post something else about tire performance and preferences?
4) Well you can't track without proper suspension tuning. I'll let Billy pick up the rest of the story ........ ah the KW3 deals.
5) "OMG, you are tracking with no restraining system? You really need a carbon Kevlar seat to absorb the whatever g forces you will encounter." Since Ted reads all the footnotes in all the safety publications, he will pitch on this one hereon end ........
6) Oh wait a minute, in the probability that you will have an incident, there is a possibility that you may flip over. "It would be stupid to track without a roll cage!" And now we can discuss what a functional roll cage will look like ...... I leave it to STMPO to argue the benefits of structural designs.
6) Did I say roll cage, well then, you need an 8 point aftermarket harness since we are talking about your life and the SO people you leave behind. Wait, you have kids !!!
7) What kids, oh yes I have a few ........ "well did you get an insurance umbrella to cover your hobby? How much is the deductible? Seems like a racket no? Can I pay in installments or only if I actually end up having a crash otherwise I am taking all the financial hit man; the economy sucks."
We are still talking about a hobby right? Not racing right
So when was the last time you left the house and looked at the statistical probabilities that if your left foot left the door first, the "chance" that you will fall or stumble was higher than if your right foot left first?! Just saying :biggrin: :tongue: