Happy Birthday Climberao

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
I have the stogie you gave me and I will enjoy it tonight to celebrate your BD. Thanks again pal.
Have a very happy day Alan. I wonder if you'll get dancing red guys?
Rich B. :smile::smile:
Happy bubbieday!

Healthy Happy Birthday Alan!!!! Go take a ride today, it's gorgeous out in the neighborhood!!!!
have a great day Alan.
We all know if it is worth anything then it is worth waiting for.
Here's anything.:wink:

Happy Birthday Alan! Hope you had a rollicking good time.

I'm not really late, I'm just in a different time zone. I also make my own reality too, but that's another issue.
We all know if it is worth anything then it is worth waiting for.
Here's anything.:wink:

Happy Birthday Alan! Hope you had a rollicking good time.

I'm not really late, I'm just in a different time zone. I also make my own reality too, but that's another issue.

Carla, first advice on yours and the Don's "relationship", I'm sure that my wife's attorney will agree here................"Blame Don". when he wished Alan a Happy Birthday, he negligently failed to sign it "& Pooh", his fault, not yours!!!!!:biggrin::wink::eek::tongue:
Everyone... Thanks for the birthday greetings. I did get the car out and have a quick run ( I was going to say spin but then I KNEW I would get comments from Bob and Roger) before the extended family took me out for a lovely dinner.
The best part was 5 minutes before leaving for dinner my boss called and I answered my blackberry thinking the worst. Believe it or not he just wanted to wish me a happy bday and tell me to enjoy dinner :smile: Not too shabby:cool:

Happy belated B'day; hope to see yat at NSXSTOCK again...

Hi Pal; Happy belated Birthday.. I been hiding out in my garage - and missing time to compute, I mid stream in a car restoration for my wifes b,day in May..
see u soon in May & the WALK in June Save The TA TA'S Regards Clem:biggrin: