had an accident in the NSX

1 June 2005
Happy Little Tree, Indiana
Last night while on a ramp heading onto one interstate from another, I lost control of the backend and hit a guardrail. It was raining, and just after getting the car straight to accelerate, bam! I estimate I was going 15-20mph when I hit it...the airbag did not deploy! Now comes the fun part...getting it fixed. It is going to need new headlights, headlight assemblys, headlight covers, two front fenders, bumper and hood. It is amazing how much damage can be done at such slow speeds. Thankfully, I am fine! btw...it is a 1991 Sebring Silver with no prior accidents.

So here is my dilemma...where do I take it to get it fixed? This summer, I had the front end of my MR2 painted just for cosmetic reasons, and one would think that this reputable body shop of 60 years would know what they were doing. Point...whereever you take the car, they will "guarantee" perfect work, but in my experience with body shops, they never do. Hood was put on crooked, headlight covers were crooked, runs in the paint, overspray from another car they painted in the shop :mad::mad:etc...

For those of you who have had body work done on the NSX, what conversations do you have up front with a body shop to set YOUR expectations for the quality of work? In addition, I have State Farm insurance, so what should I expect from the adjuster...at what point do they typically declare a car a total loss?
Yikes! Sorry to hear about the accident. Found this on yahoo answers regarding State Farm:

1. State Farm allows you to get as many estimates as you would like. You do NOT have to use one of their select service shops (it CANNOT be required by law), but there are advantages of using a select service shop. (Advantages are: State Farm guarantees all work done by a select service shop, and the assignment and adjusting are all done at the select service shop- so no check has to be issued if the car can be repaired at a select service shop)

2. If you would still like to keep the car, and the car IS DECLARED A TOTAL LOSS... there are a few options (this might vary depending in which state you reside). You can purchase the car back, but you will have to get a Reconstructive Title for the car and the car cannot be driven in between getting that R title and the vehicle being repaired. You would purchase the car back from State Farm and settle on the cost.

3. State Farm refers customer to look at NADA.com for the value of the vehicles. If the damage comes to approximately 80% of what your car is worth, more than likely your vehicle will be a total loss.

I'm on the east coast, so I can't recommend any collision centers in your area but good luck.

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I have conducted tech sessions at NSXCA events to help people do just what you asked: find a collision repair shop that suits you.

I don't feel good giving advice here on Prime for what you seek because sites like this, by nature, are a shooting gallery and I'm not going to get involved. I just can't bear some of the comments and silly inane suggestions that are part of the territory. Sometime the threads seem to become a "stupid" contest with a few working hard to come in first.

If you want to call me at my shop and get some advice I'll be happy to spend some time with you to help you find what you need. You may need to leave a number if I am really busy and, I usually am.

For one, I really like your post and think how you expressed yourself here is EXACTLY how you should to a prospective repairer. Word for word it is excellent.

I have State Farm insurance, so what should I expect from the adjuster...at what point do they typically declare a car a total loss?

Do not listen to ANYONE here. Talk to the front of the horse not the back.

Ask your State Farm agent or better yet, someone in the claims department at State Farm EXACTLY what you asked here.
I outlined it in BOLD. These are two smart questions.
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Not sure where you are in Indiana but if your close to Cincinnati at all I have a body shop here that has done 2 MAJOR repaints.. Like stripped the cars to nothing. Got both of thm back perfect! They have also done so touch up work etc.. PM me if your remotely close. These guys do good work.
I have conducted tech sessions at NSXCA events to help people do just what you asked: find a collision repair shop that suits you.

I don't feel good giving advice here on Prime for what you seek because sites like this, by nature, are a shooting gallery and I'm not going to get involved. I just can't bear some of the comments and silly inane suggestions that are part of the territory. Sometime the threads seem to become a "stupid" contest with a few working hard to come in first.

If you want to call me at my shop and get some advice I'll be happy to spend some time with you to help you find what you need. You may need to leave a number if I am really busy and, I usually am.

For one, I really like your post and think how you expressed yourself here is EXACTLY how you should to a prospective repairer. Word for word it is excellent.

Do not listen to ANYONE here. Talk to the front of the horse not the back.

Ask your State Farm agent or better yet, someone in the claims department at State Farm EXACTLY what you asked here.
I outlined it in BOLD. These are two smart questions.
Listen to this man.
I wanted to thank everyone who has sent their condolences, advice, and offers for parts. Here is an update...I have chosen a body shop. I have a friend of mine who has been an insurance adjuster for years, and he has worked with probably every body shop in the central Indiana area. It is, in his words, leagues above any other he has worked with. I have the car there now, still waiting on State Farm to write the estimate. I had a really, no REALLY good conversation with the owner regarading my expectations. He perfectly undertands my concerns and expections. Anyways, there is a national backorder of many of the parts I am going to need, but I am not too surprised about that. As it turns out, I will probably be putting the car back together with the help of many of you. :smile:
Ask the bodyshop to put it back with an 02 conversion. It will cost about the same amount. Especially with all the money they will make on this repair, I feel they sortof owe it to you.

Plus. get them to remove the side marker and fill the hole, before they paint the new fender.

Your damages are perfect for this conversion. You couldn't ask for any better if you like the 02+ update look.

I glad your not hurt.

Good Luck
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