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GST, PST, HST Across Canada

3 November 2005
Edmonton, Canada

I've been trying to sell my NSX and have had this issue come up several times. I've had seven inquiries from across Canada this week, but it seems that each province may have its own application of sales tax for a private used car sale.

Can you any of you members from other provinces chime in on how things might be taxed in your province? Do you know if you have to pay GST, PST, or HST if you get a car from Alberta?

For a private sale in Alberta, there is no GST (there isn't PST here either).
I paid GST to the Acura dealer when I bought the car. If I sell it privately I can't charge GST but you can be sure I include it in my selling price.

Tony, what province are you located in?

Anybody else have anything to add? I was doing this for my curiosity, but it might be valuable information for somebody wanting to buy a car and is unsure what taxes are payable.
I live in Manitoba.

When I leased a car in BC I paid PST and GST to BC which was pretty strange. When I bought a car in BC I paid the GST to the dealer and the PST to Manitoba when I registered the car.
We also get a PST rebate when we buy and/or sell a car with-in 6 months of buying and/or selling if the deal is private. I assume dealers give a rebate of PST on trade-ins or it's factored into the deal.

What the heck is HST?

Also when you buy from a dealer they collect taxes for the tires that are on the car. I usually try to buy the car without tires.:wink: