Gran Turismo 5: Prologue U.S., April 17, 2008

Mine was pre-ordered for pick up at the store. Luckily I did because there were only enough copies for the pre-orders except one copy which was gone when I came. It's best just to go down to Gamestop and put the $5 down before hand to ensure your copy. I did this the day before GT5P came out.. :biggrin:

Yeah- lesson learned. Now I am just being a whiney bitch because I thought I was getting ahead... LoL.

I am glad to see others are giving good reviews, it gives me more to look forward to on Wednesday night.

In the meantime, my fiancee got one more weekend before she becomes a GT5 Prologue "widow" for a few weeks... :D I'll use the next two days to read my new fatherhood books...

I have a feeling that when the baby gets here I will be putting the controller down for a long while... :wink:

I'm still not sure which wheel to buy.. G25, Fanatic, or the Official GT5 wheel? :redface:

The G25 is the highest quality wheel, but the official GT5 wheel has the quicktune wheel for easy on the fly adjustments. I'm still happy with the DFP, so I have no plans to upgrade.

BTW, one thing I found amusing is that GT5: Prologue's in-car view doesn't have any reflections from inside the windscreen (which is nice because you get a good clear view of the road at all times), but it does on the rear windows. That said, I just noticed that the colors are slightly tinted towards green when looking through the glass (compared to the external views). Nice touch.

I'm still playing the JDM version (just to keep my skills honed) copy of the NA version should arrive this week.
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The G25 is the highest quality wheel, but the official GT5 wheel has the quicktune wheel for easy on the fly adjustments. I'm still happy with the DFP, so I have no plans to upgrade.

This video is making it even harder to decide. They both seem to have their plus and minuses which will be different to everyone's personal preference. What do you think about the video Akira? :confused:

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Are the graphics in all areas as phenomenal as the screenshots I've seen?

The short answer is no. They are no better than forza 2 IMO.

I also don't understand why they wouldn't include options to play online with your friends. WTF. Surely that can't be too terribly hard to do.

I am starting to like my PS3 a little more, but honestly the XBOX 360 is a far superior online gaming system.
The short answer is no. They are no better than forza 2 IMO.

I also don't understand why they wouldn't include options to play online with your friends. WTF. Surely that can't be too terribly hard to do.

I am starting to like my PS3 a little more, but honestly the XBOX 360 is a far superior online gaming system.

Too bad, I recall a thread in here showing pictures of reality and GT5 and you had to guess which was real and which was the game. I was pretty blown away by that and was assuming based on that that the game was photo realistic.
The short answer is no. They are no better than forza 2 IMO.

I find GT5: Prologue's car models and shaders (and the overall lighting) to look way better and far more accurate than Forza 2...not sure how you can say Prologue looks no better. In fact, the only reason I ended up passing on Forza 2 is because how disappointed I was in how it ended up looking. I seriously almost bought a Xbox 360, but decided not to once I finally saw it.

The only visual shortcomings are possibly in the environments (the game has a clean, somewhat stark look to it) and there is a touch of aliasing in high contrast details (like panel lines). Fortunately, there are now enough cars on the track and a crazy detailed in-car view that your eyes don't ever really dwell on the environmental details.

I often leave the GT5: Prologue running on my dev unit at work...the home menu and the replays culled from online players make for a nice screen saver.

Too bad, I recall a thread in here showing pictures of reality and GT5 and you had to guess which was real and which was the game. I was pretty blown away by that and was assuming based on that that the game was photo realistic.

The replays look pretty damn photorealistic...especially with the added motion blur and depth of field effects. Too bad they can't pull those off when you're driving. There are a couple of views in particular that have a bit of a fish-eye effect to them that really adds a touch of wow.
I've been playing my copy as much as possible between work and school. Finally got up to S class last night using my brand spanking new G25 :biggrin: The wheel is an absolute dream to use and you can definitely feel the quality of the build. Makes the game so much more fun to play.

So far I got the F430, Ford GT, GT-R, M3 and working on getting the NSX-R soon. Easiest way to earn money for me is using the Ford GT on A-1 or S-9, whatever you can access.

Oh and how about these for racing cockpits?
H-carWizKid, I was in the same boat as you. I pre-ordered from I got the letter saying they shipped on the 17th. But I did finally get it this Monday. Not the 24th like they were predicting.

Is it me or did Polyphony screw up the 2002 NSX-R? I swear it feels slow and the engine just does not want to rev. Then I realized it redlines at 80mph in 2nd gear like the USDM 91-95 NSXs!

Other than that, this game is EXCELLENT!!!
I find GT5: Prologue's car models and shaders (and the overall lighting) to look way better and far more accurate than Forza 2...not sure how you can say Prologue looks no better. In fact, the only reason I ended up passing on Forza 2 is because how disappointed I was in how it ended up looking. I seriously almost bought a Xbox 360, but decided not to once I finally saw it.

I think you made a mistake. I have played the both and Forza 2 is a better game. Maybe when the final version comes out GT5 will be better, but IMO Forza is more fun, more realistic and the "gameplay" graphics are 95% as good.
I think you made a mistake. I have played the both and Forza 2 is a better game.

Well, technically, I'm not comparing gameplay of Prologue to Forza 2...and no doubt Forza 2 will be more fully realized because a) it is a finished game and b) it is a sequel to a finished game that already had a decent online mode. Prologue is not a finished game...not to mention it is Polyphony's first real effort to include online functionality (not to mention on a new gaming network that is still adding features that many consider essential for online play).

What's more, I hated the feel of the original Forza...most likely due to how much I loathe the first generation Xbox controller. I'd take GT4 over Forza any day. As for Forza 2, I never bothered to play I can only comment on the graphics. And visually, GT5, even in this current pre-release incarnation, appeals to me far more than Forza 2.

There's no mistake here...just a choice not to spend money on a game system that I couldn't justify owning and on an online service that, given how little time I have been able to devote to online gaming over the years, I simply cannot justify paying an additional monthly/annual fee. It may not have the "essential" online features, but I can play GT5: Prologue online for free.
There's no mistake here...just a choice not to spend money on a game system that I couldn't justify owning and on an online service that, given how little time I have been able to devote to online gaming over the years, I simply cannot justify paying an additional monthly/annual fee. It may not have the "essential" online features, but I can play GT5: Prologue online for free.

I can totally agree with that. I would have never bought a PS3, but I needed a BR player. :)
Incidentally, outside of GT5, the next racing game I'm excited about is Codemasters' GRID. It looks fricken awesome, but succombs to, what I call, the PGR syndrome. It is not a sim, but it is also not an all-out arcade racer.

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Incidentally, outside of GT5, the next racing game I'm excited about is Codemasters' GRID. It looks fricken awesome, but succombs to, what I call, the PGR syndrome. It is not a sim, but it is also not an all-out arcade racer.


Looks awesome. Of course, all games look awesome until you see the actual "gameplay" graphics. GT5's intro is by far the best I have ever seen. I guess we need to wait for the PS5 for graphics like that. :)
You mean gameplay videos like these?
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Of course, this is the WRONG topic for discussing GRID. Back to GT5: Prologue...
GT5 Prologue (PS3) vs Forza Motorsport 2 (XB360)
I've now spent way too much time playing GT5 Prologue on the PS3 and Forza Motorsport 2 ("Forza") on the Xbox 360. Obviously Prologue is effectively an overgrown demo and the full version will be different, but my impressions based on what we've got right now:

* Control: The Xbox 360 controller control allows for a larger range of motion at a more natural position for my (adult-sized) hands. For example, in Forza I find it easier to smoothly add the power or brake just short of lockup. A dedicated pedal/wheels setup will make both games more fun and the wife less fun.

* The sounds:

Forza's in-game sounds are legendary. The developers sought out real examples of each individual car and strapped them to a dyno to record their symphony, and also recorded the sound of individual components (like turbochargers) operating by themselves. The result is an enveloping, multi-layered sound. Some cars like vintage racing Ferraris sound so good it gives me the same thrill as a tunnel in the real NSX. Environment sounds are also impressive with a home theatre, the sound of objects like poles whooshing by, the echo from the pits/pit wall as you thunder down the main straight - makes you feel IN the game.

Prologue - many of the cars sound similar to each other. However the Ferrari F430 and Nissan GTR sound very good. A mixed bag - maybe simply not yet complete?

* Music: this is a matter of personal taste. Gran Turismo's menu sounds have always seemed kooky to me and the menu music is like elevator music. Forza's music is a great selection of mostly US and UK "driving music" that made me go hunting online to find out what the tracks were so I could buy them and put them in the real cars.

* Car mods: In Forza you buy, sell and apply real parts, which affect the power curve, weight, weight distribution, braking etc. To the NSX you can add parts like the Comptech Supercharger (high or low boost versions), Brembo Big Brakes, headers, exhaust, Volks, specific brands of tires, Koni adjustables, the list goes on and on. In prologue as a reward for "completing" the game, you are able to adjust the car's weight and power between 85 and 115% of normal by adjusting a value - that's it.

* Car tuning: Both games let you adjust suspension and aero settings. For some strange reason GT5 doesn't allow you to change the most basic thing - tire pressures.

* Graphics: Prologue's cars with all their pretty reflections are amazing. Forza's tracks look a little more "real" - less stark and clinical. Overall both games are pretty enough to make you forget that you're playing a video game.

* Online Play: At least until the full version of GT5, Forza wins hands-down. Forza also offers the online download (purchase) of extra cars and tracks, and an online marketplace to buy and sell cars.

* Car Painting: In Forza, with enough patience, it is possible to replicate almost any paint scheme including writing, graphics, decals etc, laid on top of basic, metallic and candy colours. Prologue allows only the choice of the factory colours and nothing further.

* Cars: Approximately 10 times as many in Forza compared to Prologue. However despite this Prologue has a couple of cars glaringly missing from Forza: the new Nissan GTR and also a Ferrari F1 car (no F1 cars in Forza).

* Tracks: Again, far more choice in Forza, not just in terms of numbers, but also in terms of variety. Keeping in mind - Prologue is a Prologue!

Again, this is a comparison of a demo vs a full version. However for someone wishing to do some living room racing this year, not next year, the above is what we've got to choose from. Basically in my opinion Forza is half a generation (~1.5-2 years) ahead of Gran Turismo at this point but hopefully the full version of GT5 will leapfrog them ahead for awhile next year. Hope this helps anyone trying to decide which console / game to invest in!
Good news! Prologue showed up a day early!

I am not disappointed in the least- now I must return to my efforts to pull down more cash and buy more cars.

I picked up the ITR for starters- looks like the Type R challenge is the way to fast cash. The Class C challenges are minimal payouts...

I can totally agree with that. I would have never bought a PS3, but I needed a BR player. :)

Exactly why I bought one. I had $200 in Amazon GCs, had just sold off my HD-DVD and wanted a BR player. I didn't really NEED one, but what the hell. I now own one BR movie (Pixar's Cars) and zero games :).
GT5 Prologue (PS3) vs Forza Motorsport 2 (XB360)I've now spent way too much time playing GT5 Prologue on the PS3 and Forza Motorsport 2 ("Forza") on the Xbox 360. Obviously Prologue is effectively an overgrown demo and the full version will be different, but my impressions based on what we've got right now

Nice summary of the differences...obviously Prologue has a ways to go before it can be declared a full game, but, since many features in the Forza series have never seemed to be on GT's radar, one can only hope that Polyphony has at least given a good look at Forza 2 (GT's creator, for whatever strange reason, claims he does not play the competition's racing games).

Control: The Xbox 360 controller control allows for a larger range of motion at a more natural position for my (adult-sized) hands. For example, in Forza I find it easier to smoothly add the power or brake just short of lockup.

This is an opinion that seems to divide many people along the Xbox and PS lines...I've always vastly preferred the PlayStation's control configuration to any other gaming console. The 360's controller, while an improvement over the original Xbox, just doesn't feel that good in my hands and I've never liked using the analog trigger buttons for racing (I prefer the analog sticks). This is actually a big reason many people I know are opting for the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV over the Xbox360 version, even though the same people would rather play GTAIV online over Xbox Live.

That said, PS3's SIXAXIS/DualShock 3 has one major flaw: the analog trigger buttons. They needed to design these buttons to curl around the fingers or have a stickier grip...instead your fingers kinda slip off of them. Again, I use the analog sticks, so this hasn't been an issue for me with GT.

A dedicated pedal/wheels setup will make both games more fun and the wife less fun.

In this regard, I find the options on PS3 superior. However, it is strange that the PS3 doesn't have a really good wireless force feedback wheel...and this means a lot to me because I have my PS3 in a closet, so I have to run a USB extension cable whenever I use the wheel.

Prologue - many of the cars sound similar to each other. However the Ferrari F430 and Nissan GTR sound very good. A mixed bag - maybe simply not yet complete?

The GT guys have also gone to a lot of trouble to record every sound of the cars, and from a variety of locations around the cars, so that you get the nature of the sound as heard from the various viewpoints. While I suspect their recording masters are on par with anyone else's, whether or not they actually have translated that quality into the game engine is another question entirely. There are definitely some really high quality examples (the Ferrari F40 and F2007 supposedly are the best) I'm just hoping that the lesser quality ones are placeholders carried over from previous GT games.

* Music: this is a matter of personal taste. Gran Turismo's menu sounds have always seemed kooky to me and the menu music is like elevator music.

I've always turned off music in the racing games. I don't listen to music when I'm at the track.

* Car tuning: Both games let you adjust suspension and aero settings. For some strange reason GT5 doesn't allow you to change the most basic thing - tire pressures.

I'm actually surprised Prologue has ANY car tuning. The previous Prologues did not. But it is interesting that the GT games doesn't include tire pressure tweaking...about the only thing I've personally tweaked on my real NSX during autocrosses and HPDEs.

* Car Painting: In Forza, with enough patience, it is possible to replicate almost any paint scheme including writing, graphics, decals etc, laid on top of basic, metallic and candy colours. Prologue allows only the choice of the factory colours and nothing further.

I had fun with this feature on the first Forza and am crossing my fingers that the GT5 includes something similar. One of my hopes is that GT5's integration with PlayStation Home includes the ability to host car meets where people can chat while showing off their custom rides. copy isn't scheduled for delivery until 04/28! Ugh...guess I will have to play the JDM copy just a tiny bit longer.
LOL. But in 1.5 years of ownership, not a single problem. I feel pretty good about that.

Per your advice my first major "in game" purchase was a screaming yellow Z06 instead of the more pricey NSX-R.

I have no regrets. Hoon factor in the Z06 is tremendous once you turn off the driver aids. DORIFTOOOOOOOO!

Also added- Nissan GTR (for AWD challenges) I was surprised how cheap it was at 77K. It is fun to drive, but I prefer the Vette.

I imagine I will put the NSX-R in the stable tonight, and I will likely use the Z06 to make that happen.

After that I am setting my sights on collecting Italians.

I have yet to venture online- anyone have any experiences yet?

I was going to grab a Z06 but then decided to save up a little more and got a Ford GT. That thing is a BEAST and I've never put 6th gear to use even on Daytona lol.

Online is alright, you just click join race and it matches you up automatically. Unfortunately you can't find and join friends in a race but I hope it'll all be revamped with the next major update. I hear that some races have extremely lag but I haven't encountered it yet. Hopefully we can get a Prime race up soon if the online is fixed.
Ok now that I've completed classes C, B & A I'm off to S Class which is HARD!

It unlocks the quick tune mode (which is badass btw)...

What I've found though is that when you get the NSX-R, and give it the Max HP allowed and then do a weight reduction, this is when the car really feels like an NSX. When you first get the NSX though, it feels very sluggish and heavy unlike my real NSX :( This is one area that GT5 has slacked in once again.... :mad:

Once you lower the car, give it a nice stiff suspension and bump up the HP and give it a weight reduction, you really feel the car become what I think it should have been to begin with. I hope they fix this in the full release!

Also, anyone have any tips on how to get past the S class events? lol I'm finding that this is my limit in ability to drive with the dualshock controller...