Gonna miss you..............

3 June 2007
............as NSXPO. Some %*%#@ crashed into me dead on yesterday while I was stopped waiting to merge off the highway and onto the street - never saw it coming since he followed me off the highway and I was right in front of him. He never braked, just ran into me in the middle of the day. It was a big 4x4 truck and his bumper smashed the truck/lights in a fair amount so car is going to Legendary Motor Car http://site.legendarymotorcar.com/ for repair today..............going to be a while so will miss the NSXPO. I'm okay, and that's the main thing. Hey Rog - the good news is you can be 2nd!!! Have fun!!! Bring back some memories and good stories for me.
wow glad to hear you are physically ok..but boy i'd be pissed.....as i'm sure you are.The NE crew will miss you.
............as NSXPO. Some %*%#@ crashed into me dead on yesterday while I was stopped waiting to merge off the highway and onto the street - never saw it coming since he followed me off the highway and I was right in front of him. He never braked, just ran into me in the middle of the day. It was a big 4x4 truck and his bumper smashed the truck/lights in a fair amount so car is going to Legendary Motor Car http://site.legendarymotorcar.com/ for repair today..............going to be a while so will miss the NSXPO. I'm okay, and that's the main thing. Hey Rog - the good news is you can be 2nd!!! Have fun!!! Bring back some memories and good stories for me.
So sorry to hear of this, now I won't have to be checking my rear view mirror the entire time :(
Most importantly, you're OK, the car can be fixed, even in Canada! There's still plenty of time between now and NSXPO, Joe would have it ready on time!!!!
Would be a nice thought, but they are just getting the car now and the 'main' guy is out until Monday. They are aware of my needs, but it's not like I'm the only client and have to get all the assessment done, parts ordered to Canada, and then painted............that's okay, I'll wait since now I can golf more and ride my Harley!!
Wow, that really stinks!!! Glad you're O.K., that's the most important thing - in the USA you'd have had a gun with you and you could have killed him on the spot, thereby saving time... ;>)
Sorry to hear that, Shawna - was looking forward to seeing you at the event.

I'm sure you can still get plane tickets and fly in to the event. Don't let bad luck keep you from joining us!
Glad to hear you are OK Shawna. Thank God for head restraints. We'll miss you next month but there will be many, many more events. :smile:
Glad to hear you are OK Shawna. Thank God for head restraints. We'll miss you next month but there will be many, many more events. :smile:

Looks like we will not miss you after all. Hey, It all worked out. I don't have my NSX either but will still have an awesome time at NSXPO ...... and so will you!

See you this week on the extended tour.