Ghost: any encounters?

I have smelled an odor sometimes when I forget to watch where I walked or when I picked up a baby.
Damn why the ghost gotta have a black hand?? LOL I've never heard anyone say they saw a "black" ghost before... ROFLMAO

Funny you should say this. I didn't think spirits, demons, etc had color either; until I saw one.

From 1996-2000 I had something that was attacking me in my sleep. It would sit on my chest and choke me. I would have trouble breathing and would gasp for air. This only happened about six or seven times over the four years, but one night I fought back the choking, opened my eyes and saw what it was.

The moment I opened my eyes, it jumped back off of my chest and sat at the end of the bed looking at me.

I looked....and saw...a glossy black devil cherub sitting there. It had the little pointy devil tail and all. Weird that I was able to see it. Even more strange that it was glossy black. Haven't seen it since and haven't had any breathing problems since.
Black and White are very common.
It is not so much a traveling light, more so a glow what cuts off in aura.
Dull gray or transparent grayscale also, followed by regular transparent.

Those are the LESS frightening ones...

but it is also how you perceive "frightening".
trust me, once you have seen a ghost or black figure, it changes you forever, your always like weary at night time. and if you have a feeling someone is watching you too, it makes you think, im 24 years old and i still sleep with the lights on!!!!!
Funny you should say this. I didn't think spirits, demons, etc had color either; until I saw one.

From 1996-2000 I had something that was attacking me in my sleep. It would sit on my chest and choke me. I would have trouble breathing and would gasp for air. This only happened about six or seven times over the four years, but one night I fought back the choking, opened my eyes and saw what it was.

The moment I opened my eyes, it jumped back off of my chest and sat at the end of the bed looking at me.

I looked....and saw...a glossy black devil cherub sitting there. It had the little pointy devil tail and all. Weird that I was able to see it. Even more strange that it was glossy black. Haven't seen it since and haven't had any breathing problems since.

in the asian culture, because of the lack of science, when ppl fall into R.E.M sleep, they think that a ghost is sitting on top of them. but sometimes, your right. Let me tell you the scariest story that i have heard from my little brother. we went to st.paul, MN for a wedding. we slept at my uncles house, in my grandma's room. my little brother and my first-cousin slept together in the big bed. he said that he woke up, like something wanted him to see the ghost. he looked across the room to the closet and he said that he saw a little white boi sitting crossed legged with his eye closed. so he woked up my cousin and he saw the same thing. now get this, my brother decided to go hit it for some reason or another, so he got out of the bed and walked towards it and was gonna hit until it opend its eyes and stared at my brother. my brother said his eyes were pure black and had big eyes like an alien. then my brother ran back into the bed and they both covered up their head with the blanket and didnt sleep at all that night. my brother was around 13 at that time. furthermore, my cousins say that they seen it before too.

next time im gonna try to record it. if i get this thing on tape..HOLY S#$# it would be scary.
Same here. I sleep with lights on. Another experience I had while living at the government rented house was having my blanket pull down. The first time the blanket was pulled until my waist and I pulled the blanket up to my face. Then it was pulled down under the bed. At the same house also I saw a small green person sitting on the rolled carpet placed behind the door. Crazy stuff. I know the place used to be the grave of slain people during the Japanese army invasion. My neighbour and his brother got locked from inside the room and the light turn on and off. They said they saw a man with machete and then dissapeared.
trust me, once you have seen a ghost or black figure, it changes you forever, your always like weary at night time. and if you have a feeling someone is watching you too, it makes you think, im 24 years old and i still sleep with the lights on!!!!!
the funny thing is, its like on special occasions we will sacrifice a pig, chicken, or cow to our ancestors.

alot of people see love ones just before they die or during the week they died. same thing happen to my brother in laws grandma. our niece saw her, and when my grandpa passed away, my uncles saw his father. just like that grandma story with the smell.

Seeing ghost and experiencing ghost related things is realy scary. once you have seen it, it opens up your minds to so many things you didn't believe in. sometimes these ghost wants you to see them and other time it seems like you caught the ghost on suprise. whatever it is, its better if the ghost didnt like attack you.

one time in my house, either i was thinking to much or it must be my mind playing tricks on me. i would cover myself up with the blanket, and i can feel something pulling my blanket off of me, it keeps tugging it and i can feel some hand trying to go under the blanket to pull me under the bed.

and also everytime i sleep on the sofa, i feel like a ghost is sitting on top of me and i cant move, i can see everything, but its hard to breath and i cant move. This can be r.e.m sleep or this can be a ghost. i prefer r.e.m. sleep but once you've experience ghost, it makes you wonder what is real and whats r.e.m. sleep.
I've never really seen a ghost first hand, but I think I may have had an encounter twice. Both were in my old house's basement. The first time I was in my basement playing some Nintendo or maybe I was on my computer and I started to hear a guitar playing. I was like "eh no biggy" might be my parents watching tv or something. But then I questioned myself and was like well there is a guitar right here in the basement. I go upstairs and ask my family if anyone was watching someone playing a guitar on TV or in a music video with just a guitar solo.

The truth was no one had the TVs on in our house. Then I think about 2 days after, I heard a bang from my basement. I went downstairs to check it out, and I find my mom's clock with a picture of Jesus Christ on it on the floor and the glass had shattered. I was a bit creeped out by it because I was alone in the house. I was just watching TV in my mom's room so there wasn't really any vibrations to knock the thing over, and no one to do so. After that I've never really experienced something like that but I've always had the creeps whenever i would go back down there. (The basement was my room for a good year and it was pretty creepy at night)
Never saw one and don't believe in them until I see in in person. My friends however have seen or sensed them...anyway I don't get scared easily alone in the dark.
Another time, in an old apartment from years ago, we had a ghost who wanted us to notice it (it was from the dresser I mentioned earlier).

We had a two bedroom apartment. One room was the bedroom and the other was an office/media room. One night while watching movies in the media room with the door closed, the door started to rattle in it's frame. The door was shut and started vibrating back and forth violently like someone was trying to open it but couldn't. We both froze and I then jumped up to check it out.

I opened the door, ran down the hall and made the left turn into the living room. My wife followed. Just as she came around the corner, the vertical blinds at the patio slider moved. By moved, I mean it looked like someone ran their hand across them making them swing back and forth. We heard the sound of the blinds moving as well. Nobody else was in the apartment w/ us (well, except for the ghost).

It was that night we finally acknowledged the ghost and told it we knew it was here. It felt strange talking to something we couldn't see, but we figured it couldn't hurt to let it know we knew about it. This was the last time we encountered this ghost.

It did many other things in the past like move my wife's rosary on top of her bible when the rosary was under the bible to start with (they were both in that haunted dresser I mentioned), eject and suck in tapes in the VCR in our bedroom, turn lights on in the closet (where that dresser was), turn radios on/off. (either we had a ghost or the electrical work in our old apartment was done by Mercedes :tongue: :biggrin:)
I believe and maybe will write a story or two later but as I read everyone's stories I wonder why the creeepy things or ghost sightings always have to be at night, or in a creepy place (basement, abandoned house, graveyard)? Why not at the office during your lunch.......?

I think for every 10 ghost stories you hear 1 might be true.........sometimes hard to sort through the BS........not that I think any of the people here are BSing.....I just mean in general.
Good point. If you watch any of the Asian Ghost stories (The EYE - Hong Kong is a good example) Ghosts appear in daylight and outdoors. So why in America /Europe , Ghosts usually appear in isolated, abandoned, dark places??? Still, never saw one, never was spooked by one.......46 years and counting.
I'm pretty freaked out right now!!! After watching the video in the thread I started watching some youtube "scariest videos" and right in the middle of a freaky one, my screen became cloudy and then it closed the window and restarted internet explorer on my home page:eek: Has that happened to anyone else yet???

BTW, I used to work at a beverage plant that was haunted..I had plenty of weird things happen to me while upstairs in the breakroom late at night, anyway my last day there I decided to take some pics of my co-workers as a momento and sure enough one of the pictures has a orb in it...It gives me goose bumps every time I see it...I will post it as soon as I dig it up....
yeah..........personal pics or vids of crazy shit would be a good addition to this thread..........hard to trust the authenticity of some of the stuff on youtube.
I've seen some black figures in daylight before. when i was in elementary school walking home. i felt like something was watching me so i turn around really quik and i saw a dark figure, his body was just like a mans body. i saw it in plain daylight, pure black, humanly figure. it was like in 1 sec he ran right behind the car as i turn my head. i had goosbumps all over my body. i stoped and stared at the park car and then i walked towards where the ghost hid behind. i walked around the car but couldnt find it. then i ran all the way home at 50mph
Never saw one and don't believe in them until I see in in person. My friends however have seen or sensed them...anyway I don't get scared easily alone in the dark.

I didn't either...then I had some experiences a few years ago when I lived in an old house in Buffalo.

Nothing scary at all...but after having it happen a few times, it turned me into a believer. (Basically at the same time everyday, it would sound like one of my house mates were arriving home, walking in the house, coming up the stairs I would come out to greet them...have no one be there, go down stairs to check out wtf was going on cause I SWEAR I heard someone opening and closing the front door, walking up the stairs, etc....then only to return back upstairs to the den/office and find all the drawers open. Yes, the damn ghost would open the closets and drawers. It took me a couple of times to realize what was happening (did I leave those open??) but then I caught on.)

I admit that I was a little freaked out at first, but I then started asking the "ghost" not to mess around when I was home alone and he/she/it didn't. (Yeah, I had a couple of conversations out I kinda thought I was going crazy, but it worked). There were some other things that happened, but that was the best part of the story.

I haven't had anything really major happen since, but I try to pay more attention to what's going on around me. You may be surprised at what you notice. There are definite places that give off vibes...and lots of times they're not the "scary" places.

I tend to think of it more as "energy" of time that are so imprinted that they continue to happen well into the future. Who knows....every culture has ghosts, so perhaps there's something more to it.
yes, i was ua neeb! LOL. another hmong brother on the forum.:tongue: . anyways, yes you are right about the vibe thing, at my brother in laws place, i get vibes in the living room closet and my nephews closet, but i yet to see something.(i dont want to see anything really).

another thing i notice too, is that when you least expect it, they are there. the funny thing is this, if you see it once, you will see it again. it comes in pairs i say. but the freakest thing that EVER happen to me was this.(beside the black arm that came from the basement -scroll up if u miss that story) my friends and I were going to the cementary with some girls. dont know why, we thought we were gonna get laid. besides the point, when we walking with the girls, we felt like something was walking with us too. the spooky part was that we did see ghost, i mean like a lady behind us, about 25ft away. no matter how far we walked she would be behind us. it seem like during that time, it felt like an eternity in the cementary. we tried running but it felt like we were only going at a walking pace. god damn i get goose bumps thinking about it.
if you think about the times when you were young and you would do stupid girl games or follow girls just to get laid, well this was one of them.
Probably worst case scenario is
some like " ZEB & SUA ".....
well maybe not worst, but bad enough.