Getting the X home???

Nukem... I called Douglas County DMV and they said all you need is the Bill of Sale and Proof of Insurance and you should have no issues. NE doesn't have a temporary transport sticker, temporary tag or In-Transit documents. They told me that you shouldn't have any issues with any of the states you would be driving the car through.

I'm not sure if the state you are purchasing the car from has a temporary vehicle transport document. It sounds like you should be fine with the Bill of Sale and proof of insurance.

Like I mentioned earlier I purchased mine in NV, but the person worked at the dealership and had the DMV transportation paperwork for the state of NV. I did have the bill of sale and proof on insurance (full coverage) with me.

When I checked, covered transport was about $1500 or more. That would buy me lots of food, premium gas and lodging. Omaha is centrally located, so I can get here from most places with a one night stay. I enjoyed the ride home. I would definitely pass on an open transport. I've heard too many horror stories. The inside transport should be fine if that is what you decide to do.

We will have to hook up when you get to Omaha. 21acres has a silver one in Blair. hpram99 is in Omaha.

I saw a black NSX driving down west Dodge heading west past 168th st about two weeks back. I was in my DD. I saw him coming up in my rear view mirror.... but it took me awhile to recognize it as an NSX. I thought it sure looked like one... but no, you rarely if ever see them around here, so I hesitated. It turned out to be a black NSX. He had NE plates. Not sure if the car is an Omaha car or not. He kept going west, while I got off on the Elkorn, NE exit. I wish I would have tried to flag him down in hind sight.

I have only seen one other red NSX in the area the past couple of years. I know there are more in the area, but they don't get out much to my knowledge.

Keep us posted


Thanks, man. Great help there. I have only seen one it was a greyish color with a Comptech widebody(I think) Wife saw a red one driving down Ft Crook near Offutt AFB a couple of days ago.

Thanks again all.
Just buy it and ask the P.O to leave the plates on it and if they want them back you can mail them to them after you register it. Thats what I did. You only need a bill of sale and proof of insurance and the current registration.

What he said.
If the plates have up to date tags, then it would just be like someone traveling across a few states. Have the proper bill of sale and you should have no issues.