Geico Just Cancelled Me

7 January 2013
I just got my insurance cancelled because "Our underwriting department has discovered that a 10,000 supercharger has been installed on your vehicle, and we will not insure it." I have no idea how they heard or know about that, but it sucks. I've been with Geico for a very long time, anyways I know there is a few discussions on the subject, but as far as a supercharger or the rest of my mods, what insurance company should I go with? I have at least over 20,000 in the car but I drive less then 3k a year, heck less then 1k a year. Thanks Fellas for the advice!
They canceled my mother a few years back for (forgot the actual terms they used) being overdue for an accident. She hasn't had an accident in over 22 yrs before that point. Told her on the phone that she was over due. I really do hate insurance companies sometimes.
Yeah...Its like whats the point of case I get into an accident. I have USAA and they have been good to me. I don't know what my mom has.
Geico is one of Warren Buffett's many companies.

They have never laid off a single person.

They run a very strict and tight ship that if they think is a "threat" to them making $$$ they will cut their losses.

OK, so what is a 10,000 supercharger?

BTW, u know AAA started offering collector car insurance as of last year for the NSX?

That's really good news for those that don't commute in their NSX and put less than 3k miles a year.

U can have an agreed value of $65k and they will quote accordingly.

What that means is that the entire car, ur NSX doesn't depreciate.

If th car is totaled u get that full amount.

No how nice is that? Geico can eat me...
Geico is one of Warren Buffett's many companies.

BTW, u know AAA started offering collector car insurance as of last year for the NSX?

That's really good news for those that don't commute in their NSX and put less than 3k miles a year.

U can have an agreed value of $65k and they will quote accordingly.

What that means is that the entire car, ur NSX doesn't depreciate.

If th car is totaled u get that full amount.

No how nice is that? Geico can eat me...

Not quite correct. I have been with AAA for decades and looked into rolling all my insurance (house,truck, wife's car and NSX) over to them. They were higher than what I currently have with Travelers and Hagerty for the NSX. I drive less than 5k in the NSX and inquired about insuring it for a fixed value and they said the don't do it. I checked with them last year and I checked back again last month. Rates were close and will go down each year you are with them but if my NSX gets totaled, I want to be able to replace it at the value I decide.
working with hagerty right now, their rate for 65k was pretty close to what geico was doing for me including the body kit and rims that geico said they'd insure. Its not cheap but it wasnt substantially more.
Geico is one of Warren Buffett's many companies.
They have never laid off a single person.

Not a single one?

Published: March 12, 2013
John J. Byrne Dies at 80; Turned Around Geico

"He began cutting costs at Geico by laying off 3,000 of the company’s 7,000 employees. He withdrew from New Jersey and Massachusetts entirely because regulators there had kept premium costs too low to be profitable. He kicked high-risk drivers off the rolls and raised rates by as much as 40 percent."
I really hate insurance companies. They make lots of great commercials. I know it's a necessary evil but they sure do take advantage. Being "overdue" for an accident???? I've never heard of such a thing. By that reasoning they should exclusively insure people that have just had major accident as they are predisastered. If I was cancelled for being "overdue" I would consider taking the company to court. Since I don't have a bottomless bucket of money I'd probably lose the case but it's the principle. God forbid you're late paying a bill but they will balk at paying out a claim when you need them.
I don't know if this is still in place at GEICO but they did have a "no radar detector" clause in their policies that was cause for cancellation. And that little green gecko seems like such a nice fellow on TV!
I went into State Farm a couple of weeks ago and they tried to sell me one of the sensors that plugs into the OBD port (similar to GEICOs snapshot). They ensured me that the sensor was only designed to track the miles you put on your car to give you a discount if you are under 7500 miles a year. I laughed to myself and then inquired if the sensor data would be pulled in the event of an accident. Again they said no. I'm not a fan of the intrusion of your privacy being sold to us in the interest of safety. I'm willing to bet that in a few years these will become mandatory in all cars. I can hear it now....."driving is a privilege and if you want to drive we (the government) need to have the ability to track your driving habits". Big brother!! It's a good incentive to drive my pre OBDII cars.
I want to know how they know about your SC. That is extremely creepy.
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I want to know how they know about your SC. That is extremely creepy.

I've personally known people that have been dropped from their insurance because they found out through internet postings that they do HPDE's. Pretty nuts.

I can't understand the overdue for an accident thing, isn't that the customer that they want?
Not quite correct. I have been with AAA for decades and looked into rolling all my insurance (house,truck, wife's car and NSX) over to them. They were higher than what I currently have with Travelers and Hagerty for the NSX. I drive less than 5k in the NSX and inquired about insuring it for a fixed value and they said the don't do it. I checked with them last year and I checked back again last month. Rates were close and will go down each year you are with them but if my NSX gets totaled, I want to be able to replace it at the value I decide.

So you were saying that I wasn't correct in stating that AAA offered classic car insurance?

If so, then explain why I got a quote from them. If u search I've discussed this in some other thread.

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Not a single one?

Published: March 12, 2013
John J. Byrne Dies at 80; Turned Around Geico

"He began cutting costs at Geico by laying off 3,000 of the company’s 7,000 employees. He withdrew from New Jersey and Massachusetts entirely because regulators there had kept premium costs too low to be profitable. He kicked high-risk drivers off the rolls and raised rates by as much as 40 percent."

The information that I received from a number of Geico employees was that since Buffett assumed some level of ownership. I should have elaborated on that on my smart phone.

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I really hate insurance companies. They make lots of great commercials. I know it's a necessary evil but they sure do take advantage. Being "overdue" for an accident???? I've never heard of such a thing. By that reasoning they should exclusively insure people that have just had major accident as they are predisastered. If I was cancelled for being "overdue" I would consider taking the company to court. Since I don't have a bottomless bucket of money I'd probably lose the case but it's the principle. God forbid you're late paying a bill but they will balk at paying out a claim when you need them.

Most people don't realize that they can claim the rock chip damages under their comprehensive policy. When they do they they stop hating insurance companies and start loving them.
Get a quote from Grundy For me they were significantly less expensive than Hagerty for the same coverage...agreed value, no deductables, etc.

Geico has long been notorious for raising rates and dropping coverage for the silliest of reasons. If I ever see him I'll probably step on that little gecko and squeeze the life (and fake accent) right out of him. Just on general principles. Never actually had Geico.
Most people don't realize that they can claim the rock chip damages under their comprehensive policy. When they do they they stop hating insurance companies and start loving them.

Most people dont have a $0 deductible. So making rock chips claims might be silly.
Most people dont have a $0 deductible. So making rock chips claims might be silly.

From my experience and my friend's experience the rock chip claims average $5k.

So most people have a deductible that won't justify that?

Not having a near ZERO deductible for a car like the NSX is dumb.

What were you hoping to learn from visiting my profile?

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Most people don't realize that they can claim the rock chip damages under their comprehensive policy. When they do they they stop hating insurance companies and start loving them.

I was told by a claims adjuster from a large ins company, that rocks kicked up from another vehicle are considered collision. So you would be subject to your ded + possible accident surcharge.
Generally, Collision insurance covers damage to your automobile caused by collision with another object or by upset. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your automobile for things other than Collision so for vandalism, hitting an animal, hail damage, flood water, theft or glass breakage, etc.

Each state has different auto insurance policy standards, so it's a good idea to look at policies by state when trying to define policy coverage for windshield replacement versus repairing any other item. However, an occurrence on an out-of-state trip will not likely affect your chances of windshield replacement, as this is something that usually falls under the comprehensive category; unless the windshield is shattered in a collision.

So what type of mishaps fall under the comprehensive category? Penny Gusner, a consumer analyst from provided the following examples.

A rock flies out from under the lawn mower and chips your car window.

Children playing with toys outside end up damaging the vehicle in various ways.

Paint drops onto your car while painting the exterior of your house.

That genius moment when you decide, “to hell with scraping ice off the windshield,” and instead douse the glass with hot water -- then witness the cracking of said windshield.

In colder temperatures, slipping the key into the lock, where it freezes and breaks off.

Your engine compartment becomes a warming station for local critters that in turn gnaw at every wire they can find under the hood.

With these scenarios, Gusner reminded us there's more to protecting your car than just driving carefully. She explained other instances that seem comprehensive but actually fall under the collision-claim umbrella.

Running over a child's bike or toy that has been left in the driveway or on the sidewalk.

Driving over a manhole missing its cover, damaging the undercarriage of the vehicle.

Misjudging the width or height of a drive-thru area.

Damaging the top of your vehicle while driving beneath low-hanging tree branches.

When determining whether to file any type of insurance claim, consumers often fear their insurance premiums will rise as a result. Not so with comprehensive claims said Gusner. “Normally, claims under your comprehensive coverage don't affect your rates like collision claims will. Some states even have specific laws against it. New York comes to mind especially. They don't allow surcharges if you make a comprehensive claim.” Even so, Gusner added, “If you make a lot of claims in a short period of time, whether collision or comp, then your rates could increase, not because of the type of claim but the amount of claims.”
I haven't heard much good things about Geico from some of the body shop guys I've talked to. Anyway, I too wonder how they found out you were getting a supercharger? Plus, you are not getting a supercharger right? :)
Not having a near ZERO deductible for a car like the NSX is dumb.

I am listening. Let's hear your justification. Whether you are rich or poor, I could make an argument either way as to why it is smarter to have a higher deductible. For example, if you dont make a habit of wrecking your cars and filing claims.
I have a clean driving record ( I really have over 10 speeding tickets but I'm pretty good at fighting it) so my rates are the lowest.

No chargeable accidents.

The difference between $500 deductible and $0 for me is less than $10/month per car.

Of course I reside in an area where the only crime really is running a red light in a pedal bike or speeding in a pedal bike. That helps.

If you live in the 'hood your comp. deduct are much higher.

Between my vehicles in my sig I make a habit of 1-2 claims a year for comp.
I want to know how they know about your SC. That is extremely creepy.

Exactly, I asked them and all the lady said was our underwriting dpt found out. Soooo... maybe Geico reps trolling nsxprime lol?!!?