Garage or no garage?

where do you stick it?

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I hate you jwmelvin thats so bad ass. thats a real garage. now you need to finish it and put some posters of chicks with NSX's.

I dont think I could handle having a garage that big I would feel the need to fill it with more cars.


something about car covers if you use a car cover and not wash the car before you use it your gonna sandpaper your paint everytime you put it on.
so you wash it. put car cover on your good...... you drive it around the block you now have sand dust etc. on the paint, you then drive home put car cover on you just used the new dirt/dust as sandpaper. after a few times putting the car cover on your gonna notice new swirls and scratches on your paint next time you wax it.

NO CAR COVER PERIOD.. inless its a garage queen and is washed before the car cover is put on
Currently have no choice. :(

The green targa lives outside (no garage here at all and no space for one) and the silver coupe is stored about 10miles away in a secure vehicle storage facility. Currently looking to buy/rent garage space for both closer to home...
PB070743.jpgalways garaged, keeping other toys company, often garaged at friends house when visiting, almost always covered in garage at home.... unless I'll be "in and out" a lot.. then uncovered so I can look at it... RARELY PARKED ANYWHERE... JUST DRIVEN AND RETURNED TO GARAGE A COUPLE TIMES A WEEK.. HAD 11 MONTHS.. WASHED TWICE/THREE TIME MAYBE ... DUSTED OFTEN
I don't have the luxury of a garage either, my wife and father in law's cars are in there. I purchased a portable garage/carport from Harbor Freight Tools and it sits on the side of the house in the RV port.

No sun gets in, nor rain but I'm afraid of mice/rodents crawling into the exhaust and engine. Hopefully this is temporary.
Garage is a must in my oipinion. I dont have the luxury to move into nice neighborhood yet. Hate to leave my baby outside with hail storms, critters, haters, dreamers paparazzis, and etc etc...
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When I first bought my NSX, I almost immediately had to dedicate my garage to engine-out service on my other car. The NSX served as essentially a beater for a solid year over a couple of winters. I have a picture somewhere of it sitting under 6" of snow, that I later drove through on the way to work (no problem, lol). I didn't like doing that, but these cars can take it.

In East TN, I have avoided car covers as they tend to grow mold in the humidity, and will scratch the paint as they buffet around in the wind. Keeping good wax on the car, UV protective tint, and a window shade got the job done though and the car is none the worse for wear. That said, I have a gated driveway and a security camera pointed at where I park 24/7 so I wasn't as much concerned about someone driving off with it. I did have someone open the door (picked the lock presumably, yay Honda) and take an ipod and a hat out of the car.....but yeah, security camera, busted, etc. :) Mercifully no damage to the car.
For daily drivers who run rain and shine that are owned by people with jobs, a garage only means the car is out of the elements for 8-12 hours a day(and while it's dark no less).
IMO, a garage is useful if you both don't drive your car and also have a garage at work.
Otherwise, it's kind of pointless.

To the OPs question about keeping it clean.
IMO, there's a certain pride in a dirty supercar. It's being USED!!!
But I have a few touchless car washes for when I don't have time to wash it.

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For daily drivers who run rain and shine that are owned by people with jobs, a garage only means the car is out of the elements for 8-12 hours a day(and while it's dark no less).
IMO, a garage is useful if you both don't drive your car and also have a garage at work.
Otherwise, it's kind of pointless.

Even for a DD, particularly an expensive-looking car, it at least provides some security over night, the option to pull it inside in case of inclimate weather (hail, in particular), and for those of us mechanically inclined, a place to work on the car without weather/daylight limitations.

so, not entirely pointless :).
I DD and I work, but the garage definitely helps my car stay cleaner (when it's my turn for the garage). Sitting outside overnight almost guarantees it'll be soaking wet in the morning (from dew even if it doesn't rain) which spots up any dust that was on the car.

Speaking of, I've become quite the pro at taking the roof off without dumping all that water in the car. The trick is to get hands towards the middle and lift it straight up, only tilting it once it's clear of the car. Let the water run off for a minute and then flip it before storing.
1. Personally, I can't live without a garage. I'm angry I don't have a 3rd bay. I'm considering building a detached 3 bay with lift. I can't believe that one guys garage.
2. If you want to know how to really take care of your car, start watching Drive Clean on YouTube by Larry Kosilla. That will keep you busy for a few sundays. You can see my car on his videos. I learned all I know from him. Car has never looked so good and stayed that way.