Garage or no garage?

where do you stick it?

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10 July 2013
Panama City Fl,
Good afternoon Prime.

How many of you do not have space / lack a grage or carport to store your NSX? And what are some PRO tips to keeping it clean. Not sure if this has been addressed before but, is there a specific product to put on all the rubber seals to keep them moist and dark?

I bought a 5 layer fleece lined car cover for it and sun shades. I wash it weekly and find it extremely hard not to drive it every day to work and back run around town for no reason, or run errands I could use the beater for.

I bought the car 2 weeks ago with 77688, it now has 80009 discounting the 1003 miles I drove it from the purchase location :smile:. Sunday I took the wife on a random 200 mile "Sunday cruise" for no reason other than to drive the coast of Florida. I believe I have a serious addiction! DONT MAKE ME QUIT! NOOOO!!!

Every night I tuck her in for bed and give her a kiss. Then the wife yells WHAT ABOUT ME!:biggrin:
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its meant to be driven. I take mine for a stroll daily and no less. Proud to have it as my daily driver, i would drive no other. Mines garaged of course. Kept out of the sun as its black. It stays parked under trees at during business hours. Yes there's bird poop once in a while, i take care of it before i leave. It's hand washed and dried no less than once every 2 weeks, more if the forecast sees a streak of sunny days. I've dropped 15,000 miles in the last year, nearly half its total mileage, doesnt bother me a bit, I'll keep putting it on.

You can find some products from your local car stores for rubber trim maintenance, or you can replace it altogether. I've used Mothers product here, however I dont have much experience in other rubber trim maintenance: Just make sure you dont put it on too thick, and wipe it off before it cures. I would not recommend using tire polish for rubber trims :P
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its meant to be driven. I take mine for a stroll daily and no less. Proud to have it as my daily driver, i would drive no other. Mines garaged of course. Kept out of the sun as its black. It stays parked under trees at during business hours. Yes there's bird poop once in a while, i take care of it before i leave. It's hand washed and dried no less than once every 2 weeks, more if the forecast sees a streak of sunny days. I've dropped 15,000 miles in the last year, nearly half its total mileage, doesnt bother me a bit, I'll keep putting it on

Awesome to hear man! I haven't driven my 79 El Camino (which is a sweet ass ride btw) since I've had the X :frown:. It has less than 76k miles on it as well. Its kind of a cursed situation, I cant drive the Elco in the rain because my windshield wipers aren't working, but driving the NSX in the rain here is scary because people are nuts in a zero vis downpour. SO I have to drive the X. But as long as i wash them all the time and keep them clean I guess it doesn't matter! I love both of em!

It just wont stop raining in Panama City :rolleyes:.

I'm sure those who park their car outside want to park it in a garage, but sometimes don't have the option to.
Anyways, I am grateful to have a garage and have my car garaged over a decade, it is a lot easier to warm the engine up on cold days. I am sure the paint and interior would of taken damaged from the uv rays over the past 10+ years if I parked it outside.
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I would never leave my car out of the garage. Too worried it will get stolen/damaged.
When I lived in Washington I had it covered in a carport, California was in a garage and now here in a garage as well. It's your car, take care of it the way you want.
We only have a 1 car garage, so whomever washed their car last gets it. That means my NSX sleeps in the driveway about half the time.
When we bought our house my wife was excited we had a 2 car garage, because she THOUGHT she was going to get to park her Yukon inside (I was renting a shop witha friend for working on our cars at the time). Shortly thereafter, I moved out of the shop and brought the racecar home. The other half of the garage had our snowmobiles in it. Then I bought the NSX and the Snowmobiles went in the back yard underneath one of those Costco enclosed carports (along with my lawn equipment).

FF to NOW: We're looking at steel building designs and starting the "mental design" process of how we want to build a shop in the back yard and pour another driveway up from the street to it (with an auto opener on the gate). Why? Because she still thinks she's going to get the garage, but I've already decided once the shop is built, "she's" getting an S2000 for her toy. And no, it won't be girly, because I'm going to be in charge of the mods on it.

As for my NSX and SFWD racecar (yeah, its only a civic, but I've got more into it than I paid for the NSX), they will always be in the garage when not in use.

I live in an area of the world relatively low for theft - but I still set the alarm on the car in our garage that is also monitored by our security system and alarm. Call me paranoid, but layers are the best security.
We moved about a year-and-a-half ago. Perhaps you can tell why I was enthusiastic when my wife found our house:

As far as I can tell, the garage is larger than our house.


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We only have a 1 car garage, so whomever washed their car last gets it. That means my NSX sleeps in the driveway about half the time.

I'm interested to know what make/model freshly washed car beats the NSX out of the garage!
asked many times over the years,general consensus wait until you can garage it or rent a storage space.I rented a 20 by 10 ft box in one of those secure u store it joints for 10 years until we built a house.
No garage is not a good reason to avoid NSX ownership. Not sure I would want to park a $60K 2003 in the driveway on a regular basis but if my garage became unusable for some reason I would just get a new weather-shield or similar custom car cover for my 91. As it happens my house would have to burn down before my garage would become unavailable for my NSX. And of course the NSX would have to be away at the time.
I garage it at home and on those very few days I drive it to work I garage it at work.
As far as I can tell, the garage is larger than our house.

Our house is only 1600 sq ft. The shops I am looking at building are all 2000+

I wish I had an attached the size of that! Although, I would be a little bummed, because a lift is a necessity in a shop once we build it and it looks that ceiling is a little low for a fullsize.

Look into some MaxJax (sp?) though!

And if I hadn't had time to clean out my garage prior to getting my car home, my brother's place conveniently has a 2000 sq ft shop about 5 min from my house that neither of his trucks fit in (door is too low for full size 1 ton Dodge leveled. Although, now, my friend is moving in with him and putting his SFWD hatchback in it as well as his RHD EF7 (CRX). Doesn't matter though, as I got mine organized enough before I drove the car home. I have my reservations about leaving it in the driveway when I am working on something in the garage - she'll be garage kept the rest of the time I own it (indefinitely).
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My car is always garaged. Before its put away, it's washed and car covered.
Can't wait to get a new house w a minimum 2 car garage.
it looks that ceiling is a little low for a fullsize.

Yes, it's not as high as I would like but I would be petulant to complain.

I think it's about 9' to the bottom of the girders. I was hoping that, eventually, I would be able to find a lift that fits. Are MaxJax a good solution? I only need to get access underneath, not room to have a dance party under the car.
We moved about a year-and-a-half ago. Perhaps you can tell why I was enthusiastic when my wife found our house:
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As far as I can tell, the garage is larger than our house.
Man in the winter, you can take your NSX for a drive and not leave the garage!
That garage would be so dangerous for me. I would be buying toys!!!
Yes, it's not as high as I would like but I would be petulant to complain.

I think it's about 9' to the bottom of the girders. I was hoping that, eventually, I would be able to find a lift that fits. Are MaxJax a good solution? I only need to get access underneath, not room to have a dance party under the car.

I believe MaxJax give 48" of lift or so. I was thinking about putting a set in my 2 car just to do routine maintenance. It's enough room to roll around on a shop stool while wrenching anyway.

The best part is, when not in use you roll them away out of the middle of the floor and retain your normal usability in the garage.
I've never had a garage, however 2 weeks prior to buying my nsx (I was still shopping and had no idea when I would find one) I built by hand, by myself a really sweet carport. The supplies cost me less than 500, it's solid as a rock, with decorative lattice work, a corrugated aluminum roof and plenty of room. It's over my driveway and doubles as a detail bay when I clean her to to keep the sun from baking any soaps or waxes. I have a California car cover for extended no drive periods and for dust protection for when I mow the lawn. I wish it was a climate controlled garage, but I feel like this is as good as it gets without one
I going against the flow on this one. I leave the car outside. My wife likes to keep her large SUV in the garage and if I squeezed the NSX in there also, the car would get banged, dinged. Just not worth it. When it gets dirty, no problem! Just another excuse to wash her. I think I am less obsessive with my NSX then most of you.