FYI: Great deal on radar detector @ RadioShack!

I can't even find them in my home town. Im offshore for another few weeks and can't do squat. I'm wanting to purchase 2 detectors, but i'll take whatever i can get. Please pm me with paypal info and i'll send money plus paypal fee's. No i won't juke you.:smile:

Thanks for passing the info Motegi!
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I thought I would share this pic of my Gemballa dash with the Passport 8500x50 Smartcord, converted and added to a blank button.
It has a coiled cord, which I boiled and stretched until it was almost a straight cord. I then tucked it in the headliner and the driver's side A-pillar down to the underside of the dash.


The BEL 995 has the same Smartcord.
If any has extra or can pick me one let me know
I am down to purchase 1-3 :biggrin: if u can get On my way! For me.
Checked everywhere and availability
I will PayPal you including for your troubles

Man this thread move fast. Ill take one if anyone able to pick up an extra.
For you east coast NYC area guys, there are two stores in the Bronx and one in Westchester that still have them. $79.
I got 2 and am picking another one up Wednesday.

Big_D I got yours. I'll shoot you a PM later tonight.

If I still get it on Wednesday I have one for you as well Ozone.

Thanks a million! PM me your paypal address and I will take care of you.
Once anything good hits Slickdeals it's gone within minutes. I think some people make a living off of it...

There are tons of them on eBay already.

In about 30 days many of the eBay sellers will be returning them to RadioShack I'm sure!
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Tried the local Radio Shack in RSM, they were out and they went online and claimed none were in the warehouse so they could not be ordered.
Man, missed out on the deal. Just went to the local shack and they only have Cobra..boooo!.
Look like they are out if stock online too.

me too.........missed it!

i did search for the local store. I called them to check and they told me they don't have the exact same one but something else which cost over $200 and they won't sell it at the sale price, meaning no price match..

the guy said it must be a corporate sale and only available at corporate store. I don't know what that mean.

so, i'm outta luck.

if u can find one extra and willing to buy it for me, i'll paypal ya for your trouble. :O)

Non in the austin texas area. :banghead:

I can't even find them in my home town. Im offshore for another few weeks and can't do squat. I'm wanting to purchase 2 detectors, but i'll take whatever i can get. Please pm me with paypal info and i'll send money plus paypal fee's. No i won't juke you.:smile:

Thanks for passing the info Motegi!

If any has extra or can pick me one let me know
I am down to purchase 1-3 :biggrin: if u can get On my way! For me.
Checked everywhere and availability
I will PayPal you including for your troubles


if anyone finds one, please grab fopr me and I will paypal. I looked withing a 50 mile radius today with no luck.

Looked everywhere in my area......gone, gone, gone. :frown:

Tried the local Radio Shack in RSM, they were out and they went online and claimed none were in the warehouse so they could not be ordered.

if anyone has an extra one they'd like to sell pls think of me! :smile:

This past wknd I went to 3 stores and called at least 5 on Friday. Nada!

You guys need to read post # 20 if you want any chance of still getting one.:wink:
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I did that already. No go. Ive even tried 5 different zip. Some 2 hrs away. Some 11hrs away, hom,. Noone have it.
I did that already. No go. Ive even tried 5 different zip. Some 2 hrs away. Some 11hrs away, hom,. Noone have it.

You need to try other states also.

Thanks for thinking of your dear old friend here, pal! :tongue:

hehehe, that teaches me to no longer skip thru your posts

See you learn something new everyday, even from us older people.:tongue:

It may be too late since you didn't try this when I posted it last week.
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I tried states where I know some pple. But since I dont many ppl, im outta luck. Lol. Ill keep trying I guess.
Not anymore, Snagged the Westchester one $65.00 plus tax :biggrin:

Thanks again OP for the lead, what an insane deal and overall nice detector!!

For you east coast NYC area guys, there are two stores in the Bronx and one in Westchester that still have them. $79.


Also worth noting guys...

I actually drove to 4 separate Radio Shacks in order to find one, even though I searched online and CALLED to make sure they had it there. The online locator is useless and is no long affiliated with the actual stores I was told. If you call, make sure they go put their hands on it before you drive there. Also, they WILL NOT put it to the side for you, not with a credit card payment for any reason at all so it's really luck to arrive and for them to have it.

I am trying to find 1 more to keep in the NSX and according to these people over the phone the one place I'm heading to is receiving more tomorrow. I don't believe anything til I see it. I told RYU if they do have it when I go I'll snag him one too, but unless I post it working I'm assuming it's not happening.
I got one available. Bought it for my brother and he doesn't want it. I thought I would check if anyone wants it before I return it. It will probably cost you $100 to cover sales tax and USPS shipping. PM me if you want this.