Fuel Cell

21 December 2005
NYC and Long Island
Hello Guys am starting work on my 92 Gpw race car and wanted to know if anyone has any experience with fitting a fuel cell to one and if they are available to ready fit?
Jerome in NYC
That is quick, I just sold the car to you yesterday and you are already on the move transforming her into a race car. LOL
Actually, transaction went perfect and my baby is now in the hands of a "right" owner.
But damn, I miss the NSX already

John Bulbulia
No time to waste John! Hey this guys a real gem and I appreciate him selling me his GPW 92! But have no worries guys as he has a mean 2001 M3 in his garage!
Re: Start your search

I'm not being the Forum Nazi, because I'm not talking about "the search" here. :wink: Find a nearby dealer from the Fuel Safe website http://www.fuelsafe.com/index.htm and go talk directly to them. I'm sure they'll answer questions you don't know to ask yet.

GPW = grand prix white? :tongue: Brings a lump to my throat.

Welcome to the money pit.
Dear Ted
I am quite familiar with Fuelsafe as I have bought MANY cells from them as well as ATL but I wanted some input from Prime members as to THEIR experiences and what they ended up doing.
Money pit indeed huh?
guess there goes my European Holiday this summer! Yikes!