Reviving an old thread instead of starting a new one ........
Yesterday, I "finally" transitioned to R compound tires using the RA1 at Infineon. I knew going-in that this was a slippery slope but after holding off for over two years, it was becoming quite embarrassing to keep up with the local smack talking boy racers :tongue:
I opted for the 205/40/17 with 255/40/17 since I had a great buy on a second set of 17/17 OEM wheels. Reading the above posts, I confirmed a few things and I have a few more suggestions.
The tires were not shaved. I had the tires mounted at AIM at Infineon (Ken, 2slow2speed, thanks for the ride, and Steve thanks for hauling my old tires back :wink

and immediately took it on the track. Right out of the box, I could tell the car was handling quite differently based on its prior set up even though I had changed the alignment in prepartion for the RA1. See discussion in this thread:
The steering was more sensitive, and the fear of understeer based on using 205 in the fronts was not an issue (also something confirmed by Tom of RP-Motorsports in PMs months ago; thanks Tom). But based on the shops recommendation of starting tire pressures cold 34 front and 36 rear ....... something was wrong since the rear seemed to be unstable and the car's suspension was jerking too much as it transitioned in the turns. The shop recommended running the RA1 at 36 hot front and 40 hot rear. I was at 38 front and 44 rear after the first session

Bringing the tire pressures down to 35 and 38 did not improve much the handling.
So we decided to tinker with the rear sway bar which I had on the stiffest position given that on street tires with the Type R front bar I had understeer. Thanks to our Fearless leader Al, and Kip's tools, using the middle hole and running 34/36 hot it improved the car's handling dramatically! Whereas in the earlier sessions I had to tap the brakes between the Ss just to make sure the rear was settled, now I was taking it without braking at almost full throttle in 3rd. Turns 2 and 3a aspired more confidence by attacking them :biggrin:
So the first question I have, what has been the optimal tire pressures that you run?
Using the pyrometer, I noticed that while overall the rear temps across the tire were relatively within 10 degrees difference (150-160), the front insides were way too cold compared to the center and outside edge; like 118 vs 135-140! Ambient temp was in the 60s. Alignment is based on Bilstein lower perch on stock springs, non compliant toe link:
camber -1.9 (the max we could get)
total toe -0.11
caster 8.1/9.1 we had to do this split otherwise the car was pulling to the right
camber -1.8
toe 0.13
So question 2, is the front tire temp due to the Toyos needing more camber in the front or am I missing something? TIA.
Edit: I should also note that the brake temps were significantly lower (150-200F), and the OEM caliper with new Carbotech Panther Plus front pads and Dali's 2 piece floating rotors (which have seen some 15 track events and turned once already) performed flawlessly! I'm surmising that having R compound tires help bring the rotor temps down since the tires are helping the braking rather than the brakes overwhelming the street tires.