For a good laugh: NSX VS TR according to F-car snobs

Well, I put in my .02 cents. I think allan may have actually sort of been sticking up for the NSX there. Stranger things have happened
Some of the opinions there are quite disappointing. I don't think I have seen brand loyalty like that on any forum before.

There are some good responses there from various folks though.

I concluded that there are "car people" and there are "ferrari people" posting on that site. Unfortunately, one cannot click a setting to auto-filter out the fanboys.

I do not think the comparison is very good though. I consider that Testarossa to be a grand touring car like the Lamborghini Diablo or Aston Martin Vanquish. Said cars are very big, stable, and have insanely high top speeds. I think the NSX is better of being compared to the f355, 911, and Esprit.

If this guy wants one of the ultimate exotic cars, then he should go with the TR. The TR is a very special car in terms of looks. It is an exotic car from the 80's. The 80's was a decade of decadence. It is in this era that the most outrageous looking cars thrived. The Testarossa and the Countach were symbols of this. While Lamborghini continued making ultra-exotic looking automobiles, Ferrari did not. Ferrar itself has nothing as exotic as the Testarossa.

Thus, if this guy wants an ultra-exotic Ferrare, he need not consider the NSX. If he wants to put on a lot of miles (on and off track) on his sports car, he needs to look at the NSX.
I found this quote pretty funny. Well, the last sentence anyway:

If you burn for a Ferrari and buy an NSX you will only be able to take it so many times when someone asks “is that a Ferrari” and you say “no it’s an Acura” and then they reply “my brother Herman has an Acura.” With a Testarossa they don’t ask, they know. It's also unlikely that their brother Herman owns one, but if he does, he is probably a cool guy.