FL driving schools?

Look no further than Chin Motorsports ... One of the leading providers of track time and driving instruction in the SE, with events at every major track in Fla and others in GA, Ala, and VA throughout the year. Open track format for maximum track time, veteran expert instructors, warm camaraderie. The organization was founded by a group of NSX owners in 1999. More NSXs attend CMS events than most other track events in the region.
I'll vouch for the Chin group as well. For a very reasonable fee you have the opportunity to learn how to drive your car on many of the Southeast's greatest racetracks. By far the best value in the industry. The people who run the Chin events are tops and you won't find a friendlier bunch of speed junkies anywhere! I have participated in several of their events dating back to their first year in 1999. I now volunteer as an instructor from time to time and I encourage you to come as a guest and check an event out for yourself. BE FORWARNED...it can be habit forming!