First year of ownership, NSX = therapy?

9 August 2005
Harstad, Norway
Yeah I said it, the NSX feels like my own psychiatrist. After owning the car for 1 year whenever I feel down/bored/depressed/annoyed/stressed I just go drive the car and it always bring a smile to my face.

My GF has started to tell me to go out for a spin if we feel a argument is growing, we both enjoy the car so much it always stops any kind of bickering:smile:

Never felt like this for a car, thanks Prime for helping me get one:smile:

(yes I just drove the car and had to say this)
I feel the same way.

I love driving as is.

I love driving the NSX even more.

Whenever I go somewhere, I want to drive the NSX.

And I've only had mine for 2 weeks, lol.
Yeah I said it, the NSX feels like my own psychiatrist. After owning the car for 1 year whenever I feel down/bored/depressed/annoyed/stressed I just go drive the car and it always bring a smile to my face.

My GF has started to tell me to go out for a spin if we feel a argument is growing, we both enjoy the car so much it always stops any kind of bickering:smile:

Never felt like this for a car, thanks Prime for helping me get one:smile:

(yes I just drove the car and had to say this)

I'm not surprised:biggrin: I guess many enjoy it many different ways and this is one of the best ejoyment yet:biggrin:
I still enjoy the late night garage visits.
You know, when you head out there just as a "pinch" to make sure that you're not dreaming.
I'll be right back...
Couldn't agree more. My NSX has provided me countless hours of "therapy". Somehow, it does have a way to melt away your stress and put a chesire grin on your face :)
Yes, I know exactly what you mean - I've been feeling the need to drive mine a lot lately....:wink:
Yeah I said it, the NSX feels like my own psychiatrist. After owning the car for 1 year whenever I feel down/bored/depressed/annoyed/stressed I just go drive the car and it always bring a smile to my face.

My GF has started to tell me to go out for a spin if we feel a argument is growing, we both enjoy the car so much it always stops any kind of bickering:smile:

Never felt like this for a car, thanks Prime for helping me get one:smile:

(yes I just drove the car and had to say this) :biggrin:
I need to work harder to convince my wife that I really need therapy. She is starting to crack and I think she will let me start in the next year!:biggrin:
I need to work harder to convince my wife that I really need therapy. She is starting to crack and I think she will let me start in the next year!:biggrin:

Well Nucca - if that's her in the picture - don't run her off! Life is long - untill you get to be my age that is! You on the other hand are just starting out - good luck! Take care of the wife! Most likely the best thing that will ever happen to you! All the best!
ditto to the op. I have always liked driving when Im bored or sad ect. This car is especially helpful when the gf and I start to argue. I think it is cause when Im mad and I drive around I like the people asking about the car and looking at it, it takes my mind off all the other crap going on.
My NSX is my daily therapy, even if it is just to open the door to the garage and buff the girl again with a microfiber towel. I badly need professional help, but that may come one day after selling the car due to deteriorating knees.
I love my NSX, but there's nothing quite like driving your baby.

Finally got my turboD hatch up and running again.
Hmm, this reminds me very much of this:

To be honest, I have just recently become an owner of a very nice Silver NSX again and again I am finding myself driving this car for any simple reason I can think off.

So, in answer to your post, YES, the NSX is simply

Therapy-On-Wheels :biggrin: :biggrin:

(TOW for short...)

Read some of that post you gave here - good post and lots of fun. I too have succumed to late night runs - but not so much lately -mmmm - I may need to pick that back up! Must be getting lazy!
The stock market is psychotic........temps in the high 90' game is all over the map.... -- I'm getting some therapy tomorrow and driving the NSX to work :biggrin: I know it's gonna be a TGIF ! Jay
This is my first post on this forum. I have a beautiful car that I am thinking of trading for an NSX. I have described my car exactly as "my therapist". So I was drawn to this thread. My current fun-car is an '04 BMW M3 convertible. It truly is therapeutic to scream the engine to 8000 RPM with the wind blowing and the sun shining.

So maybe switching up to an NSX would give me the same "joy". Sorry BMW.
This is my first post on this forum. I have a beautiful car that I am thinking of trading for an NSX. I have described my car exactly as "my therapist". So I was drawn to this thread. My current fun-car is an '04 BMW M3 convertible. It truly is therapeutic to scream the engine to 8000 RPM with the wind blowing and the sun shining.

So maybe switching up to an NSX would give me the same "joy". Sorry BMW.

You will never look back....