
3 June 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Finally I've experienced the car I've only seen and read about. I am now the very happy, privileged owner of a 99 Blk/Blk NSX-T. Nothing could have prepared me for what an amazing experience this car is to drive. No pictures have been able to do justice to the NSX compared to viewing it in person...or the aggressive lines that can only be observed from within the cockpit with the naked eye.

Just wanted to say thanks to all of the friendly advice I've recieved on this board - and especially MC-CA for taking time during his lunch break to go look at the car for me. Helped a great deal to give me the confidence necessary to the next level, which ultimately lead me to finally aquire one of my own....has been one hell of a ride so far.

Thanks again,
Congrats on your purchase :smile:

I think many of us (if not most) still remember how they felt when they drove their NSX for the first time. I know I certainly do.
If you can and can spare the time, please post some pics of your car here on Prime so we can all enjoy the NSX even more.
neurobound said:
Finally I've experienced the car I've only seen and read about. I am now the very happy, privileged owner of a 99 Blk/Blk NSX-T.
Where abouts in LA are you from?
Welcome and enjoy the ride!
Heya -

Thanks for all the replies and welcomes guys! The link to the events too, I'd really like to attend one one of these days.

MvM - I'll definitely post pics, though after its initial trip down the coast it needs a lil wash before it's worthy of any photos ;) It's been hiding from the rain for the most part since i picked it up, plus the roads are all tore up. Once I get the proper soaps/wax (only thing thats really holding me up... so many choices reading on this forum), I'll get it looking its best and snap some of my favorite angles. I intend to get some high angles, i see very few of. I was looking down on the car from some stairs when i first got it, pretty amazing this thing is a car designed in the 80s. It's a true classic when something can hold up this long. I can't say the same for all exotics...... Going to experiment with various lens angles to find something thats somewhere as pleasing as the eye.

Socaldude - I'm in the San Fernando Valley. OMG. :P

Distance Runner - giddy? I guess that does about sum it up. The car is just beautiful. I wish it was something I could afford to enjoy every day, but it's such a precious machine (hate to use the word 'precious' to describe an inanimate objects like this) it just seems kinda a shame to put any excessive miles on it. At the same time, hurts to put on so few :X Brutal balance...but like I said, I now have the rare privilege of getting to drive this car and for that I am very thankful. :smile:
