Finally Drove NA2 NSX

4 January 2007
DFW/Conesus Lake NY
Drove an NA2 NSX a couple weeks ago...the engine lived up to my expectations. Often you hear that it is underpowered (and perhaps it is compared to cars for the same $$ by modern day standards), but it was pretty equitable with my E46 M3. Handling was tight. Of course the top off at triple digits was a bit of a problem :biggrin:

The looks were second to none and definintely the unique/wow factor was there. Great car....I guess I'm not exactly contributing anything to this forum by this redundant post.
At least you formed an opinion AFTER you actaully drove the car. Too often you hear people say it is under powered and over priced, but never actually even started on up let alone drive the NSX.:confused:
Which year did you drive?
It's always good to read a review.

My NA1 is underpowered. I was going a bit under the 80kph speed limit in the wake of a bus. The car ahead of me refused to speed up and pass the bus so I was stuck in the fast lane anyways. Guy in a Toyota four-banger behind me didn't like that and changed lanes to pass me and cut between me and the bus. I didn't want him cutting across me like that so I stepped on it and my car went nowhere. Little Toyota kicked my ass. I had to brake and let him chop me as it was too close other-wise.
You were obviously in the wrong gear. That was nothing a quick downshift to 2nd couldn't solve.

I love 2nd gear. :)

Perhaps he was waiting for the monstrous torque to kick in.
Which year did you drive?

I drove a 2003 Yellow color that had about 30K on the clock which seemed to be in pristine condition. I would actually consider buying it but I have something more pressing on the agenda (house). I've also driven an NA1 but it had high triple digits on the odometer and was somewhat beat up. I definitely felt the power differential from NA1 to NA2.

Actually, I didn't find the NA2 to be underpowered at all. It climbed to 100MPH and beyond and I didn't even realize how quick it was moving. It accelerated very quickly off an exit ramp and I it was quite nimble when passing other cars. Of course I didn't get to flog it like it was mine, but I didn't find any problems.

Ideally I would have driven it with the top on to get a better feel for daily use. I've been interested in the NSX for awhile now but unfortunately it will be awhile before I can seriously consider taking the plunge. 2 myths should be disspelled (at least as far as NA2 is concerned): underpowered and headroom. AT 6'3" and change I fit in fine. So unless you're over that or have an excessively long torso you're going to fit in OK.

The looks of the car are defintely exotic, especially I think in red (my favorite) and yellow. It still looks great in other colors, just a little less exotic. I think the sportiest look is NSX-R style white with black top and wing. It depends what you're going for. I didn't test the sound system but as per this site it's subpar. The only other real defect I can think of is poor legroom in shotgun, which I'd never hopefully spend too much time in, and a lack of a legitimate cupholder (although I have seen fixes on this site).

Until I can actually get one which might not be for awhile considering I have a couple other pressing needs, I will continue to live vicariously thru NSX PRIME.
I drove a 2003 Yellow color that had about 30K on the clock which seemed to be in pristine condition. I would actually consider buying it but I have something more pressing on the agenda (house). I've also driven an NA1 but it had high triple digits on the odometer and was somewhat beat up. I definitely felt the power differential from NA1 to NA2.

Actually, I didn't find the NA2 to be underpowered at all. It climbed to 100MPH and beyond and I didn't even realize how quick it was moving. It accelerated very quickly off an exit ramp and I it was quite nimble when passing other cars. Of course I didn't get to flog it like it was mine, but I didn't find any problems.

Ideally I would have driven it with the top on to get a better feel for daily use. I've been interested in the NSX for awhile now but unfortunately it will be awhile before I can seriously consider taking the plunge. 2 myths should be disspelled (at least as far as NA2 is concerned): underpowered and headroom. AT 6'3" and change I fit in fine. So unless you're over that or have an excessively long torso you're going to fit in OK.

The looks of the car are defintely exotic, especially I think in red (my favorite) and yellow. It still looks great in other colors, just a little less exotic. I think the sportiest look is NSX-R style white with black top and wing. It depends what you're going for. I didn't test the sound system but as per this site it's subpar. The only other real defect I can think of is poor legroom in shotgun, which I'd never hopefully spend too much time in, and a lack of a legitimate cupholder (although I have seen fixes on this site).

Until I can actually get one which might not be for awhile considering I have a couple other pressing needs, I will continue to live vicariously thru NSX PRIME.

when you do actually get one, you better not hit any of those rochester pot holes.... at least it's better than it was a few years ago
I drove a 2003 Yellow color that had about 30K on the clock which seemed to be in pristine condition. I would actually consider buying it but I have something more pressing on the agenda (house). I've also driven an NA1 but it had high triple digits on the odometer and was somewhat beat up. I definitely felt the power differential from NA1 to NA2.

Actually, I didn't find the NA2 to be underpowered at all. It climbed to 100MPH and beyond and I didn't even realize how quick it was moving. It accelerated very quickly off an exit ramp and I it was quite nimble when passing other cars. Of course I didn't get to flog it like it was mine, but I didn't find any problems.

Ideally I would have driven it with the top on to get a better feel for daily use. I've been interested in the NSX for awhile now but unfortunately it will be awhile before I can seriously consider taking the plunge. 2 myths should be disspelled (at least as far as NA2 is concerned): underpowered and headroom. AT 6'3" and change I fit in fine. So unless you're over that or have an excessively long torso you're going to fit in OK.

The looks of the car are defintely exotic, especially I think in red (my favorite) and yellow. It still looks great in other colors, just a little less exotic. I think the sportiest look is NSX-R style white with black top and wing. It depends what you're going for. I didn't test the sound system but as per this site it's subpar. The only other real defect I can think of is poor legroom in shotgun, which I'd never hopefully spend too much time in, and a lack of a legitimate cupholder (although I have seen fixes on this site).

Until I can actually get one which might not be for awhile considering I have a couple other pressing needs, I will continue to live vicariously thru NSX PRIME.

Glad you finally had a chance to drive one. I had never seen a red 02+ in person until a Ferrari meet last month. It was coming up fast behind me and I was like "wow" the red is fantastic! The yellow is great as well both colors show off the NSXs beautiful lines much better than that "dingy" gray color they sold it in.:wink:
I've also driven an NA1 but it had high triple digits on the odometer and was somewhat beat up. I definitely felt the power differential from NA1 to NA2.

Maybe if the NA1 you drove had a good tuneup, and some minor upgrades (header, exhaust), the differential may not have been very noticeable.
I think the gear ratios play a role here too.
(I really, really like the tall 2nd, but most do not):wink:
Glad you finally had a chance to drive one. I had never seen a red 02+ in person until a Ferrari meet last month. It was coming up fast behind me and I was like "wow" the red is fantastic! The yellow is great as well both colors show off the NSXs beautiful lines much better than that "dingy" gray color they sold it in.:wink:

Haha, you forgot about the other "putrid" color, smurf blue!:tongue:
Drove an NA2 NSX a couple weeks ago...the engine lived up to my expectations. Often you hear that it is underpowered (and perhaps it is compared to cars for the same $$ by modern day standards), but it was pretty equitable with my E46 M3. Handling was tight. Of course the top off at triple digits was a bit of a problem :biggrin:

What year was the car you drove? Hope it is a 02 spec.

As for the triple digitss with top off, I didnt' have any problems:biggrin:

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Glad you like the experience.
What year was the car you drove? Hope it is a 02 spec.

As for the triple digitss with top off, I didnt' have any problems:biggrin:

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Glad you like the experience.

From 4K RPM jumping to 6K, you did a downshift right? From which gear to which?
Maybe if the NA1 you drove had a good tuneup, and some minor upgrades (header, exhaust), the differential may not have been very noticeable.

Right...the NA1 I drove had like 175K+ miles on it and wasn't exactly in mint condition. Plus, I didn't really rev as hard as I would like and push it to its limits. Plus, like you said some inexpensive mods, relatively speaking, would probably make it much quicker. But, I did find the NA2 to be noticeably faster--could have been biased by knowing it had a bigger engine. Or perhaps being post-02 it had the mythical/alleged R tuning.

As for Rochester potholes, they are pretty bad. Luckily, I live outside of the city. But after living on South Beach and driving, I've been accustomed to potholes of all shapes and varieties and have learned that lowering a car is not an option for me.

BTW, Smurf Blue aka LSB rules. Best color ever on BMWs, IMHO.
I'm glad you liked it Ozone. I like driving my nsx rather than my e46 330cic. I like the fact that the nsx is low and the looks on others when I drive my na1 next to them.:biggrin:
Haha, you forgot about the other "putrid" color, smurf blue!:tongue:

Hey that's a good one..LOL ,but I just looked at your avatar and thought is his car dirty:confused: and then I remembered it's supposed to look like that:biggrin:
I think the gear ratios play a role here too.
(I really, really like the tall 2nd, but most do not):wink:

I agree, probably the majority of the effect you felt was the 6 speed. The 5 speed just doesn't have the closer ratios and although the difference in actual speed may be marginal the 6 speed feels a lot faster.
I think the gear ratios play a role here too.
(I really, really like the tall 2nd, but most do not):wink:
Yes Sir:biggrin:

Power to weight ratio between early coupe and 02+. There is difference in actual proformance however, relatively minor if power/weight ratio mean anything, power/ratio advantage to NA2 is about ~2.4%.


Speed in first 3 gears:
Stock US (5-speed): 45, 81, 115
Stock US six speed: 46, 72, 99.

I estimate 70% of difference came from gearing. I have driven quite a few NA2s, power in first gear exactly the same as any other NA1s. if not looking at the speed you will think it is accelerating a lot faster than it actually is because you run though 2nd gear quicker at 8~9mph lower speed. The way I test drive a car when anyone hand me the key with exception of 1000hp NSX (in which I gracefully turn down the offer), the least I can do for the owner and to show my appreciation and respect is drive the the shit out of the car down to last "1" rev, and I really....mean it. Reason is simple, I got to get a good feel of what the car is truely capable of.

The calculated rpm's after shifting from 1rst to 2nd are 4506 for the standard tranny gears and 5084 for the short second gear. These are not the numbers you see on the tach because of clutch slipage and tach lag time. Tach's are generally not very accurate BTW, *maybe* ours is. But the above numbers are a reasonably accurate method of determining power differences. One can add say 600 rpm to the before and after numbers to further accurize the results.

The 6spd have similar effect in "2nd" gear as JDM short gears:
There is approx 29 more HP available at the higher short gear numbers that effects acceleration. Thats why we want-em, plain and simple. This is about a 14% increase in power at this point. From 3rd gear and up the stock 5spd is actually excellent.

There are plenty of reading on the FAQ. As I my experience with the car increase. I am not too anti 5spd stock gearing anymore. You can add power to fill the 2nd gear hole. High power turbo's with plenty to spare is got to love tall gears (assuming it spool fast enough that doesn't need short gear to help spool), once you have enough power to get you going sideways, the traction and keeping the car accelerating straight is more of concern than reducing gearing on 1~2 shift. Being able to accelerate to 115mph with just 2shift is great. 4th gear get you to 145mph without losing any rate of acceleration. In my experience accelerating to 165mph, the rate of acceleration does not slow down noticeablely, could easily gone 175+ if I held just a few sec longer, because the gearing get closer as you shift to 4th then 5th.

Got a flight to catch, peace:biggrin: , hopefully I will spot some NSXes in Australia.