FF2 NSX update!

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...

I got this off of a honda site...

Apparenetly there will be a NSX in the movie, driven by Ludicrus (SP?) he will be driving his own car in the movie...

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina" #183
And the ludicrous upside-down Acura emblem on the front of his car...

Originally posted by NSXrebel:
yeah its Ludacris' NSX alright.
now we know who to beat up...

Ya know what I just thought about
Im in ATL, Ludacris is from here, well not directly, but this has been his home for years, I remember when he was on Hot 97.5FM.

Kinda slumps in my heart to know that POS may be residing in the very city I sleep in.....


No Curves, No Challenge....

Any idiot can drive fast in a straight line...
Originally posted by BostonNSX:
what a disgrace..

Well, look at it this way, at least the NSX will co-star to whatever Paul Walker is going to drive in the movie. I say that's GREAT-can't get any better than that!!!

..I can just see it now, after the movie premiered, everyone will want to go out and get a NSX, demands exceeds supplies and therefore resale value will skyrocket thru the roof !
Hey Kodiac don't worry that is not his NSX. That is the NSX he uses in the movie. He said it on that interview that he has one at home but "THAT" NSX is not his.

Just telling you so you don't have to worry about knowing an ugly nsx is in your area.
oh NO

next time when ur driving ur car after the movie's out.. ppls gonna say..

Hey isnt this the LV car in da movie FF2? haahaha it isnt that ugly in person hahahaha

Originally posted by Zanardi 50:
Well, look at it this way, at least the NSX will co-star to whatever Paul Walker is going to drive in the movie. I say that's GREAT-can't get any better than that!!!

..I can just see it now, after the movie premiered, everyone will want to go out and get a NSX, demands exceeds supplies and therefore resale value will skyrocket thru the roof !

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 29 December 2002).]
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Hey Kodiac don't worry that is not his NSX. That is the NSX he uses in the movie. He said it on that interview that he has one at home but "THAT" NSX is not his.

Just telling you so you don't have to worry about knowing an ugly nsx is in your area.

Thanks, what a relief.... I didnt see the interview, but feel a lil better knowing this.....

Now I wonder, he said he had one at home... I wonder what his looks like???

I would like to think he has enuf taste to not paint an NSX anything like the LV.
I hope he says this in the movie:
"Move b!tch get out the way!"
"doing 100 on the highway" (I dont remember the line exactly...)

haha that be funny

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina" #183
Originally posted by Auraraptor:
I hope he says this in the movie:
"Move b!tch get out the way!"
"doing 100 on the highway" (I dont remember the line exactly...)

haha that be funny

Move Bitch, Get out da way, get out da way bitch. Get out da way!

I do 100 on the highway, so if you do da speed limit get da f*ck outta my way...

I'm D.U.I. hardly every caught sober, and you bout to get ran da f*ck ovar.

sounds like a line you'd here in one a dem "kill" stories....

[This message has been edited by KODIAC (edited 29 December 2002).]
man I'm completely wordless when I saw that riced LV painted NSX

and LV interior would be ok
u know
It's gonna be sorta like when MIB2 came out...everyone referred to pugs as "the dog from MIB"!! Now it's gonna be..."hey isn't that the car from FF2??" It's gonna suck!!
Originally posted by Hot NSX:
It's gonna be sorta like when MIB2 came out...everyone referred to pugs as "the dog from MIB"!! Now it's gonna be..."hey isn't that the car from FF2??" It's gonna suck!!


I think you're right......

I guess the only response is

"No, No it's not... this car has class, not rice..."


EDIT: Bad grammar....

[This message has been edited by KODIAC (edited 31 December 2002).]
indeed sux................

Originally posted by Hot NSX:
It's gonna be sorta like when MIB2 came out...everyone referred to pugs as "the dog from MIB"!! Now it's gonna be..."hey isn't that the car from FF2??" It's gonna suck!!
They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but i feel this is an exception.


If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.