Favorite Drink/Mixed Drink

28 March 2002
Oxnard, CA , USA
With New Year's coming up, I was wondering what is everyone's favorite alcoholic beverage of choice?
As far as beers go, I'll drink any Mexican beer or Guinness. I'll do shots of tequila as long as it's Patron Silver . Favorite mixed drink at the moment is what my friends call "Tony's Special" . Its Hennessy VSOP, cranberry juice, and RedBull. another favorite is Adios Mother F***er, and Incredible Hulk (Hennessy & Hypnotiq)

ps. I wont be consuming all those drinks or any combination of them on the same night again anytime soon.
donwon said:
151 shots with a shot of jack as a chaser will get you festive really quick :smile:

yeah if you don't pass out... :tongue:

my favorite mixes:

Blue Hawaii
Half Guiness Half Woodchuck Cider.. ie. snakebite..
Long Island.. ONLY IF made properly... ie.. not a 'hook up' drink.. my gawd..

shots.. hrm..
i used to stomach them easily but now i have a tendency to pass out if I take too many shots.. :eek:

yeah.. tell me about it.. everyone gets excited if they know that i'm gonna drive the nsx and go out drinking... whoever rides with me gets to drive it back.. :rolleyes:

I'm not a big mixed drink type of guy so it's beer for me. Asahi from Japan, not the stuff brewed in Toronto by Molson Breweries that is not as crisp and that I could swear is Molson Dry with a slight twist (which just so happens to be my second favorite).
Normally I'm Belvidere on the rocks with a lime but after my last visit to Mexico I have been a huge fan of the Mojito (fresh mint leaves, half a lime, sugar, soda water, and rum). On a 100 degree day there's nothing wrong with 15 to 20 Mojito's in the sun :)

As long as it is in solid form, maintaining the temperature of the surrounding liquid.
I'm a party pooper. My favorite drink is an Arnold Palmer. Fresh squeezed lemons please.
Flaming Dr Pepper:
Fill shot glass with Amaretto
Top with Bacardi 151
Drop flaming shot glass into mug of beer 3/4ths full
Chug as fast as possible
My personal best is six in a row under a minute :eek:
Dont remember if I drank anymore after that :biggrin:
Flaming Dr Pepper:
My personal best is six in a row under a minute :eek:
Dont remember if I drank anymore after that :biggrin:

WOW! 6 in 1 min., my evening would be done soon after.

Slippery Nipple aka Buttery Nipple:
1/4 Vodka
1/4 Kahlua
1/4 Butter Shots
1/4 Baileys

Duck Fart:
1/2 oz Crown Royal
1/2 oz Kahlua
1/2 oz Baileys
Try to layer - 1st Crown, 2nd Kahlua, 3rd slowly on the Baileys

Hawaiian Pirate:
1/2 oz Light Rum
1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
1/2 oz Bacardi 151
1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Coco Rum
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Rassberry Schnapps
splash Coconut Mix, Grenadine
Wwwwell if I was 21 I'd say.....

Screw driver:
Vodka in OJ.
You cant taste the vodka at all unlike if you mixed it with lemonade.

Have a happy new year
I love a good Bloody Mary, w/ Absolut Peppar please...
The usual....
Capt & coke
Jager & Redbull
Grey Goose & Redbull

On certain occassions....
Irish Car Bomb
Jager Blaster
Flaming Dr. Pepper
3 Wise Men
Prarie Fire
Gorilla Fart
Newman said:
The usual....
Capt & coke
Jager & Redbull
Grey Goose & Redbull
Ahh, i see we have similar tastes

Newman said:
On certain occassions....
3 Wise Men
Wow, i cant think of many occasions where i would purposefully buy a 3 wisemen for myself... now for other people, suuuuuure!

Lately, i've been a fan of Grey Goose + Collins
Or some Tequila shooters (has to be good stuff, no Jose for me)
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Tanqueray martini, straight up, with olives.

Being from Kentucky originally, also love Maker's Mark with just about anything.

Favorite beers: Newcastle Brown Ale, Bohemia (when I have Mexican food), Corona Light (when trying to go low carb).
Not really into that many mixed drinks.
I'll stick with the TX favorites of Shiner Bock (beer) or a Crown and Coke (Pantera's 'Blacktooth' ) or the ocassional Gin & Tonic.