Farvorite Super Bowl commercial.

24 March 2001
Neenah, Wi
So what was your favorite TV commercial so far? Mine were.

GT 40 drifting.
Bud Light dogs.
Bud Light horse.
Lays Chips.
Was I just seeing things or did Janet Jacksons Top pop open at the very end :eek:
I was just going to post that question:D

I believe Justin Timberlake just ripped the fabric right off. And her nipple was definately pierced!!

In no particular order.....the poot, the boob, the car.
I put a vote in for the American Choppers/ AOL (i know, i know) commercials. I like the show and thought the commercials were a stupid funny combination that worked. All three of the guys make me laugh.
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The boob

Timberlake says "I am sorry that anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl." I saw what happened, and I can't see how that could have been a malfunction, unless her whole top was supposed to come off. :D
I thought that Ford did a great job with the GT commercial. It was very classy and well done. I'll admit that the Budweiser horse carriage commercial did make me laugh. But my favorite were the AOL/American Chopper commercials. I love the show and seeing Mikey in the Renaissance outfit made my laugh out loud. I love those guys, they remind me of lots of family and friends.

I liked the Lays Potato Chips commercial, when he sticks his cane in her back, pushing her back to the ground, that was really funny, nice ending with the dentures in hand too :D
I'm surprised how little notice the HR Block Willie Nelson tax advice doll bit has garnered. I thought it was hilarious and very well done considering all the problems he's had with the IRS.

On the other hand, I think the biggest waste of 2.3 million bucks was the Ford GT on the track commercial. That thing was squirreling all over the place. Not a very good endorsement for handling.
I agree completely with Tom that the half time show was uncalled for pre-mediatated. I know my younger siblings saw it and my really young cousins (5 and 7) we're watching. That's not something for national television.

what were they advertising when they were looking for the scottish dude and he was standing over the steam vent and his kilt was blowing up....

the son watching on said "dad that is sooo wrong."
Mine was the Clydesdale donkey commercial for Budweiser. I thought it was interesting that that was the most popular response to the same poll in today's Chicago Tribune. I also agree 100 percent with the article that appears alongside the poll, stating that this year's commercials were just not all that great. There was nothing anywhere near as funny as the best of last year's (such as the one that says "just remember when you meet her mother, that this is what she'll look like in 25 years" and shows her mother with the world's biggest butt).
Re: The boob

KGP said:
Timberlake says "I am sorry that anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl." I saw what happened, and I can't see how that could have been a malfunction, unless her whole top was supposed to come off. :D

Does anyone in the country believe this was an accident and not a completely staged and rehearsed act? What woman wears a bra / outfit that so easily pops open on one side? What are they thinking was SUPPOSED to happen? This excuse is the worst one I have heard since Mike Tyson crashed his Ducatti coming off the highway and said that he "fell asleep".

Who would believe CBS, MTV, or the entertainers

- Having heard the words to the song...

- Knowing that Viacom owns CBS and MTV...

- Knowing Justin's desire to out shock Britney...

- Knowing Janet's desire to out shock Madonna...

- Knowing Janet's web site said there were going to be some shocking surprises during the 1/2 time show...

The only surprising thing to me was that nobody has complained as much about Kid Rock cutting a hole in a flag to wear it and the disrespectful way he treated it when it he was done with it. I found that even more offensive then the immature and tasteless sophomoric ending of this weeks bimbo and himbo MTV act.

I am a football fan and I think the whole 1/2 time show is a joke - regardless of the acts. I also hated Denis and Rush in the booth for the same reason. If you are not a football fan - having comedians, political commentators, or rock stars is not going to change anything in the minds of those that hate or love professional football.
Re: Re: The boob

matteni said:

The only surprising thing to me was that nobody has complained as much about Kid Rock cutting a hole in a flag to wear it and the disrespectful way he treated it when it he was done with it. I found that even more offensive then the immature and tasteless sophomoric ending of this weeks bimbo and himbo MTV act.

I thought the same thing, for that grease bag to come up w/a flag over him made me sick. So many of these so called "entertainers" don't have a clue and could really care less unfortunately.

I am a football fan and I think the whole 1/2 time show is a joke - regardless of the acts. I also hated Denis and Rush in the booth for the same reason. If you are not a football fan - having comedians, political commentators, or rock stars is not going to change anything in the minds of those that hate or love professional football.

Amen to that.

I've never been a advocate of gvnmt action, but I hope the FCC fines that crap out of CBS on this one.
MTV and CBS will gladly pay the $27k fines, and AOL will feign outrage at the halftime show. Meanwhile, the fact that they had the exclusive rights to the halftime show on the web, do you think they are really upset that millions of people logged onto AOL to check it out? Is anyone talking about the game, which was one of the best in a long time?

The people who have a right to be pissed are the legitimate advertisers who shelled out $2.5 mil per 30 seconds, and they were completely overshadowed by a nipple ring exposed by a guy running out of his 15 minutes.

No one should be surprised that MTV delivered a totally classless show, from Kid Crotch all the way through the latest dysfunctional Jackson, who has an album coming out soon and has found it impossible to compete against Britney, Christina, Jessica, etc....

Thankfully, my daughters missed it all. They didn't, however, miss the scantily clad cheerleaders on the sidelines. The NFL has a serious hypocrisy problem on their hands.

JMHO. :mad:
LeftLane said:
The NFL has a serious hypocrisy problem on their hands.
I doubt NFL gives a hoot. I'm sure they knew exactly what to expect when they brought MTV into the mix; all you have to do is look at the "entertainment" they currently produce. The whole event, which was probably nothing less than a carefully orchestrated act, was designed to do one thing: bring in the ratings (and precious advertising dollar$). If there's one thing MTV knows how to do well, it's delivering shock value.
Originally posted by LeftLane
No one should be surprised that MTV delivered a totally classless show
Originally posted by PHOEN$X
I'm sure they knew exactly what to expect when they brought MTV into the mix
From Reuters (where you can find a photo about that moment)

They Hired a Jackson -- What Did They Expect?
Wed Feb 4, 6:11 AM ET

By Ray Richmond

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - It's the breast that's launched a thousand fits.

Who needs WMD when we've got Janet Jackson (news) and Justin Timberlake (news), on a stage at the Super Bowl, with the whole country watching, flashing the establishment? Naughty pop stars though they are, they couldn't possibly have imagined the can o' worms they were cranking open.

Jackson has already admitted planning the boob-baring boo-boo herself, thereby absolving CBS and halftime show producer MTV of something akin to treason. The FCC (news - web sites) wasted little time choking on its collective Cheetos, vowing this week to get to the bottom of this and inspiring FCC chairman Michael Powell (news) to label the moment a "classless, crass and deplorable stunt. Our nation's children, parents and citizens deserve better."

To which I reply: They do?

Did Jackson sell nuclear secrets to China while I wasn't paying attention? Is our national security suddenly fully compromised? Did our terrorism alert level just go to red?

Or was this simply a case of a couple of rambunctious entertainers picking the wrong moment to perpetrate a PR stunt -- that is, when a new puritanism is coming swiftly into vogue at the highest levels of government?

Let's not waste a lot of time overanalyzing whether this little improvisational diversion may have done emotional harm to any kids who were watching. It was there and gone in a mere few fleeting seconds.

If anything is going to damage the moral fiber of America's youth, it's the indignation and fallout in the moment's wake, the high-voltage, far-out-of-proportion reaction of grown men and women.

This naturally isn't about the children. It never is. It's about re-election-minded public officials who won't rest until they work the indecency-outrage angle as much as possible to show that they're not really in bed with Big Media.

Of course, the FCC is already in obscenity crackdown mode. This simply gives the censorheads more fodder. Meanwhile, it's apparently just fine during the game for Bud Light to run a spot that appears to endorse a monkey's being intimate with a woman and another ad (plugging Budweiser) that shows a woman ranting and raving shrewlike at her husband.

The message would seem to be this: It's permissible to demean women, and even to look at them as sexual playthings. God knows football telecasts are chock-full of phallic imagery. But just let one female make the sexuality itself overt and there's hell to pay. Because that's different, you see. That's pornography.

It's been forgotten that part of the risk you run with live television is that things you don't plan sometimes occur. Someone may even want to act up at your expense. That unpredictable nature of the live broadcast was once considered part of its allure. But in this increasingly uptight era, there can apparently be no surprises without consequences.

Was it inappropriate? Sure. But let me get this straight: You hire Janet Jackson and then you're shocked -- shocked! -- when she doesn't behave like a Girl Scout? It's a given that when you get into business with a Jackson, you're occasionally going to encounter a breast case scenario. That's just the way it is.

Given the whole star-spangled, mom/apple pie tenor of the event, it was shortsighted to plan a halftime bash around Nelly, Kid Rock, P. Diddy and Jackson to begin with. That's not exactly swift demographic planning for an annual event that is TV's big blowout of the year and as American as apple pie. So in large measure, CBS and MTV have only themselves to blame.

This doesn't make Michael Powell any less a strident prude, however. And when an administration insists on allowing the rampant politicization of broadcasting, this is the result. You wind up stoking national outrage over the brief flashing of a flap of skin, making you look like the real boob.

That's the naked truth.

Reuters/Hollywoood Reporter
Some of the commercials are getting crazy. I think she planned it, it has been pretty much established. I got more of a questionable look from my wife with the guy airing out his Genitals and dance over the vent, with what my 4 year old says was a dress.... Also not on the superbowl, but still on primetime commercials, the dog all over the face of the guy on the couch, eventually between his legs. (bestiality) .... Try explaining that one to a 4 year old asking what the heck are they doing.....
Her breast pales in comparison to some of the other stuff that comes across the airways......
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