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Good idea! Tim, would you like us to start a grassroots effort to change their minds?

When I need parts I’m still going to call there first and ask for Tim. Perhaps if the dealership had to turn away lots of callers willing to do business and asking for Tim, they’d see the error of their ways.

Operator: How can I help you?

Caller: Tim, please. I need a lot of parts.

Operator: Oh. He’s no longer with the company.

Caller: Well … that’s disappointing. Guess I’ll go somewhere else.

Operator: I can give you to the parts department.

Caller: No thanks. Bye.

Not that it would change their minds. But it might make them think the decision was short-sighted.
Do away with the internet department? They think the internet is a flash in the pan?:confused:
Sorry to hear about your being dismissed from your job. I ordered a lot of parts from you in the past and dealing with your department was always a pleasure. I'm sure you'll be able to find another position at a company which has a strong internet based operation. This may be a great opportunity for you start over and even relocate if the situation allows.

Good luck and enjoy the time off temporarily with your family.
Just wow. Tim, I can't believe this has happened. You have always been a great resource for parts & advise for all of my Hondas & Acuras. I have no doubt that you'll land on your feet somewhere at a dealer that has some brains (or is that an oxymoron?)

Hang in there, big guy---
I like that idea. It'll be my process for when I order parts EVERY single time from here on out.

When I need parts I’m still going to call there first and ask for Tim. Perhaps if the dealership had to turn away lots of callers willing to do business and asking for Tim, they’d see the error of their ways.

Operator: How can I help you?

Caller: Tim, please. I need a lot of parts.

Operator: Oh. He’s no longer with the company.

Caller: Well … that’s disappointing. Guess I’ll go somewhere else.

Operator: I can give you to the parts department.

Caller: No thanks. Bye.

Not that it would change their minds. But it might make them think the decision was short-sighted.
Do away with the internet department? They think the internet is a flash in the pan?:confused:
When I need parts I’m still going to call there first and ask for Tim. Perhaps if the dealership had to turn away lots of callers willing to do business and asking for Tim, they’d see the error of their ways.

Operator: How can I help you?

Caller: Tim, please. I need a lot of parts.

Operator: Oh. He’s no longer with the company.

Caller: Well … that’s disappointing. Guess I’ll go somewhere else.

Operator: I can give you to the parts department.

Caller: No thanks. Bye.

Not that it would change their minds. But it might make them think the decision was short-sighted.
Do away with the internet department? They think the internet is a flash in the pan?:confused:

While that sounds good and everything on here, quite frankly, you are right that it wouldn't make a difference for one glaring reason that I see in this example. You are talking to an hourly employee and probably the lowest paid employee of the entire dealership.
I you wanted to make a point, then go ahead and get connected to the parts department and ask for the parts manager and then ask for Tim. When you are told that he doesn't work there any longer, then ask questions about why and how long ago did he get let go. Not saying that that would help him get his job back, but it would certainly let them know that he did in fact have a loyal following and they would have a lot better of an idea of how much business and ultimately $$ that they are missing out on.
I don't think that would make a difference honestly, but I thank you all for your kind words and your support.

I really enjoyed working for the dealership for as long as I did, and helping out all of you that I was able. I consider you all among my friends. I think that the major part of the rapport that I've achieved with my customers lo these many years was due to the fact that I treated each customer like a friend, and then they quickly became one. I never sold a part that I felt was unneeded, and gave advice when asked. Because, I enjoy cars as much as everyone that called :)

So all taken into account, at this point, I'm trying to ascertain my own direction. After the last two weeks of being housebound with the exception of filling out papers, worrying about my kids' medical coverage (now taken care of through my ex), and doing some long overdue paint work in the house, I'm feeling somewhat drained. I know I just have to be patient until the next opportunity presents itself, but I have faith that it just may in the near future.

If any of you feel like chatting, drop me your number..... my email is [email protected] :)
C'mon man. Pick yourself up by the boot straps! You sound a bit down by this. It could all be a great opportunity.

You have alot pf knowledge, a great reputation and a nice following. If that dealer couldnt see that you were worth it, no big deal, move to a place that can appreciate your skills.

Get started at another dealership, Im sure many guys will follow you. I wish I could get out of this cold so easily! :smile:

Move south man!
Just a bit adrift is all. I'm sure that some of you can identify with that, as many of us identify themselves in part with our jobs and the work we do.

My spirits fluctuate a bit, but all in all, I'm fine. In fact, I've been looking at online jobs thinking of what might be fun to do. For example, I always wanted to work the "I Got It" tent at the fair.

"Toss in ball number one!" :D HAHAHAHA
This is such sad news.
I had been buying parts from Tim since late 1990's. He had given me the best prices from day one. My snap ring failure on my 1992 were fixed with all the parts provided by Tim. All the OEM parts for my HID kits were also provided by Tim. I remember calling him to buy the caps the first time, I think I wanted 30 something. Tim was apparently shocked and asked me to repeat the number again. Through the years, I just called him and identified myself as Steve Howe from San Francisco, he would remember the exact part numbers of the parts I needed. He is a friend and I am very shocked to have found this thread.
I wish him the best with a new job and great health.
First Jon Martin from Cerritos Acura and now Tim!? This was at Ray Laks Acura right Tim? I was about to place an order w/ u next week..... :(
Just a bit adrift is all. I'm sure that some of you can identify with that, as many of us identify themselves in part with our jobs and the work we do.

My spirits fluctuate a bit, but all in all, I'm fine. In fact, I've been looking at online jobs thinking of what might be fun to do. For example, I always wanted to work the "I Got It" tent at the fair.

"Toss in ball number one!" :D HAHAHAHA

Yea I know how you feel... I was laid off in sept 09 and wasn't able to find work until february 2010... its a tough market out there even for us IT guys.
Guess what? I'm back!!

Kind of a funny story. I get an email on Facebook from Dennis Cavanaugh, parts manager at Acura of Peoria, in Peoria AZ, about a week and a half ago, asking me if I was working yet. After two half-hour phone conversations, I was on a plane to Phoenix. They hired me on the spot, and I started back working again back in the Acura circles as of Friday last week :)

If you guys are in need of anything, or want to just say hi :) , I'm available by the same [email protected] email address, and AIM. The phone line here is getting dropped in the end of this week, but I'm available by my home phone at the moment.....email me, and I'll send my number along :)

After 15 years with Acura, and 8 weeks away, boy does it feel good to be back :D
Guess what? I'm back!!

Kind of a funny story. I get an email on Facebook from Dennis Cavanaugh, parts manager at Acura of Peoria, in Peoria AZ, about a week and a half ago, asking me if I was working yet. After two half-hour phone conversations, I was on a plane to Phoenix. They hired me on the spot, and I started back working again back in the Acura circles as of Friday last week :)

If you guys are in need of anything, or want to just say hi :) , I'm available by the same [email protected] email address, and AIM. The phone line here is getting dropped in the end of this week, but I'm available by my home phone at the moment.....email me, and I'll send my number along :)

After 15 years with Acura, and 8 weeks away, boy does it feel good to be back :D

Great News Tim!!! So are you staying in Buffalo or moving to Phoenix?
Congrat's Tim ! I'm sure I will be talking to you in the near future.
Yea!!! Timmy's back.

Congrats. Sounds like you'll be working from home.
Congrats! You certainly won't need snowblowers in Peoria! :smile:
congratulations, nice to hear some good news... pretty cool what a good reputation can do for you, isn't it?
Congrates Tim! Acura of Peoria was who I have dealt with since I've owned my NSX which is now going on 3 years.

Looking forward to calling or ordering parts from you in the future. Nothing needed lately since I've pretty much rebuilt my car, but I am sure small things will come upin the future!