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10 July 2002
Buffalo, New York USA
Last week Friday, the dealership officially closed the internet department.

I have nothing but good things to say about the dealership and the people that I worked for, however after almost 10 years running our internet operations, I'm finding myself looking for work.

Thanks to all of you that have been great customers and great friends over the years....you've all meant a lot to me, and it's sad for me personally to have to say goodbye......

Meanwhile, to those of you that have known me, and are willing to offer me a letter of recommendation, or have advice to give, I'd highly appreciate it.

My email is [email protected] at home, the other account to the best of my knowledge is closed. I'm also on Facebook, under my name.

Thanks, to all, for your support and business.....
This is a huge disappointment to all of us. Best of luck in finding a new path that will be even more rewarding and fruitful for you and your family.
Sorry for the lost Tim. You were my first OEM NSX parts vendor on here and provided great customer service as always. Good luck with the job search.
Wow that is a huge dissapointment. I hope you find something soon, its a tough job market out there. :frown:

Thanks for all the help you gave me when I ordered my rear valance for the NSX and the seat parts for my Pilot.

Best of Luck Tim! :smile:
You should move here and get a department started at our Acura dealership. Ours consists of a kid putting out of date floormats on a local for sale forum. :rolleyes:
Sheeeite, Tim. ??? Dunno what to say. You were my first call... :redface:

You to please continue posting here on Prime. About life in Buffalo, NY. About your winter blizzards. About snowblowers. About pinball machines. In the joke of the day. About greasy spoons on I-90 and I-80 between Buffalo and Toledo and heaven knows where else. Mallo cups, too, and the Mallo cup prize you will certainly (eventually) win!
Keep your chin UP, our friend. :smile: Hang tough.
This is terrible news. I hope you stick around and keep us posted on your situation, share stories, etc. I have no doubt you'll be in a better situation soon!

Good Luck. Even though we never talked I feel for you and remember to keep your head up high. A lot of people, including both my wife and I went through it the last 12 months. Work at it like you did during the day and you will find something good.
Sorry to hear that. I just got the word on Monday that I will be laid off at the end of March. It is getting really bad out there job wise. I am starting to think a depression is upon us despite what the govt. and media are trying to get us to believe. In some parts of CA unemployment is over 25%. Over half of my former co-workers at my previous company are out of work (IT related).
That's very sad to hear. The prices were good, but it was you who provided the great service. Good luck in your search, and we hope to hear you landing in an even better situation.
Lots of vendors offer discounts, but they don't all offer the sort of trustworthy, and familiar customer service that you do Tim. I have been buying parts from you for 8 years man! I can't help but say that I feel a sense of loss right now. For one, I feel for you and your family in this time. You are all in my prayers. For another I have no idea who to call for the floor mats, and crossbars I need for my Pilot- there was never a question of where to call, and now suddenly there is....

As I learned of this news over on Piloteers, I know your internet presence is huge. Hopefully there is a vendor watching that will realize the obvious here- when Tim Poliniak is hired he brings along a clientele of trusting customers who are willing to spend money with you (Tim) first. In the big world of internet dealings that HAS to mean something.

Best of luck Tim- good things to good people I know you will be alright, but I'll keep you and yours in my prayers anyway.

Philip Glorioso
Sorry to hear about that.....I am sure you will pop up soon somewhere.

Sorry to hear about you losing a job, you have always been a great source for parts and the service was always great as well as very personable. Hopefully you can find yourself back in a similar place soon, and hopefully NSX related.

Maybe you can show future employers this thread so they can see that you had a loyal following and that you did offer a great service, with a smile! :wink:

Sorry to hear that Tim. You have done me and the community a world of good in your favors, discounts and service these past years and you will be sorely missed.

How can a dealership close it's internet department???
If you have a following and a good computer with high speed modem,maybe you could consider contracting with multiple dealers to setup and run an online store...
Say it ain't so! I just started ordering parts from you last year based on a co-worker recommendation and recommendations here- I should have finished up my orders while you were still there...

Thanks for the customer service- you had promised to get parts to me by a certain time, and not only did you come through for a weekend event, the parts came early so that I had plenty of time to do installation and check-outs. It's people like you who create loyalty to a business- let us know if you stay in the field at a new place.

Good luck with the job search!
Sheeeite, Tim. ??? Dunno what to say. You were my first call... :redface:

You to please continue posting here on Prime. About life in Buffalo, NY. About your winter blizzards. About snowblowers. About pinball machines. In the joke of the day. About greasy spoons on I-90 and I-80 between Buffalo and Toledo and heaven knows where else. Mallo cups, too, and the Mallo cup prize you will certainly (eventually) win!
Keep your chin UP, our friend. :smile: Hang tough.[/QUOTEAnd you life, Your a good friend to us all!
Man Tim...just got the word today. You were always around for us and provided the best of service. Good luck in your future endeavors. What a bummer for you and the NSX community. :frown:

Anaheim, CA
That's terrible! You've ALWAYS been my first and last place I would ever call/email/IM to get my honda/acura parts. This sucks......

I wish you the best of luck!
When I need parts I’m still going to call there first and ask for Tim. Perhaps if the dealership had to turn away lots of callers willing to do business and asking for Tim, they’d see the error of their ways.

Operator: How can I help you?

Caller: Tim, please. I need a lot of parts.

Operator: Oh. He’s no longer with the company.

Caller: Well … that’s disappointing. Guess I’ll go somewhere else.

Operator: I can give you to the parts department.

Caller: No thanks. Bye.

Not that it would change their minds. But it might make them think the decision was short-sighted.
Do away with the internet department? They think the internet is a flash in the pan?:confused:
Sorry to hear this Tim...I wish you all the best and thanks for making odering from you so easy over the last few years.