Fan and Air Pump Question

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
I was informed that for 2000+ NSXs, they replaced the fan w/ an air pump for emission purposes? I don't know what exactly this means. Could someone please explain how replacing the fan w/ an air pump will affect the emission?

Also, can this be done to pre-2000 cars?

Thank you.
Thank you!
alright, I got the smart guys on this thread! I am looking for info on the fan in question. I have a 91, and my fan is not running. Does it activate at certain temps. or all the time?

If it is all the time, any info on a good source for that 30 amp fuse replacement? THanks,


I also noticed that my engine compartment fan was not running. I tried letting the car idle for a while, the front cooling fan would cycle on and off but nothing from the engine compartment fan. I had my Acura tech check into it for me.

Here is a highlighted section from the service manual he provided.

"When the radiator temperature sensor detects a coolant temperature above 183deg.F it grounds the GRN/BLK wire to energize the radiator fan low relay. With the relay contacts closed, the radiator fan motor is grounded through the radiator fan resistor. The fan runs at low speed to remove heat from the coolant. When radiator temperature sendor detects a coolant temperature above 194deg.F it ground the BLU/RED wire to energize the radiator fan high relay and the engine compartment main relay. With the relay contacts closed, the radiator fan motor runs at high speed to remove heat from the coolant. The closed contacts of the engine compartment fan relay applies battery voltage to the engine compartment fan. The engine compartment fan runs to remove heat from the engine compartment."

Basically, to get the coolant level up to 194deg.F you have to be driving in very severe conditions and possibly have part of your radiator blocked. I guess you could drive really hard some hot hot day and pull over and check the engine compartment fan. As mentioned above maybe the engine compartment fan was found to be useless and was removed.
