Facebook stock, anyone make money on it's opening day?

15 October 2003
West coast!
Where do you guys think this company is headed?

I'm surprised it hasn't been discussed in this section yet - here in the bay area it was a pretty hot topic as all eyes were on the CEO and the opening day of trading.
I think that the have a LONG, HARD road ahead of them. The IPO will give them the money to buy acquisitions which is the only way the company will grow.

Most people I talk to, myself included, are getting burned out. I really don't give a rats ass about my long lost friend's dog that pooped on the floor, or how they had to take their kid to the Emergency room at 3am last night. People on FB are sharing way too much and 90% of it is complaining and bitching.

The way I look at FB is that I can offend the most amount of people with the least amount of effort. ;)

IMO it is not worth any where close to the valuation. At one time MySpace was the big thing. At one time AOL was the big thing. FB will probably come and go.
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I now noticed when I search for something on Google, one of the top 5 links is to facebook. That should be a $$$$$ for Google.
Whats Facebook?

<--------Never had an account

FB will be at MySpace levels in 4 years.
Most people I talk to, myself included, are getting burned out. I really don't give a rats ass about my long lost friend's dog that pooped on the floor, or how they had to take their kid to the Emergency room at 3am last night. People on FB are sharing way too much and 90% of it is complaining and bitching.

Exactly why I deactivated my account months ago, and really have no interest in turning it back on.
Where do you guys think this company is headed?

I think in 10 years the company won't exist(or exist the way Yahoo or AOL exists).
I think the stock will be close to $3.00/share in 24 months.
The IPO price had the decimal wrong IMO.
I think FB is like Google, who cares about their initial entry into market. Now they have so many outlets and cash they could just buy up a bunch of "what's next" companies. A chain of 7 elevens or what ever will be making money. Amazon doesn't just sell books anymore.
I think in 10 years the company won't exist(or exist the way Yahoo or AOL exists).
I think the stock will be close to $3.00/share in 24 months.
The IPO price had the decimal wrong IMO.

what's the difference from yahoo and google? They both started out as search engines. I don't know too much details. Maybe management or something is my guess. One had the real search crawling too.
I think that the have a LONG, HARD road ahead of them. The IPO will give them the money to buy acquisitions which is the only way the company will grow.

Most people I talk to, myself included, are getting burned out. I really don't give a rats ass about my long lost friend's dog that pooped on the floor, or how they had to take their kid to the Emergency room at 3am last night. People on FB are sharing way too much and 90% of it is complaining and bitching.

The way I look at FB is that I can offend the most amount of people with the least amount of effort. ;)

IMO it is not worth any where close to the valuation. At one time MySpace was the big thing. At one time AOL was the big thing. FB will probably come and go.

Strangely enough, that's almost exactly my reasons for not buying. I don't think the analysts that drove the price up actually used Facebook. As someone under 30, who has had it since the beginning in college, I figured the same thing from my experience.
what's the difference from yahoo and google? They both started out as search engines. I don't know too much details. Maybe management or something is my guess. One had the real search crawling too.

Google is funded by the CIA which helps.
I think in 10 years the company won't exist(or exist the way Yahoo or AOL exists).
I think the stock will be close to $3.00/share in 24 months.
The IPO price had the decimal wrong IMO.

The decimal was exactly where the insiders wanted it to be - the IPO was an exit, a payday, for all the shareholders. This IPO was never about raising capital, it was about capitalizing on the peak of Facebook's hype.

Facebook had $4 billion in cash as of March 31st, what do they need additional funds for? New computers??

EDIT: That said, I completely agree with your predictions.
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Two words -- "decelerating revenue"......... stay clear.
The decimal was exactly where the insiders wanted it to be - the IPO was an exit, a payday, for all the shareholders. This IPO was never about raising capital, it was about capitalizing on the peak of Facebook's hype.

Facebook had $4 billion in cash as of March 31st, what do they need additional funds for? New computers??

EDIT: That said, I completely agree with your predictions.

+1 to this. That is my take as well
I think that the have a LONG, HARD road ahead of them. The IPO will give them the money to buy acquisitions which is the only way the company will grow.

FB is already the largest social networking company on planet earth so who else can they or need to acquire?

The question is can social network generate the income like search engines (i.e. Google). My answer is it will be difficult. FB is not a technology company like GOOG and never will.

I was in FB on their IPO day and got stopped out by my limit order.
The decimal was exactly where the insiders wanted it to be - the IPO was an exit, a payday, for all the shareholders. This IPO was never about raising capital, it was about capitalizing on the peak of Facebook's hype.

Facebook had $4 billion in cash as of March 31st, what do they need additional funds for? New computers??

EDIT: That said, I completely agree with your predictions.

Good point. I actually saw on CNBC a reference to how this IPO is a good show of the 1% vs 99% concept. The 1% suckered the money from the 99%.
Apparently any hedge fund could buy as much as they wanted before the IPO was even released.

Personally I'm done with the stock market in general. Seems way to sketch to rely on it for my retirement.
...Personally I'm done with the stock market in general. Seems way to sketch to rely on it for my retirement.

The stock market is a government controlled casino. If you like taking risks with your money, it's a 50:50 bet what you will win money. Unfortunately small investors like you and I will never win at this game.
Where do you guys think this company is headed?

It's hard but not impossible.

Same is true with gambling. If you're good, you can make money betting on football games, playing poker, etc.

One thing that gets me, if you do a google image search for "dow adjusted for inflation" and "dow priced in gold" the charts SHOULD match up, but they don't. My conclusion is inflation numbers are a lie. If you're willing to agree gold is the best meassure of inflation, then this is the famed US stock market. Note, obviously doing nothing with your money means you're losing a % of it every day. At least the stock market adjusts for real inflation.


Adjusted for inflation:

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With interest rate close to 0% it's tough these days. Putting the money in the bank you get a negative return due to inflation. Putting the money in th stock market is more like a gambling these days, you get a 50/50 chance to win. Putting the money in real estate we see how the subprime wiped out the whole sector. Maybe now is a better time for real estate as some good news been coming out recently. Or, simply just use the money to pay down on the mortgage?
104b market cap?

Bahahahahhahahahahaha. That IPO was for suckers. Overpriced stock of an overrated company. The private stakeholders made out like bandits though.