Facebook stock, anyone make money on it's opening day?

too many shares,not enough buyers.I was fooled.
Q: How does a company lose $50b of value in two weeks?

A: It never existed
i think fb will be around for a while, but from history fb reminds me of the hype (and dropping back to reality) that myspace, aol, yahoo, internet, linux, pharmaceuticals bubbles of the past. hell look what's even happening to rim!

I think that the have a LONG, HARD road ahead of them. The IPO will give them the money to buy acquisitions which is the only way the company will grow.

Most people I talk to, myself included, are getting burned out. I really don't give a rats ass about my long lost friend's dog that pooped on the floor, or how they had to take their kid to the Emergency room at 3am last night. People on FB are sharing way too much and 90% of it is complaining and bitching.

The way I look at FB is that I can offend the most amount of people with the least amount of effort. ;)

IMO it is not worth any where close to the valuation. At one time MySpace was the big thing. At one time AOL was the big thing. FB will probably come and go.

smart move re stop limit. and i agree completely re it being peaked in its current form; it will need SUBSTANTIAL different outlets/products to generate real amounts of money to justify it's market cap. however with the amount of money that is available to them; they definitely have to resources to execute ideas/strategy .... it can go either way but only time will tell.

FB is already the largest social networking company on planet earth so who else can they or need to acquire?

I was in FB on their IPO day and got stopped out by my limit order.

i think it's hard but not impossible. alot of it is psychology and most importantly experience + discipline. i do beleive the 'holding for the long long term' re the hype stocks is a complete joke. imho its a race to the bottom with the smart ones (ie. zuckerburg + every other public company ceo in history) out the door first re those types of stocks.

The stock market is a government controlled casino. If you like taking risks with your money, it's a 50:50 bet what you will win money. Unfortunately small investors like you and I will never win at this game.


104b market cap?

Bahahahahhahahahahaha. That IPO was for suckers. Overpriced stock of an overrated company. The private stakeholders made out like bandits though.

for everyone i know that is heavily in the market; id say that 5-10% actually make a decent amount of money. everyone else never admits how much they have lost in the market; that includes my doctor/lawyer/ortho friends who for the most part are very book smart and intelligent. but we all know that the market is completely different animal altogether.

for those i know that did make a fortune it took about 25-30 years. i prefer to do something else during that 25-30 years (hoping to make a similar amount of money over the years) while not having to endure that sort of straining roller coaster stress (while trying to be happy living life and one day raising a family)!!!

best of luck to you guys who play this game.
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