F35-B Flight tests

I think that aircraft is quite amazing, though unfortunately ugly. What I would give to put it through its paces...Certainly would not want to be on the receiving end of any mission that beast had!
My mom's cousin is a Major in the Air Force and delivered one of the F-35s to a Navy Carrier for testing. He use to be a test pilot on the F22.
Here is a cool video of the joint strike fighter contest that this plane won.

part 1

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7WnQROVmik4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

part 2

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ukbr2UtzH3Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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UGLY?? I think it's bad ass good looking
These aren't made to win beauty contests. Function beats fashion.
It's really interesting how that giant panel opens above the lift fan, and that the plane does its short take-off with it almost at 90 degrees like a giant air brake. I guess it enhances lift because the air pressure there goes right into the lift fan, but it also seems like a hinderance when the plane is trying to transition to conventional flight. Does anyone know if the panel slowly closes as your airspeed gets faster?

The forces on that panel must be pretty strong and the actuator will have to work against them to close it.
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The video above shows the prototype with two doors. The production version has a single door. I saw the f35 side by side with the f16 at the Lockmart plant in Ft Worth, and it's the biggest single engine fighter I've ever seen. Side by side, the f16 is like an nsx and the f35 is like a gtr.
I love the idea of VTOL, however I think it compromises the ultimate function of a pure fighter with added weight and complexity. The Harrier was a fantastic aircraft for its time, the simplest solution for VTOL! Designed in the '50s and still in use today. But... against the later (over 20years ago) F16 or F18 it unfortunately shows it's compromised design.

I would like to see Lockheed forget the VTOL version and concentrate on fixing the airframe issues and get this aircraft into service!! VTOL is only really good for airshows and the old (now scrapped) British aircraft carriers.

Thanks for the video though. I never tire of seeing the most advanced tatical toys in operation.
My mom's cousin is a Major in the Air Force and delivered one of the F-35s to a Navy Carrier for testing. He use to be a test pilot on the F22.

I was in the program for a couple of years, on the gov't side. The program is an interesting effort in engineering. Throw in corporate welfare and the multinational approach and its a great way to spend money.

I believe the DoD tried a combo plane back in the late 50s. It ultimately created the F-111 for the AF, and the F-14 for the Navy. Seems nobody could make a plane that could serve both carrier based ops and bombing ops. So we add VTOL ops and lots more money.

Just my cynical 2 cents
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It's actually called STOVL (Short Take Off and Vertical Landing) on the F-35B.
With the AV-8B, it was called V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing)
They're the same thing IMO, so I don't know why the name change? :confused:

And I find most fighters beautiful and even some bombers too.


The comrades have some lookers too, particularly their Flankers.
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It's actually called STOVL (Short Take Off and Vertical Landing) on the F-35B.
With the AV-8B, it was called V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing)
They're the same thing IMO, so I don't know why the name change? :confused:

And I find most fighters beautiful and even some bombers too.


The comrades have some lookers too, particularly their Flankers.

Where's the love for the A-10?
A10, awesome plane as far as its capability goes, but nobody in their right mind would say its a beautiful plane. It's a ford pinto in the car world!!
A10, awesome plane as far as its capability goes, but nobody in their right mind would say its a beautiful plane. It's a ford pinto in the car world!!

This. Badass mofo. Not beautiful by any means.

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