EPS, TCS, Engine check etc...

11 October 2005

I've been reading the forum for the last few weeks trying to figure out whether the problems reported are anything like the ones I've got.

I have a 96 NSX and everything was going well untill the EPS stopped working. I did the reset with the clock fuse and this cured the problem for a few hours or sometimes a few days. Anyway, I had it diagnosed as a sticking relay in the control box.

The second problem: possibly unrelated, I bought a Gruppe M air filter, fitted it to the car and everything was fine for a few hours, then the CEL and the TCS lights came on both at the same time. I switched off the engine then restarted and they both went out for maybe 5-10 seconds. Now I have the senario of every time I turn on the engine the TCS light stays on and the CEL flickers on after about 5 seconds.

There is no change in the way the engine feels or sounds and I have since refitted the standard air filter in order to possibly rule out that variable.

The third problem or problems; about two days ago the remote CD palyer stopped working and so did the remote trunk catch on the drivers door.
I'd really appreciate some feed back as I'm reasonably close to pushing the car in a lake or setting fire to it.


Before you push it in the lake can I strip it for parts? :biggrin: :biggrin:

Take it to Autozone and have them run the OBDII diagnostic computer on it. The plug is located under a small cover just under the glove box door. They will pull the codes for you and probably be able to tell you the basics of what it means.

Then I'd get back on the computer and let the fine techs here know what you've got and they can point you in the right direction. Worked like a charm for me, saved a trip to the shop and cost nothing...

With regard to the warning lights, maybe the speed sensor needs to be replaced? I had these kinds of problems recently and replacing the speed sensor (thanks again LarryB) cleared it all up. I posted a follow-up to my old thread to bump it to the top of the forum. Have a look at my post titled "Electrical problem: need expert opinion but will settle for wild guess". Then search "speed sensor" using the search function for additional information.

My guess is that the filter is unrelated.
Thanks for your help guys. I also thought that the air filter was probably unrelated.
I've just booked the car into my local dealer, so hopefully they'll sort it.
The problem with owning an NSX in the UK is that very few dealers have any experience with these cars which can make problem diagnosis difficult.

Thanks again,

Papalazarou said:
Thanks for your help guys. I also thought that the air filter was probably unrelated.
I've just booked the car into my local dealer, so hopefully they'll sort it.
The problem with owning an NSX in the UK is that very few dealers have any experience with these cars which can make problem diagnosis difficult.
Same here in Germany. Be sure that the dealer has all the shop books they need for the NSX. And I would expect that your car maybe has no OBD plug like it was described here. This feature came later for european cars than for U.S. cars. But you can always read out the error code storage - described in the FAQ - it's a DIY action.

OBD plug (if there is one) can also be on the left side of the driver near the indoor fuse box - depends on model year and market. Earlier OBDs are indeed near the glove box.

just thought I'd update you on the faults I've Had.

EPS = Honda replaced the control unit with £500.00 discount on RRP.
It was still expensive, but 96 model UK cars weren't covered on the recall, so technically they didn't have to do anything. (having the original unit repaired also, apparently there's a stuck relay). :smile:

TCS = apparently no output so I have two choices.
1. No TCS or 2. a £2400.00 bill!!!!!
Currently I'm enjoying the no TCS option.

CEL = 02 sensor on rear cylinder bank, dealer wanted £255.00 + fitting + VAT!! found one £200.00 cheaper.

No clock/no CD player and radio does not hold its presets = I must have annoyed the clock fuse because after numerous resets it finally blew. Replaced it and now everything works!!

hope this helps someone.



P.s, Can you remove the TCS control box without upsetting other electronic functions?
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TCS and Check Engine Lights On

I had a similar problem with my 96 NSX. CEL and TCS lights both on. My OBD said that both oxy sensor heaters were bad. I was confused about the TCS light being on at the same time as the CEL light as I figured that there was no relation. After I priced the two replacement oxygen sensors at $250 + each I said...self forget having fun fixing it yourself and take advantage of the emissions extended warranty applicable to my 96 NSX.

I did just that and both oxygen sensors were replaced for zero $. In addition, the tech mentioned that the bad oxygen sensors caused a low voltage situation in the on board computer and that, in turn, caused the TCS warning to light.

Finally, the dealer gave my car a free wash.

All is well...no warning lights.
Papalazarou said:

just thought I'd update you on the faults I've Had.

P.s, Can you remove the TCS control box without upsetting other electronic functions?

Yes, you can just unplug the computer, leaving the box in place, or remove the box completely. It is located behind the drivers seat about shoulder height when seated. Large square silver box with molex connectors.

But I also agree with above, the TCS light comes on often with the check engine light. Your TCS is probably fine, just replace the oxygen sensor and see if it goes away.
I have a 1992 NSX with the CEL and TCS lights recently coming on after a few minutes of run time. I also think it's the speed sensor since my speedometer will for a few moments while driving go to zero and then bounce back. Anyone know if the OBDII plug is present in my model? I didn't think it was.
I have a 1992 NSX with the CEL and TCS lights recently coming on after a few minutes of run time. I also think it's the speed sensor since my speedometer will for a few moments while driving go to zero and then bounce back. Anyone know if the OBDII plug is present in my model? I didn't think it was.

No OBDII port on your car - too old. OBDII was fitted to cars built from January 1, 1996 and newer. For your vintage I believe you will find a Blue 2p connector top right corner of the of the passenger footwell underneath the carpeting or under the glovebox corner.

Follow this link for more information

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I have a 1992 NSX with the CEL and TCS lights recently coming on after a few minutes of run time. I also think it's the speed sensor since my speedometer will for a few moments while driving go to zero and then bounce back. Anyone know if the OBDII plug is present in my model? I didn't think it was.

It is not. You will need to find the 2 pin blue connector under the glove box. Jump it with a paperclip, then read the codes from the brinking CEL light.
I have a 1992 NSX with the CEL and TCS lights recently coming on after a few minutes of run time. I also think it's the speed sensor since my speedometer will for a few moments while driving go to zero and then bounce back. Anyone know if the OBDII plug is present in my model? I didn't think it was.

The OBD II protocol and standardized error codes did not show up until 1995 or 1996 as mandated by a change in US emission regulations. However, you can access the error codes that are causing your CEL to light up by shorting the service check connector under the glove box. This will cause the CEL to blink out a code which you have to record. Then find that code in the list of codes in the service manual to determine what the code is associated with. In the red tool bar at the top of the NSX Prime webpage there is a button called NSX Shop Man. That will take you someplace where you can get access to a service manual for you car. The procedure for retrieving the codes, the location of the service check connector and the error code list will be covered in the section of the manual dealing with the fuel system.
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