Enzo crash for charity at Irwindale, CA

If they can fixed the one crashed in Malibu for $250 grand, they can probably fix this one... let's say, for the price of a NSX-R:biggrin:
I'm glad nobody was hurt, but from a marketing perspective, spending $1.5M to lose a car in the hands of an inexperienced driver delivers as much buzz as spending many more millions on traditional advertising.

I'm not saying that the accident was intentional, but for the movie "Redline", it's a fortunate accident. The UGC (User Generated Content) from this video is spreading virally and couple that w/ the production quality replays of this crash on CBS, CNN, ESPN, etc, the publicity alone is worth the cost of four crashed Enzos.

Still sad to see such a beautiful machine wrecked, but at least it the loss will help the owner of the car and producer of the movie recoup handsomely from the added buzz.
Great marketing idea for a Car movie!!!!
Would not even be suprised to find out the crash was on purpose.

What a great idea! :cool:
I thought of some more... can't resist...

<IMG SRC="http://assets.espn.go.com/photo/2007/0327/rpm_w_griffin_enzo_275.jpg">
"You mess with the enzo, you gotta go!" :)

<IMG SRC="http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e150/MdawgKing/undercoverbrother.jpg">
"Man, that wall was SOLID".

ok.... i'm finished... :rolleyes:
ok ok ... one more.... :D

<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/6277/undercoverenzopr0.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>
I don't understand how you can make this comment after watching a couple 2 minute videos. Where does it say he was not going to held accountable, like other overpaid entertainers? The poor guy wrecked a car and immediately had cameras thrust into his face: "Come on Eddie, give me a thumbs up". :rolleyes:

Eddie was right, "the brutha can't drive". He should have stopped there and walked away, but he did the same as probably most of us might have done given similar circumstances: He tried to make light of the situation.

Sorry about the car, but whose fault is it really? If I put him behind the wheel of my NSX and he did that I'd have to accept a lot of the responsibility myself.

It was more of a general statement, not necessarily direct at Eddie Griffin.

I'm just tired of reading about how some in Hollywood live their lives recklessly without any regard for those they may hurt along the way. I was never a fan of the Enzo, so I could care less that it was totalled. However, Eddie Griffin being nonchalant about wrecking such an expensive car is equivalent to someone burning $100 bills to light up a cigarette.
You don't use $100 bills to light your cigarette? Hell, we use em to wipe out ass at our house! :tongue:

Hell, it'll buff out! :biggrin: Why is everyone pissed off for? It's not like he crashed a nsx! geez! He'd need an a$$ whoopin for that!

Boy, I really do love this pic! lol Thanks neo! That's hella funny!

Big deal, he crashed a car during autocross. Clearly wasn't his fault whether he knew how to drive or not. Those barriers were WAY too close to the cones. Poorly setup course.

And yes, when a non actor crashes an enzo it does make news. Remember the video game guy who ripped his enzo in half on the pch?
Great marketing idea for a Car movie!!!!
Would not even be suprised to find out the crash was on purpose.

What a great idea! :cool:


Just heard on the radio this morning in LA that the crash was staged...

Apparently (an inside source said...)it was a $350k replica that was used for the 'staged' crash to draw attention in the media to the movie...

All I have to say to that is... Well Done my friend, well done...

Just heard on the radio this morning in LA that the crash was staged...

Apparently (an inside source said...)it was a $350k replica that was used for the 'staged' crash to draw attention in the media to the movie...

All I have to say to that is... Well Done my friend, well done...

Is that why that thing did not turn at all? :p

Just heard on the radio this morning in LA that the crash was staged...

Apparently (an inside source said...)it was a $350k replica that was used for the 'staged' crash to draw attention in the media to the movie...

All I have to say to that is... Well Done my friend, well done...

I don't buy that, a replica cost $350k?
I was never a fan of those deuce bigalo movies. What a waste of a pristine engineering machine.
IMO it was the real thing, they screwed up and are trying to take advanage of their losses, both $$ and PR.
Ah, stupid enzo was just commiting suicide. It was heartbroken that it could never be as good as a nsx no matter how many ferrari emblems they could slap on it.
I'm not sure if it's just a planned publicity stunt, will Eddie risks his life hitting the barrier, I was guessing it's at least 50mph when he plunged into the barrier.

Something to considered, if it's planned, Eddie doesn't seem to have helmet on him. And if Eddie needs to risk his life, might as well find the best car in the world, (isn't that a guy total the enzo in miami at 100+mph and walk awsy?) or say, might as well crash in "style".:biggrin:

I got sucked into watching the redline trailer... in fact, I'm a little happy to have another car movie.

The sad part is, way too much crash scenes. When? just when someone will figure out that only stupid people enjoys crashing and things blowing up??

How much longer we'll have to wait for a movie produced by car lover? If you think about it, the Best motoring and/or Hot version DVD sells for $30+ for a reason. (Demand /supply theory... just to show how many car people out there in the market.) Just freaking take off all the crashing scenes, those people could watch Nascar all day long in Speed channel.
If these Enzos keep getting crashed like that, like the one on pacific highway, in paris, florida, Irwindale CA etc... In 30 years, they will be even more rare, and we will hear the auctioneer at RM classic car auction saying " 1 of only 3 surviving Enzos........SOLD.......$10 million dollars ! "
If these Enzos keep getting crashed like that, like the one on pacific highway, in paris, florida, Irwindale CA etc... In 30 years, they will be even more rare, and we will hear the auctioneer at RM classic car auction saying " 1 of only 3 surviving Enzos........SOLD.......$10 million dollars ! "

More like 50+ million dollars by then. A 60's cuda just sold for 3M, so a Ferrari worth 1.5M in todays dollars will be worth a ton of money in 30 years .