Enzo crash for charity at Irwindale, CA

Wow. That's why actors have stunt drivers. what an idiot!:eek:

That just ticks me off....how do you total an Enzo in a friggin' parking lot?? Seriously!! :mad:

That movie he is on is already on my bad side....plus, Eddie Griffin is probably too dumb to realize what he just destroyed. Sure looked like he did not care much.

eeeww.....I'm gonna go puke now:eek: ..........where is the stunt driver????or any driver??

what a goon. I dont care for that guy at all, he should not have the "luxury" to sit behind the wheel of that car, or any car!

I have now lost all respect for eddie griffin. What happend to the awesome eddie from voodoo child? GAH!

Eddie Griffin is not funny.

There seems to be no accountability among these overpaid "entertainers".

Dude, give the guy a break! :rolleyes: That's why its called an 'accident!!! What's he supposed to do sit on the sidelines and cry on camera? You guys don't even know the whole story... all we saw was a short *edited* clip of what happened!:confused: If he doesn't have experience with driving those types of cars, then the Producer should not have put him behind the wheel.

It's just like people who get mad at kids and want to put them in jail when their PARENTS put them behind the wheel of a sports car and they kill somebody... blame the responsible party is all I'm saying. Geesh, he's a human being for christ's sake. I'm sure he felt remorseful, and didn't just laugh it off...

Glad he's ok. Shame about the Enzo.

These are the kind of comments I expect to see from a more mature crowd...
I can understand Griffin's mistake.
However, I did not like his cavalier attitude about the accident when he was interviewed after it happened. He even made some jokes about it and came across looking like a big jerk. :rolleyes:

If it were my car, I never would have put him behind the wheel in the first place. If I were Eddie, I would have been a whole lot more sympathetic during the post crash interview.

He is nowhere near as funny has he was years ago. Maybe he needed some press time and this was all he could get. Heck, its better than doing drugs, skipping out on rehab and cutting off all of his hair or flashing his short and curleys in public! :biggrin:

Nate in DC
I agree completely with ShiftyBob's comments... I am hearing a lot of ignorance with too much conviction behind it. It sounds like many of the posters imply that the Enzo carries more value than the person behind the wheel... sad.
I wouldn't call it an accident. Put an unqualified driver in a super exotic at a race track, and you see the result. The comedian should not have been behind the wheel.

"Stupid is as stupid does" You are what you do. The Enzo owner/the producer, is an idiot.

another news clip
The only reason people are getting so uptight is because it's an Enzo.

"Ooh...1 less Enzo for the rest of us to have"

How many of us could even get an Enzo? Come on.
I don't care for Eddie Griffin but I agree completely with Bob. Give him a break. Put all of the blame on the producer.
The only reason people are getting so uptight is because it's an Enzo.

"Ooh...1 less Enzo for the rest of us to have"

How many of us could even get an Enzo? Come on.

Speak for yourself my friend. Here's my Enzo

IF Enzo was alive today...someone would be getting a pencil in the mail:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Speak for yourself my friend. Here's my Enzo


Is it pull back or rechargable???lol

It really IS just another stupid car. Eddie and the producer can afford to pay for the little mistake. Sh!t happens to the best of us.

To be honest, I let my bestfriend drive my nsx. He jokes about accidentally crashing it into a guard rail, cliff or fencing someplace. I really could care less about the car. He can afford to fix it if something happens, and I can always get another.
Eddie Griffin is not funny.

There seems to be no accountability among these overpaid "entertainers".

I don't understand how you can make this comment after watching a couple 2 minute videos. Where does it say he was not going to held accountable, like other overpaid entertainers? The poor guy wrecked a car and immediately had cameras thrust into his face: "Come on Eddie, give me a thumbs up". :rolleyes:

Eddie was right, "the brutha can't drive". He should have stopped there and walked away, but he did the same as probably most of us might have done given similar circumstances: He tried to make light of the situation.

Sorry about the car, but whose fault is it really? If I put him behind the wheel of my NSX and he did that I'd have to accept a lot of the responsibility myself.
(call me sick, but...)

when i first read the title, i thought, "geez, i've heard of 'dunk the principal for a prize', 'alms for the poor" and "jews for jesus" but i've never heard of 'enzo crash for charity', and where do people get enough money to willingly crash an enzo for a charity, anyway?" :(

glad to learn it wasn't intentional, maybe they oughta stick with bumper cars. (otoh, i'm betting they've received more publicity for the new film / this actor than they could have received otherwise)

bummer about the car.
From LiveLeak.com...

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="370" wmode="transparent" data="http://www.liveleak.com/player.swf?autostart=false&token=b74_1175004585"><param name="movie" value="http://www.liveleak.com/player.swf?autostart=false&token=b74_1175004585"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="quality" value="high"></object>

Comedian Eddie Griffin Crashes Rare Ferrari
IRWINDALE, Calif. (03/27/2007) -- Comic Eddie Griffin crashed a rare Ferrari Enzo worth $1.5 million, and the whole thing was caught on tape.

It happened at a race track near Los Angeles while Griffin was promoting his upcoming film, "Redline."

Griffin was taking part in a promotional charity race at the Irwindale Speedway when he drove too fast around a curve. Video footage showed the red sports car screeching before it ricocheted off the barrier with heavy damage to its front.

A publicist said Griffin walked away uninjured. The car's owner said it was totaled.

Only 400 Ferrari Enzos were ever produced, all between 2002 and 2004.

Griffin's credits include the comedies "Undercover Brother"; "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo" and its sequel; "Date Movie"; and "Norbit."
"I'm glad Eddie came out of the crash OK, but my dream car got destroyed," Sadek said. "I went to my trailer for about 15 minutes and I thought, there's people dying every day. A lot of worse things are happening in the world."

Good to hear he realizes there are more important things in this world than his cars.

Wow, a whole 15mins.

I am sure he hopped into his S7 and cried all the way home about world atrocities.

Honestly I'd be more upset at the stupidity of the event planners who set up the autocross track right next to some concrete barriers. After all these are apparently amatures driving mega $$$ exotics. At least put a large area for run-off so that horrible understeers don't end up as $1 mil write offs! Of course the barriers were probably put there to allow the "press" to get up close to the action... well then they should have put a tire wall in front! Poor planning, poor driving, poor movie. At least EddieG walked away unharmed.

There is another older vid of a F50 at an autocross event that was set up right next to a 1 story drop off. I remember the driver in that one hitting a track worker as he plummeted off the ledge. Who sets up a autocross course right next to a unprotected ledge!?!?!
Dream car being an enzo? I don't know about that now. Especially since they were only built for 2 years and very recently. Maybe he had a short dream or something. Guess it's just me, but my definition of "dream cars" are usually those from our childhood.
Do you think it would have made national news if the driver wasn't an actor?

And think of all the free advertising the producer has now for HIS movie. You know he had the car insured.

So he's out nothing and your telling/posting all about how stupid the producer is :confused:

Still think he's so dumb? Getting all this attention worldwide for FREE :smile:

I think he's jumping up and down hoping you remember to see his film.
I'd be more upset at the stupidity of the event planners who set up the autocross track right next to some concrete barriers.

Exactly. Complete stupidity.

I've spun out on many an autocross track and can't say that I wouldn't have done the same on this one, in any car.